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  • croooow
    Apr 8, 08:17 AM
    what you(Best Buy) did was take $100 from the customer and lock them in from buying anywere else!

    Yeah, Best Buy took that $100 alright...they held a gun to each customer's head and told them flat out - "we have no more in stock so you better pay us $100 or else"

    If you believe this was actually some sort of BB ruse, and still paid your money, then you deserve what you get. Start taking responsibility for your own actions for a change.

    I don't think anyone is saying that Bestbuy did anything illegal. But it is not good customer service to take advantage of people in this way. People are led to believe that $100 will get them closer to the iPad they want.

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  • leekohler
    Feb 28, 09:12 PM
    I'm pretty sure I figured it out.

    I watched Wonder Woman too much as a kid! :eek:

    Well then, they have to explain me. I liked GI Joe, Captain America, Batman and played sports. It just gets more ridiculous the more they try with their junk science.

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  • mkjellman
    Sep 18, 11:14 PM
    to be honest - i've been looking at the lenovo offerings and i'm attracted. i have been a diehard apple fan my entire life, but if all it means is i have to use tiger clone (aka vista) but at least have hardware that is current with technology i'll buy.

    so yes, apple has a monopoly, but they can't be to jack ass about it because people will start to go other places no matter how good ilife is.

    there is no excuse that one of the top 5 notebook venders in the united states on intel architecture is behind this much its competitors.

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  • kdarling
    Apr 6, 02:32 PM
    As was pointed out by a previous poster, iOS was developed for tablet use.

    That's a common misreading of what Jobs said.

    iOS was developed for the phone first, although its idea of using a touch UI was not.

    As Jobs explained, there was a simple UI demo done on a touch device originally designed to be a keyboard input prototype. That demo gave him the idea to go all touch on the iPhone. That's what he meant by "the tablet came first".

    Since we know that during summer/fall the first iPhone UI concepts were done using iPods with wheels, his touch "eureka" moment probably came in late with the UI demo almost certainly done under OSX.

    According to all known histories, the actual creation of iOS didn't begin until 2006. Prior to that, some at Apple were still proposing using Linux for the phone OS.

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  • ImAlwaysRight
    Apr 12, 09:16 AM
    Im waiting til June, if iphone 5 is delayed then i will jump to a nice android smartphone. Many people forget that cellular market has changed a lot and now competition is harder than before, there are nice alternatives, very nice ones.

    Just what do all you whiners NEED in a smartphone that you can't wait for a 3 month "delay" in release of a phone? Cracks me up.

    And if any of you actually switch, I'll bet 2 months after the release of the iPhone 5 you'll be so jealous of its superiority over your current smartphone that you'll end up coming back to Apple. Apple knows this, which is why they laugh in your face.

    Apple iPhones are everywhere. I think I saw a gal in line at the supermarket on food stamps whip out an iPhone.

    And over 95% of iPhone owners are "dumb" users. They don't visit sites like this and if they are on iPhone 3G will probably upgrade to iPhone 4 if that is all that is available in June/July. And they will be happy. They will hear a little about iPhone 5 in Sept. but won't really care. That's the pulse of the American people. Geeks on this forum are in the minority.

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  • RedTomato
    Aug 12, 03:58 AM
    Ah but Finland is a tiny social democrat country that's home to some of the world's largest mobile companies. They like to give a bit back to their home communities.

    For example, deaf people in Finland get free / very cheap video-capable mobile phones and very cheap video calling rates so that they can sign to each other on the phone. (or access sign/ spoken language translation services - very important for work)

    The rest of us deaf people around the world are screaming for the same thing, but do we get it bollocks? Videophoning on a mobile remains majorly expensive for anything more than a few minutes per month.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 28, 04:00 PM
    Because there was never a question of wither or not any of those men were born in the US, with Obama the past was always a bit hazy as to if he was actually born in Hawaii or thats just what his parents told him. Obviously he doesn’t remember BEING BORN in hawaii..his parents could have just told him that.

    But now we have proof and its all over with there’s no need to be calling names about it.

    I'm sorry, but why was there a question about whether Obama was born in the US? Why even ask such a question? Why you think people wondered? And John McCain certainly was not born in the US, but birthers never concerned themselves with that little tidbit, did they? Did they ask McCain for his birth certificate? Why was there never a question of other presidents being born in the US? How was it so "obvious"?

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  • grue
    Apr 12, 12:56 AM
    I like Motion, just wish the timeline was a little better.

    People actually use Motion, for actual work?

    Motion is a lot like After Effects, if After Effects' mom got drunk, did some crank and tossed herself down a flight of stairs every Friday night during her pregnancy, and then delivered a breech baby with the cord wrapped around its neck.

    and then dropped it.


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  • JFreak
    Aug 8, 04:05 AM
    Looks like this will be a significant upgrade. Tiger was not what it was promised to be, in my eyes at least, so now I'm thinking they have finally made it better than Panther.

    Let's see...

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  • dustinsc
    Mar 22, 12:53 PM
    Assuming this gets out of vaporware status, it looks pretty good. The custom interface also looks good. Apple better have some improvements to the UI (ahem, notifications) in iOS 5

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  • faroZ06
    Apr 27, 08:52 AM
    I'm old-fashined I guess because I have no interest in having a smartphone in the first place. I just have a standard flip-phone. By owning a smartphone, you are always going to be faced with privacy issues because if you are using facebook/twitter and whatever else you are using to broadcasting your information. If you don't want advertisers to use your information, stop using social networking sites and search engines and stop being connected.

    I also use a flip phone. It's cheaper, less likely to be stolen, better for calling, and inspired by Star Trek's tricorder :)

    But I have an iPod Touch which I nearly lost...

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  • OceanView
    Apr 11, 01:46 PM
    I can live with it if they include a larger screen, 4G, Larger Capacity and the A5. Possibly 1GB RAM. That would be sweet :)

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  • hyperpasta
    Aug 5, 06:01 PM
    My guess is that it won't happen until 07

    I have my money on 06. Tiger was an especially API-heavy release. It introduced Spotlight, Dashboard, and Automator, which all depend on developers to extend them. In addition, it introduced other technologies of interest to developers, such as Core Image and Core Video.

    If we look at the Leopard rumors, we can see the following features being feasible:

    *Unified Interface
    *Windows Virtualization
    *New Finder
    *iChat with Phone Calling
    *Maps application
    *Random Application Updates
    *Improved Speech capabilities
    *Collaboration API ("Core Collaboration?")

    Now lets narrow that down to features of interest to developers:

    *Unified Interface
    *Collaboration API

    Not such big changes. Unless there are some wild cards in there (and I hope there will be!) that are developer-centric, this is a pretty easy release for developers to swallow. This will be a consumer-centric release.

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  • 63dot
    Aug 18, 09:21 AM
    and if you guys have old powermac g5 dualcore sitting around because you got a new mac pro. i'll help you dispose of it no problem. i'll even do it for free. ;)

    hey bokdol, you and i can start a business and help all the intel mac pro users dispose of their old G5 power macs

    we can go into business :)

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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 12:32 PM
    I forgot the most obvious thing that has been missing since FCP has existed. When outputting to tape, we shouldn't have to drag a sequence over to "Assemble". We should be able to hit the Assemble button for the current sequence open.

    Also, I hate how the Preview takes up the whole screen. I much prefer the Avid way where you can see your sequence and playhead move live. It would be awesome if FCP allowed you to zoom in/out during edit to tape so you could check your work as you output.

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  • rezenclowd3
    Nov 25, 01:18 PM

    Just found out...the gamesave is locked. Fudge....

    One can make a system backup, but I would like to move my save about. Ugh..

    Another note, redeeming my Gamestop code only netted me the Nascar car, not the stealth Mclaren, which is the ENTIRE reason I purchased the Collectors Edition. Others are reporting the same issue. BTW it DID download, its just not in the dealership.

    Anyone see where the Red Bull prototype car is in the game?

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  • mkruck
    Apr 6, 05:01 PM
    I'm an Apple mobile device user, and I have never ever been on an Android-centric forum. Not one time! Why would I care what people who have such an obvious difference in taste think about what I have?

    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    At least go have your Android orgy, where it may be appreciated by others who care to watch that type of thing...wait...there are such things as Android forums, right?


    It could be considered being close minded and afraid of new things.

    Just saying, you know?

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  • 840quadra
    Apr 25, 03:42 PM
    See, I have a very different opinion.

    Apple has an image of things just working. Apple actively promotes this image. The image is includes the idea that people don't have to worry about the details, like security of their devices. Even for backups, Apple makes it so all you need to have full backups is plug in an $50 usb drive.

    That said, looking at the iPhone the way it is intended to be used, it's an accessory of your computer. A mobile remote with limited access to the "main" computer. If we except that view point, then;

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 7, 10:16 PM (

    CrunchGear reports ( that BestBuy may have stepped into some trouble with Apple due its handling of iPad 2 sales:A reader who works at Best Buy just told us that there�s been a bit of a misunderstanding between the electronics retailer and Apple. Apparently, Best Buy was holding off on selling the iPad 2s it had in stock, telling customers there weren�t any when in fact they had just reached their quota of sales for the day.According to CrunchGear, Tim Cook is involved in ongoing negotiations about the issue. Meanwhile TUAW posts ( a very similar account from another anonymous tipster: He claims that until further notice, the mammoth electronics retailer has had all stock except demo units pulled.

    Article Link: Apple Pulling iPad 2 from Best Buy? (

    Mar 22, 01:02 AM
    This makes me want to go have lunch at the Cafe My Lai.

    Oh wow, I didn't catch that until now.

    Mar 22, 02:25 PM
    The screen is not 50% smaller. Nice way of making yourself look stupid.
    What BaldiMac said. The 3" increase in screen size of the iPad more than doubles the screen's dimensions.

    Mar 25, 10:51 PM
    So is there real resolution independence or just a x2 mode?

    This. Until this happens displays won't advance any further for actual computers (non-tablet) because there are so many form factors.

    Apple can spend the time to make graphics for each flavor of iPhone or iPad because there aren't that many to deal with. It becomes a lot more difficult to do this across a large range of products. Besides, computers are getting to the point where they are too powerful for most users (hence the popularity of the iPad). A retina display option would give people more incentive to upgrade their desktops, laptops, etc. I think?

    As a designer, I'd love a retina 27" ACD. 300dpi right on my screen, almost perfect. Now if we could just get the color/brightness a little more accurate...

    Mar 31, 03:00 PM
    John Gruber's take:

    Can't say I disagree.

    The real Android bait-and-switch is calling the platform "open" to consumers. Sure, there are a few "Google Experience" devices that have not been mutilated by handset makers, but even those often have closed hardware. The way I see it, Google uses this ruse of openness to get geek support. Geeks then advocate their platform, which is a great form of marketing.

    The reality is that any Android handset with a locked bootloader or no root access from the factory is just about as closed as any iOS device (or BlackBerry, WebOS, Windows, etc. device). The open vs. closed = Android vs. iOS argument is ridiculous, because it focuses on the part of the platform (underlying source code) that matters the least to almost all users.

    Sep 19, 11:58 AM