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  • 11thIndian
    Apr 6, 07:38 AM
    The functions inside FCP do not need the OS support. Apple can install private frameworks, and they do it already, for their own applications. So i think they will support SL.

    AV Foundation brings back QT7-features to QTX. Apple uses AV Foundation in the new QTX-player of Lion.

    And AV Foundation is what allows iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad, with their significantly slower processors and reduced RAM, to view and edit h264 media.

    AV Foundation sidesteps ALL the problems of QTKit. It's a fresh start.

    Here's a great article from Philip Hodgett's site:

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  • lara logan assault images.

  • DotComName
    Apr 25, 01:52 PM
    Number 1: Apple is apparently labeling the reports as false
    Number 2: Who even cares if Apple or Google or Microsoft or any corporation is tracking our location? What things are you involved in where you would even care? What harm could their knowledge of that information cause you? (apart from the crackpot theories of paranoid people)...
    People will sue for anything these days and hopefully legislation will be passed soon to stop the ridiculousness.

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  • lara logan assault pics. lara

  • aricher
    Sep 13, 09:56 AM
    Clovertown is a 64-bit CPU.

    Ask your PC-loving IT guy if he uses Windows XP64 and more than 4 gigabytes of RAM. If not, then 32-bit processors are apparently okay for him, too.

    hee hee - thanks.

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  • lara logan assault photos.

  • Reach9
    Mar 22, 03:12 PM
    Someone give Android's UI and Playbook's UI huge recognition so Apple will change it's old grid-like UI.

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  • lara logan assault photos.

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 19, 02:19 PM
    Well if I'm wrong about the information, then I don't think anyone will argue about the fact that the Palm OS has been around since 1996, and the Apple iPhone uses a similar interface..

    All I'm saying is that If there were devices using a similar interface before the iPhone came out I don't see how its fair to sue anyone for it..

    I said that in another thread and was laughed at.

    Its the same idea though. Its a grid layout with icons that are shortcuts to Applications. Same idea.

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  • lara logan assault video. lara

  • 11thIndian
    Apr 6, 07:38 AM
    The functions inside FCP do not need the OS support. Apple can install private frameworks, and they do it already, for their own applications. So i think they will support SL.

    AV Foundation brings back QT7-features to QTX. Apple uses AV Foundation in the new QTX-player of Lion.

    And AV Foundation is what allows iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad, with their significantly slower processors and reduced RAM, to view and edit h264 media.

    AV Foundation sidesteps ALL the problems of QTKit. It's a fresh start.

    Here's a great article from Philip Hodgett's site:

    lara logan assault pictures. Lara Logan
  • Lara Logan

  • emotion
    Aug 11, 10:20 AM
    What OS will the iPhone be running? :confused:
    If people want a Treo replacement, you are going to have top consider whether:
    1. calendar - hopefully you can port over Palm to iCal
    2. contacts - to Mail/Address book
    3. will there be a keyboard - personally I send a lot of mail/texts so would want to keep the "thumb-board" ;)

    I think the device is likely to be iPod based (the underlying OS can handle a lot more than audio and video playback i think).

    I'd love some thumb board capability but nt at the expense of size. If this thing is a brick it's not gonna work out.

    lara logan assault pictures. Lara Logan: Assault in Egypt
  • Lara Logan: Assault in Egypt

  • troop231
    Mar 22, 12:56 PM
    I agree.

    But who in their right minds would want to own something called a Playbook? :o

    Hugh Hefner of course.. :cool:

    lara logan assault pictures. lara logan assaulted.
  • lara logan assaulted.

  • guzhogi
    Jul 14, 04:00 PM
    According to Appleinsider, the Mac Pro would have 2 4x and 1 8x PCIe slots. I see two problems with this. (1) All higher-end PC mobos out now have at least 1 16x slot, some have 2 for SLI/Crossfire. Why would Apple shoot itself in the foot like this? The Mac Pro is supposed to be a lot better than all other PCs. (2) Why only 3 slots? PCs have 6 or so (as did the Power Mac 9500 & 9600) with a few regular PCI slots. Why would Apple shoot itself in the foot like this? The Mac Pro is supposed to be a lot better than all other PCs. It would be nice to have 2 16x lanes for SLI and a few PCI slots for older expansion cards and cards that don't need the bandwidth of PCIe. Besides, this is supposed to be a Pro Mac, which means professional people would want to add a bunch of cards, not just 3. I'd expect a person working in something like movie production would want to have dual graphics cards, a fiber channel card to connect to an xServe RAID and maybe an M-Audio sound card for audio input. Since I don't work in movie production, I wouldn't know, but it would make sense.

    lara logan assault pictures. lara logan assault details.
  • lara logan assault details.

  • xStep
    Apr 11, 08:20 PM
    There are thousands if not more of us who would gladly pony up and stick with Apple.

    Nailed it

    Difinitely not. I won't say where I'd agree and disagree with for the rest of it, but that last sentence isn't right. Thousands implies a rather low number. Not nearly enough revenue for Apple to keep working on FCS. ;)

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  • lara logan assault video. lara

  • notabadname
    Mar 22, 03:45 PM
    iPad: 1024x768
    7.76� x 6.82�
    45.2 square inches

    PlayBook: 1024x600
    3.54� x 6.04�
    21.4 square inches

    lara logan assault pictures. Lara Logan at the Glamour
  • Lara Logan at the Glamour

  • Super Dave
    Aug 8, 12:50 AM
    Also a very good point, so I need a bigger main HD for my MacBookPro (the new Seagate 160GB becomes interesting) for Time Machine, but i still need to back the hole thing up to an external HD in case of a HD crash (I had 2 in the last 8 months!). So Tine Machine doesn't make Backups obsolete, I didn't even think of that up to now. Hmmm..

    Time Machine is backup, it's not for on the same drive (or nothing implied it was).

    David :cool:

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  • lara-logan-sexually-assaulted-

  • ergle2
    Aug 27, 10:36 PM
    Do you mean Vista Premium compliance? I'm pretty sure I've seen "Ready for Vista" stickers on plenty of current notebooks featuring GMA950 graphics, for example.

    And btw, I have to say "good job" to Apple for doing whatever was necessary to avoid having to put a bunch of goofy decals on their computers. The most amazing thing to me is the number of PC notebook users that leave all those stickers on (I've even seen some people leave the "features" stickers on).

    Looks like GMA950 is "good enough" for the Premium sticker. From what I'd read from Intel, it sounded like you needed X3000 if you wanted better than the "Compliance" sticker, but I guess Intel want to sell newer, more expensive chipsets ;)

    Still, based on what I've read about it thus far, if I had to have one, I'd rather have GMA950. Tho' right now I lean towards not buying anything that lacks discrete graphics.

    As for stickers... I don't really care, to be honest. They just peel off anyway. Probably a win for Apple purely because the lack of them looks much "cleaner" for the demo models in the store, and I doubt the majority of people take any notice of them. Most won't even know what they mean, I suspect.

    lara logan assault pictures. Lara Logan (above), the chief
  • Lara Logan (above), the chief

  • Heilage
    Mar 1, 12:01 AM
    Heterosexual couples need to reserve sex for opposite-sex monogamous marriage. If I had a girlfriend, I might kiss her. But I wouldn't do that to deliberately arouse either of us. If either of us felt tempted to have sex with each other, the kissing would stop right away. I know of a woman who gave an excellent answer when men asked her why saved sex for marriage. She said, "I"m worth waiting for." She lived by her Catholic convictions, and she wouldn't risk letting any man use her as a mere object, as a mere tool.

    You can condemn me to Hell if you want to, I'm still gonna bump uglies with my girlfriend.

    On another note, please join us in the 21st century. Why is it so important to you what other people do? Wouldn't it be very crowded in Heaven if everyone did as you said?

    lara logan assault pictures. lara-logan-gi.jpg
  • lara-logan-gi.jpg

  • geerlingguy
    Aug 16, 11:29 PM
    That's great that Adobe apps runs well under Rosetta in the new Mac Pro.
    It makes very tempting to buy one.
    My only concern comes to any Rev.A of any hardware.
    I'll wait and buy the next version of Mac Pro. I think then, even under Rosetta Adobe apps will fly in comparison to the Quad G5. Can't wait for the universal apps though.

    Always a judicious choice. I know that my Dad had about 6 months of little gripes with his DP G5 (1st generation) because of fan and 'buzzing' problems. He was kind of a 'beta tester' of the new hardware until a firmware update fixed his main problems.

    Plus, if the 1st generation turns out to be reliable, you could get a used 1st gen. machine for a nice deal once the 2nd gen. machines are released!

    lara logan assault pictures. lara logan assault.
  • lara logan assault.

  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 25, 01:54 PM
    why isn't there an opt-in (apart from the general 'eat **** or die' TOU) or at least an opt-out for this?
    It's opt-in. When you first use an app that requests to use location data iOS asks you if that okay and you can deny it. You can also opt out by turning location services off..

    why is it so easy to access the data?
    Put a pin/password on you phone and encrypt your iTunes backup (it's a simple checkbox in iTunes preferences). You're secure.

    I can't possibly see how the plaintiffs can win this one.

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  • lara logan assault pictures.

  • CaoCao
    Mar 1, 05:00 PM
    ^^ Well maybe, but the Obama administration doesn't believe that law is constitutional.
    Gov't seeks to uphold DOMA in gay lawyer's lawsuit

    The Justice Department says a lesbian federal employee should still be denied permission to add her wife to her health insurance despite the Obama administration's refusal to defend a federal law banning recognition of same-sex marriages.

    Government lawyers told a federal judge Monday in San Francisco that the administration will still enforce the Defense of Marriage Act until it is struck down by a court or repealed by Congress. They say its new position on the act's unconstitutionality is irrelevant.

    Karen Golinski is a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals lawyer suing the Office of Personnel Management for not authorizing family health coverage for her wife. The circuit's chief judge has twice ordered the office to allow it.

    The Justice Department says the rulings were not binding because they were made in the judge's role as Golinski's boss.
    I can't help it if you live in a backward country. I was talking about civilised norms. And whatever your cockeyed definition, it is still not equality.
    Right, that's why England is preventing a married couple from adopting.

    lara logan assault pictures. Lara Logan Assault Details:
  • Lara Logan Assault Details:

  • wmmk
    Aug 17, 03:32 PM
    And for what purpose? Would any of you drop the $3500 needed to upgrade to the latest Mac Pro? Or is it just the drool factor, like when you look through Car and Driver and drool over an $80K sports car?
    Some people do things called graphic design and video editing for a living. Sometimes, when you want to make money and put food on the table, you want top of the line equipment.:rolleyes:

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  • lara logan assault pictures.

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 06:49 PM

    Can somebody explain me the differences between the cellphone market between the US and Europe.

    Will a 'iPhone' just be marketed to the US or worldwide (as the iPod does)?

    The biggest difference would be that in europe we use GSM-system (900 Mhz and 1800Mhz) whereas US use both CDMA and GSM (850MHz and 1900Mhz)
    A typical triband GSM phone enables you to call more or less all over the world whereas a CDMA is more or less restricted to use it in US and some countries in Asia. CDMA and GSM are two incompatible system like windows and OSX, i.e they dont "speak" with each other. One difference you notice as a user is that GSM phones has a SIM card which more or less is your identity. That is, if you have an unlocked cellphone you can change operators whenever you feel like it. This is not possible with CDMA cellphones.
    Celphones are also much more common in europe and the "typical" cellphone user is not that tied up to an operator as a "typical" US user. Carriers in europe don't cripple the phones like some do in US.
    I am sure there are man more differences, but these were the only that came to my mind right now.

    Apr 5, 08:38 PM
    I doubt Apple will ship a new version of FCP before they ship lion, there are simply no real video editor APIs in Snow Leopard that are capable of 64 bit, QT Kit is a joke.

    HOWEVER, according to the developer page for Lion there will be a brand new A/V API in Lion that will be 64 bit and FCP will most likely be written in that.

    I guess they could back port the entire API to Snow Leopard, but I wouldn't count on it.

    Aug 6, 09:37 AM
    Personally, I highly doubt we'll see ANY iPod/iTunes updates here... WWDC is historically a developer/pro event and not a consumer event.

    Well, if the rumors of the "full-screen, touch-screen iPod" are true, maybe Apple will open it to developers and introduce a "make your own apps and games for the iPod" dev. kit, which would make sense at a WWDC.

    Mar 25, 11:17 PM
    Can't wait to try out the king of the jungle.

    Mar 31, 02:30 PM
    Lol, the fragmentation that "doesnt exist".

    I knew it would bite them in the ass someday.

    Aug 20, 12:54 AM
    That's okay. No worries. I just get a little defensive when I spend $5000 on a new system, and then see you posting about how it'll be better with Clovertown. But that's my problem I guess. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, it's all cool.

    but it might not! First the programs have to be made to use all 8 cores, then you have to combat the slower FSB and RAM (533 FBD instead of 667)

    Tigerton is a totally different story of course ;) :D