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  • weitzner
    Aug 1, 12:51 PM
    well if the argument was to make a completely cross-platform DRM that would work in all media players and on all portable music players, that would be fine with me- especially if napster and all other music stores were being scrutinized too. personally, i think that most people buy from the ITMS after they have an iPod because it's easy. and downloaders aren't demanding that the DRM be licensed to other music players because they are happy with the iTunes-iPod solution. i think these suits are well-intentioned but misdirected. the demand should be for completely cross-platform files- then the music player license issue would work itself out.

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  • GQB
    Apr 16, 12:05 AM
    Yes and Palm smartphones and Blackberries never existed before the iPhone.

    Name anything that did not build upon previous knowledge.
    The 'Apple hasn't invented anything' meme is such nonsense.
    Making things usable and desired is probably the biggest invention possible.

    And by that what do you mean. iPhones had little impact on phones like the BB Curve

    Yeah... And how's that Curve doing?

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  • petrucci666
    May 3, 03:39 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Love using tetherme cracked on iphone 4 to use personal hotspot with my unlimited data. :)

    Yeah, until you get a text saying that you have been upgraded to the capped tethering plan without agreeing to it.

    I have unltd data, a jailbroken phone and Tetherme and believe me, I'm ready to fire this puppy up any second to use with my iPad but I'm holding back from doing so because I don't want to be forced into the capped tethering plan which is more expensive and less efficient than what I have now. Carriers suck, period.

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  • noahtk
    Apr 29, 03:39 PM
    The power of Mac OS X. The magic of iPad.

    Oh god...

    Very scary indeed. :mad:

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  • Megakazbek
    May 3, 10:33 PM
    You're getting negative votes on your post just because people here know that Apple will never do that
    I don't really see why Apple will never do that. When Jobs said styluses are crap, obviously he didn't mean styluses as writing devices, he meant styluses as the way to interact with OS.
    Education applications seem to be of some importance to Apple, and stylus support is pretty much required to make iPad useful for students, for example.

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  • iliketomac
    Jan 15, 01:20 PM
    Yes I agree. The MBAir is attractive but short on some features for its hefty price. A few hundred dollars less, then it would be a good deal, IMO. But eventually the specs will get better and better for either the same price point or reduced price points over the course of time... Also, it looks like no Apple Remote and Front Row for the MBAir??

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  • cwedl
    Jul 24, 05:55 AM

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  • mcrain
    Mar 4, 03:18 PM
    Really? You don't believe in that whole 'teach a man to fish' crap?
    I suppose you also think the solution to African starvation is sending them bags of rice, corn, wheat w/out teaching them to plant some?

    The liberal view is to build schools that teach people to fish, hire people to teach, treat the teachers well and then send the students off into the world with good educations. Liberals then try to protect the lakes and rivers so that the fish can be eaten, and so that fish can thrive and be caught by the fishermen. When bad times happen, as they always do, liberals are willing to help the fishermen survive natural disasters, famine, draught, and the occassional cold spell (luck and weather). Liberals stand hand to hand with their neighbors, knowing that as their neighbor thrives, so do they.

    The conservative view is to set up a corporation on the banks of the lake/river, hire fishermen from out of the country, make enough profits to make a machine that harvests all of the fish available, then dump the waste back into the river/lake poisoning the lake and forever destroying the habitat, and finally, adding fillers and cheap materials to sell canned "authentic fish product" to the people. When the fish run low, the business relocates its operations and hires foreigners to fish, and then requires a government bailout when the people can't afford to buy their products.

    Go fish.

    (edit) Don't bother posting your usual response about how conservatives give more and are more charitable. I'm talking about liberal government policies.

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  • Veri
    Oct 1, 01:23 PM
    You should realize that everything we have in the physical world deteriorates eventually and that things are not really what is important.

    Historical preservation is precisely about determining the difference between one of 1 million "things" of plastic and an object which conveys information about some period's culture, identity, art, technology, etc. I live in one of fairly many Grade II Listed ( buildings in the United Kingdom, much older but not quite as large as old Steve's, and there is no surprise when purchasing such a building that you are significantly restricted in what you can do to it. If you are found to have made a modification which is not permitted, it will be your money which pays to have it restored to its original state.

    It is absurd to suggest that historical preservation is about envy just because others have the means to destroy historically valuable objects. Indeed, those who want to destroy an interesting creation to make way for their own concern me far more. What is it about the past that you don't like, Jobs? Your firm makes a habit of claiming to innovate where it does not; surely this is not a projection of how you live your private life?

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  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 17, 04:15 PM
    Under sharia law a woman who was raped would need like 9 witnesses to prove the man guilty. And her testimony in other cases would be half that of a man's.

    Sharia law isn't a very good thing to bring up ;)

    Indeed I would hate to live under such a system...
    but, I do think that it is worth reminding kids who smugly proclaim that they are involved in illegal activities because of skewed morals and misguided self-entitlement that there are penalties and consequences for such actions... don't you?

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  • princealfie
    Apr 8, 01:56 PM
    I will be picking up an Asus EEE Transformer from Best Buy soon. That device looks mad deadly!

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  • iJawn108
    Nov 16, 05:30 PM
    why why why why why their mobile line is not as good as intels.

    I think apple should team up with sun microsystems and make sparc notebooks than. Starting at a low price of $5000.:p

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  • jhu
    Oct 29, 08:31 PM
    hey, im all for apple not releasing this software to the public.

    Why? it may mean less viruses or hacks.

    security through obscurity doesn't really work as well as its proponents would like to think. take pgp for example. it's completely open. how many cracks have there been for it?

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  • radiohead14
    May 3, 03:02 PM
    1. Root
    2. XDA Forum
    3. Side load
    4. ???
    5. Winning.

    it's amazing what those XDA devs could do. great helpful community there.

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  • arn
    Nov 23, 04:19 PM
    $11, oh wow! :eek:

    Every penny counts though, right? ;)

    As stated above, the sale is more for street traffic. The savings aren't that substantial. buying from amazon or another place that doesn't charge sales tax probably offsets any additional savings. But there is the added benefit that you get the product right away.


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  • skellener
    Apr 8, 07:11 PM
    Glad that B.S. turned out to be a rumor. Now I can use my BB credit and get an iPad2 when they are in stock....maybe Sunday!

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  • The Phazer
    May 3, 03:02 PM
    Users can of course work around carrier restrictions with methods known as "sideloading" that allow users to install apps through unapproved sources, but most casual users are undoubtedly sticking to mainstream, authorized marketplaces such as the Android Market for their needs.

    Hmm, I find this highly doubtful to be honest. Aside from anyone who's bought a locked down Android phone that doesn't allow sideloading, I would expect that nearly everyone uses it.


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  • *LTD*
    Mar 16, 09:52 AM
    Purely due to the amount of manufacturers creating Android devices.

    Which is the entire problem with Android. And which is why you will never, ever, see any single Android device outsell the iPhone.

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  • Calidude
    Apr 15, 09:24 PM
    Typical promotion of homosexuality. What else is new. They gotta find new ways to bankrupt us here in California.

    Nov 24, 07:31 PM
    nah. they're just updating the mb/p line

    Apr 29, 02:17 PM
    Now that OS X Server is bundled with the Client version, does this mean we should see a price drop on the Mac Mini server edition?

    Or maybe just better hardware specs to compensate for the cost difference?

    Or maybe there won't be a server version, you just have one Mac Mini, pick your options, and when you receive it, then you enable the server features you want...

    Mar 30, 10:31 AM
    Very interesting thread. It's a shame that you cant narrow it down to just one house. I'd be straight over, and the door would be kicked in. But...You dont really know whats on the other side of that door, so you should really take the police route. Then you can see the door be hoofed in. :D

    Oct 4, 01:59 PM
    Windows and Linux are running on the same platform, and both have proven SMP capabilities far beyond what Apple is selling.

    Most of the quad and octo systems at IDF were running XP, W2K3, or Vista. None were running OSX.

    Squarely wrong. Even "The Inquirer" has talked about the vastly superior multitasking AND SMP features of OS X Leopard, as compared to what Vista seems to offer. Damn, even today any version of Windows crawls far behind OS X in that (XP Home didn't even have SMP support in the first place).

    Second: the fact that IDF didn't have any "octo" machines derives from the simple and obvious assessment that Apple does NOT have any "octo" machines. Anything else would be just illegal.

    And the lack of any OS X-running "quad" machines is not surprising either, given the usual (and) historical focus of the IDF; besides, it's an easy fallacy to assert that the non-existence of machines "running OS X" in quad configurations at a certain event means a lack of capacity by OS X to do so. This statement has no basis whatsoever.

    Oct 2, 09:21 PM
    Well, he currently eyeing selling the tech to companies, presumably some of which are willing to spend big bucks to jam their way into the iPod + iTunes ecosphere. At least now, it's clear it's mostly about making moola.

    Yes, we all know the moral high-ground corporations take. Regardless of any moral principals involved, it is 'can we get away with it?', or even more disgusting, 'can we make enough profit to justify the legal settlement?'. It is truly a sorry state of affairs we find ourselves in; where the moral fiber of our country is solely based on the personal pursuit of wealth. Personally, I find this individual loathsome.