call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps

call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. Call of Duty: Black Ops Map
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops Map

  • bigandy
    Jul 21, 02:09 PM
    oh dear, i seem to be drooling....

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  • DeaconGraves
    May 4, 04:50 PM
    exactly! if the app's sole purpose was to create a boot disc, then that's awesome. if someone the app could create a boot disc and upgrade the OS, then that's awesome.

    however, if the app will only install lion on a machine running a working copy of snow leopard, then there will be problems.

    keep in mind, right now exactly 0% of the products sold on the app store will run without the OS already installed.

    And there's been exactly 0% of Operating Systems sold on the app store. And 0% of stories that downloading Lion will be excactly like downloading every other app on the app store.

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  • call of duty black ops map

  • clibinarius
    Mar 27, 12:02 PM
    I just don't understand the thought of an iPad 3 this fall. Unless they're trying to line up iPad updates with iPod updates, I don't see how this is possible or even really needed. I like the timing of the current releases. It offsets any updates of iPhones and iPods because they all have different release times.

    Having iOS 5 this fall does make sense, honestly.

    Maybe they'll release the ipad pro: Retina Display, 2 gigs of ram, 128-256 flash ram, and oh yeah, a price tag of $2000.

    I mean a high end tablet would have some appeal...

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. BlackOps Map Pack2 (Escalation
  • BlackOps Map Pack2 (Escalation

  • Chase R
    May 4, 10:10 PM
    My guess:

    They offer it on the Mac App Store, and on a USB stick (for about $10 more).

    I don't really see how the Mac App Store idea would work, though, since the drive needs to be (well, should be) formatted prior to installation.

    I'd opt for the physical OS.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. New Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • New Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • appleofmy"i"
    Mar 26, 10:39 PM
    There will be an iPad launch this fall (not with iPods) and it will be a minor upgrade, much the same as we have with the Macbook/MBPros now. The aim is to replace the MacBooks with iPads (for the mainstream market at least) and as you know a year is a long term in computer terms. iPad 2 second release update will include NFC to be compatible with the iPhone 5 to allow for sharing and features to been seen with iOS5. The iPhone five will see summer release on schedule.

    Must note I dont have privileged info but watch come time.:apple:

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  • Call of Duty Black Ops TDM

  • zim
    Nov 22, 07:21 AM
    I'm hoping for Apple to sell them. I think it is about time we break away form the buy into the plan get your phone deal. I would be willing to pay for a phone if it was of good quality and had usable features.. unlike the junk phones that I have had.. my current phone doesn't even have a working screen but since I was told it is my problem I decided why fix it? none of the options ever worked with my mac :mad:

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  • Details of map pack 2 for Call

  • tbrinkma
    Mar 29, 07:05 PM
    The plant with mass rates of suicide is in China.

    Yep, the plant with the 'mass rates of suicide' (which are lower than both the national rate, and the rate in areas similar to that plant), is in China. (It's amazing how memes stick around and get repeated in spite of the fact that they aren't supported by any data.)

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  • call of duty black ops map

  • mrblack927
    Apr 21, 05:02 PM
    I think the next Mac Pro refresh will be a huge milestone. Not only will it be the first case redesign in nearly a decade and add all the latest tech (USB3, sata III, thunderbolt, etc) but I believe Apple will take this opportunity to finally revise the pricing structure. Over the past few years, Apple has been making a clear shift towards the consumer market. Part of that is arguably negative ("dumbing things down") but the positive is more reasonable prices. The Mac Pro is the only computer left that hasn't been revised. My hope is that Apple will create a few models of the new Mac Pro, at least one of which is an affordable mid-range consumer tower starting under the the $2,000 mark.

    Unfortunately, they will probably wait to use the new performance desktop/server sandy bridge CPUs which Intel won't have ready until Q4 2011 (or later). If that's true then we won't see these new beauties until 1H 2012. :(

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • Multimedia
    Sep 16, 12:19 AM
    If you really want longer battery life, then you should be hoping to keep the X1600. It's regarded as having the best "performance per watt" of recent mobile GPUs.I'd rather have a bigger battery and a Go 7700. I've not seen any decent figures for power draw on the mobile chips. The 7700 is manufactured on an 80nm process tho', so that should help some.
    Whichever uses less battery power is what I would prefer as long as it can still drive a 30" ACD or Dell when it's plugged into AC.Personally, I hope (well, pipe dream actually) they'll make MBP build-to-order like Mac Pro. I'd downgrade the CPU to the 2.0GHz version. It wholesales for $130 less than the 2.16, and $340 less than the 2.33. That's way too much to pay for a fractional speed increase.

    OTOH, the 2.0 Xeon is $370 less than the 2.66 and Apple only cuts the price $75 for two of them. That's robbery. So I guess MBP BTO probably wouldn't help me even if they did it.The 2GHz downgrade is $300 not $75. Where did you get that number? Apple probably pays a lot less for each so this discount seems fair to me. Seems to me the down and up grade Mac Pro processor pricing is geard to steer buyers to the 2.66GHz model. I don't agree with you Apple is stealing anything from any of us. I think your use of the word "robbery" is not appropriate expecially since your figure of $75 is a flat out fabrication of your imagination. :rolleyes:Bear in mind custom options effectively "cost" Apple a lot more due to requiring special attention in a way the rest of the line doesn't. More so with the laptop line due to the processor being socketted rather than soldered.Dyslexia at work. Laptop processors are directly soldered to the LB to keep the profile slim, iMacs & minis socketed.Personally, I think the 2.33GHz part price is insane considering the small speed-bump, but that's up to Apple.While I agree the 2.33GHz upgrades are too expensive on the iMac, I expect the 2.33GHz will be the standard part in both the 15" and 17" top MBP models - no doubt on the 17". Who knows, Apple's cost per 2.33 may even drop every 30 days or so in their contract with Intel.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • iRobby
    Apr 21, 04:51 PM
    Is this an IOS device?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • macnews
    Jul 21, 02:10 PM
    Glad I didn't decide to buy a new MBP in June! I have plans to wait until after WWDC, but I think we might see a change in processor before than. I don't see moving to a newer Intel chip as being a "big" developer issue.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. lack ops map pack 2 call of
  • lack ops map pack 2 call of

  • Hattig
    Jul 30, 07:13 AM
    Someone above mentioned the software that would be required on the Windows side for syncing.

    Well, in the supposed leaked 10.5 screenshots a month or two ago, people noticed that iCal and Address Book appeared to be merged into a single application.

    Apple's got its interface libraries and more working on Windows already - iTunes, Quicktime. I'm sure that whilst not simple, it wouldn't be too hard to get this new PIM application running on Windows. Same with iPhoto, for camera phone pictures.

    So the iPhone's Windows software pack would comprise of iTunes, iPhoto, and iCal/iPIM. Clearly iPIM will have iSync capability integrated into it, much like iTunes and iPhoto manage their own data syncing themselves. I hope there is a way to sync text and multimedia messages too. Indeed iPIM may be more targetted for these phones, and include necessary photo syncing capabilities from iPhoto itself.

    On the Mac, the iPIM (someone think of a better name!) app may be separate from iCal/Address Book/iPhoto/etc, but merely sync the data to each of these applications' datastores, whilst providing a simplified GUI interface for each of these datatypes in a single application.

    What do other people think?

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. of Map Pack 2 for Call of
  • of Map Pack 2 for Call of

  • Unorthodox
    Aug 2, 02:08 PM
    How about this for WWDC:

    --Talk about how great the switch to Intel is going
    --Praise developers work on Universal apps
    --Talk about pro software
    --Sit down and preview Leopard
    --Talk about new Core 2 Duo
    --Oh, by the way the iMac I have been using has the new Core 2 Duo

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • slipper
    Nov 5, 01:57 PM
    It is cheaper to buy a standalone unit. But then you have to carry around 2 things instead of 1. For some people (including me), that is the major selling point of using the iPhone for navigation. I don't like bringing stuff with me when I travel. The more my iPhone can do, the less junk I need to take with me. It has already replaced my iPod and my laptop. If it can replace my Garmin too, I'm willing to pay extra to make it work.

    As for the apps that download maps on the fly, I'm not interested in those as my ONLY navigation solution. There are plenty of places I drive that don't have any cell coverage at all, let alone 3G. I want an app that has the maps preloaded. I haven't decided between the available apps yet, but I am leaning towards Navigon. If their traffic thingy works well, I'll most likely go that route.
    So i assume you will be carrying the TomTom mount and iPhone as one piece at all times? :rolleyes:

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. Call of Duty: Black Ops has
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops has

  • mcrain
    Apr 14, 04:25 PM
    It's time to raise the capital gains rate and make it progressively tied to income taxes.

    Or just treat all income as ordinary income and eliminate all the preferential treatment certain forms of income enjoy. Eliminate capital gain, business, gift and estate taxes, and treat all income from all sources as ordinary income and tax accordingly.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • h1r0ll3r
    Apr 26, 02:38 PM
    Poor Symbian. Nobody likes you. Even "Other" is more desirable than you :(

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • Frobozz
    May 4, 03:31 PM
    I wish all software was handled through a single entry point, like the App Store. That way updates are handled through it, instead of a series of unrelated and often annoying separate updaters. Never understood why this wasn't more of a priority 5+ years ago, even.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • kalsta
    May 5, 11:00 PM
    What does that have to do with anything? :confused:

    Even if this was somehow relevant …

    You're the one who is always talking about the financial cost and economic return, as though it's all about money. I was just having a bit of fun with that topic. Don't take it too seriously. :)

    Not with their reasoning. My scientific literacy is pretty good, and I don't have an inherent mistrust of science which many Americans do.

    Gosh, then you won't be able to plead ignorance on judgement day! :eek:

    I don't doubt scientists when they advocate for the metric system, in science. Howeve, since most of the advantages of the metric system are really reserved to the sciences, the question of whether or not everything in life should be metric really isn't a scientific one; it's an economic and convenience one. In my daily life I do not need to easily convert between the mass of water and its volume or take temperatures relative to the boiling point of water.

    So you're saying that science has nothing to do with everyday life? Cake for the elite and bread for everyone else??

    I see no good sense in that. If the metric system was intrinsically difficult to use in everyday life, then maybe you would have a point. But it's not — it's actually much, much easier to use once you learn it.

    You say that you have no need for it in your personal life… but you know, I think you'd find it's a bit like an iPhone in that respect. I kept my old Nokia 5110 phone well past its use-by date because I honestly didn't have a need for anything beyond making and receiving phone calls. When the iPhone came out in Australia, I snapped one up because I wanted to have one less gadget in my pocket (iPod and phone) and now I don't know how I did without all those incredibly useful apps. The metric system, as many people here keep pointing out, enables some pretty easy mental arithmetic. You'd use it if you had it.

    No, but that doesn't mean that we should transition now either. It all depends on the ease of transition. This is why I think long term transitioning is the only real option available. Do things piecemeal in order of greatest economic return, and if there is no economic return on a particular item, forget it. There's no point in switching to something that is going only cost money; at some point there needs to be a positive return for it to make sense.

    You say it's about the 'ease of transition' but in the next breath you argue that it's all about 'economic return'. Personally I think you're clutching at straws to defend the fact that your country is behind the rest of the world in its ability to institute any kind of consistency with its system of measurements. But, we can agree to disagree.

    call of duty black ops map pack 2 maps. call of duty black ops map
  • call of duty black ops map

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 23, 05:02 PM
    Good article on the subject: "Consider The Retina Display" (

    It's linked in the post (but judging from a lot of the responses here, nobody's read it.)

    Apple OC
    May 2, 08:10 PM
    Don't you guys in the great white north buy milk in bundles of 4 1 liter bags anyway. :p


    usually 3 one litre bags ... for the price of 4

    Mar 30, 09:19 AM
    Any one had trouble using Safari? I had to switch to Chrome to get the upload to work, but I have a few Safari Extensions installed.

    Apr 7, 03:23 PM
    I feel like im taking crazy pills...I think theres some confusion as to my feelings on the topic. Apple SHOULD include a discrete GPU in all of it's PRO Macbook line. Period. If you want a more exotic upgrade, fine. But to give a high end, expensive notebook integrated graphics is pure rubbish! Now, does Apple make more money by their status quo? Absolutely. Is is the right thing for the consumer? NO.

    Aug 4, 01:03 PM
    Apple never was a part of Mhz rat-race. Look at its bestselling Powerbook. How fast was it compared to the then PC laptops. Anyways, WWDC is suppose to be developers conference, so we should speculate more about Leopard and hopefuly MacPros (because they are long due) insted of iPods and MBPs.

    It sure was! Anyone remember when the Pismo hit 400MHz, and Intel's best was still at 333MHz (or somethign to that effect)?

    Apr 10, 09:07 AM
    It's obvious. The answer is ALWAYS 42.

    As for the math, the equation is ambiguous. Another set of parentheses would help.