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  • robbyx
    Apr 25, 04:32 PM
    Dig deeper Watson. Turning off location services DOES NOT disable this feature. It is still logged, even with location services off. That's the whole issue the smart people have. There's no way to auto-truncate the file, and there's no way to turn it off.

    Why should Location Services stop your phone from logging cell tower information, the same information your cell company logs?

    Now if it's in Airplane Mode, then I'd wonder...

    I don't think the "smart people" are all that smart if that's their issue!

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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 02:25 PM
    BTW, apparently this site is doing live blogging:

    That's about all I could find.

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  • studiomusic
    Nov 29, 11:12 AM
    Here's my take.
    I started a small record label with 3 signed artists. 2 have gone nowhere and probably won't. 1 has finished her debut release (look for Kyria -Whispers In The Dark on itunes!) and we are working on a follow up.
    I write/perform the music and she writes lyrics and sings. We split ANY money coming in 45/45/10. 45% for her, 45% for me and 10% for the label.
    We've sold a few hundred songs on itunes and have made a few hundred bucks from it.

    I think that itunes is a boon for the music biz. But, now you have to have good songs and good artists to succeed. People will not buy 1 hit and 9 loads of crap anymore. Make the very best music, and people will buy it.

    I don't want any tax on what might happen with something. What if the State gave you 25 speeding tickets and 40 parking tickets when you bought a new car? We all know that cars are just used for speeding and parking violations.

    NOW, if Universal get's a cut from every ipod sold, we would want a cut too (not as big of a cut, but still). Not to be greedy, but to be fair to my artists.
    This is why it won't work. Too many independents that would want their piece too.

    Oh ya, go buy Kyria's album on itunes! (If I was a big label, I could charge her for the time I took to post that as advertising expenses... broken is the music industry!)

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  • akadmon
    Sep 19, 11:19 AM
    I ordered my 15" MBP yesterday and they are telling me it will ship next Tuesday. I sure hope that when the package arrives the MBP will have no stinking Merom, no more than 512 MB RAM, no better than an 80 Gb/5400 rpm HDD, and -- please God -- no magnetic latch! Oh - and one more thing: Apple better not send me a refund if they lower the price before the package hits my doorstep. :mad:

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  • FF_productions
    Aug 15, 01:04 PM
    My main interest is in FCP the FCP results.

    On a fixed budget, does anyone know the advantage/disadvantage of going for the 2.0Ghz with 1900XT over 2.6Ghz with the std video card?

    Video cards won't make a difference in FCP as of now if that's what you are asking performance wise. If you are using Motion/Games, anything that really feeds off the video card, then I'd go for the higher end video card.

    Otherwise I'd go for the 2.6 ghz.

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  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 27, 10:24 AM
    Laugh all you want, but they are being sensible. If the media hype gets too great, they act, as they should.

    I have no antenna issue with my iPhone 4, and I don't use a case or a bumper. I understand what Apple meant by calling it a non-issue.

    Apple did not track you, it sent anonymized cell tower location information back to itself. But there was a bug that kept a locally-stored database file from being culled from all but the most recent data. So they will now provide an update to fix that bug.

    But if you want to pretend that Apple is in denial mode, and use exclamation points as if your hair were on fire, go right ahead. You nicely prove the point I was just making with samcraig.

    Don't you just love it? Apple identifies an potential issue, and does something to remedy it, and they get yelled at for doing so. If they do nothing, they get yelled at for doing nothing.

    Catch 22.

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  • spinko
    Jul 15, 08:59 AM
    A real mess? That's one fine looking machine. IMO

    compared to this, yes.

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  • BornAgainMac
    Aug 17, 09:39 AM
    I don't like Adobe anymore. :mad:

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 27, 04:27 AM
    See Apple???
    Yet another potential customer for iMac Ultra. We Want C2DE + X1900 and a 23" screen!

    It has been demonstrated an iMac can take large amounts of heat. I should expect (With almost certainty) that iMac will get at least 2.4 Conroe, which should be quite a significant increase on its own, and possibly higher. 2.4 on the low end 17" model, 2.66 in 20" and the option of 2.93 or 3.2 in iMac Ultra! (Then Apple can gift me with one for coming up with such a great idea)
    X1800's for the 17 and 20 inches, and X1900 for the 23".
    Sounds good to me.
    Extra space due to 23" could be used for the cooling of the twin fires of CPU and GPU.

    Yup, heat is no problem. :) Cost on the other hand is. Going from a 2.4 GHz Conroe from a 1.83 GHz Yonah on the low-end is roughly a 30% increase in cost JUST for the CPU. As for your "iMac Ultra"...

    $1000 - 2.93 GHz Conroe
    $800 - 23" Display
    $300 - X1900
    $400 - Hard Drive, Optical Drive, RAM etc.
    + Build costs, marketing costs, logic board cost, casing costs etc.
    + Apple's profit margin

    And you are easily looking at a $3000 machine.

    I want to see:

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  • ericmooreart
    Apr 25, 03:41 PM
    This suit has merit. If I turn off location services there should be no record of where I go.

    With that and other simple info I can find out where you work, where you bank, where you live, what time you usually get home. All it takes is one website or email attachment to compromise your device. This info is not encrypted.

    I do think if Any device does this they should be sued

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  • NATO
    Nov 28, 06:18 PM
    I think they'll be a long way off getting money from every iPod sold. For a start its such an illogical thing to ask for (Did the music companies ask for money for every CD player or Tape Recorder sold? Nope), plus I suspect the main reason that Microsoft agreed to pay money in the first place is that they needed to get the music labels on board to boost the Zune Music Store, Microsoft was in the weaker position here and I believe the labels exploited that weakness.

    If the labels were to go to Apple and demand a royalty on every iPod and threatening to pull their catalogue if they didn't get it, they would actually come off worse than Apple in terms of lost revenue and it's because of this I reckon they haven't a chance...

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  • fivepoint
    Mar 22, 08:07 AM
    No. I think what I am suggesting in my post is perfectly clear. Perhaps you would like to read it again, this time without trying to insert your large collection of straw men into my argument.

    Sometimes silence speaks more than words. Your avoidance of the central issue, and irrelevant or at least less relevant focus on the size, and militarism of coalition countries indicates a lack of understanding or a willful avoidance of the issue I brought up... the 'anti-change' Obama really stands for and the hypocrisy of those on the left and the American media in general when it comes to wartime actions of Dem and Repub presidents.

    Funny also that we heard a DAMN THING from the media regarding the fact that ONLY CONGRESS can declare war.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 27, 10:37 AM
    I believe the 'long form' is rearranging the deck chairs. :)

    At least they made it up on deck.

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  • Adam Lect
    Mar 26, 12:25 PM
    Mt. Fuji. A hat tip to Japan.

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  • janstett
    Oct 23, 11:44 AM
    Unfortunately not many multithreaded apps - yet. For a long time most of the multi-threaded apps were just a select few pro level things. 3D/Visualization software, CAD, database systems, etc.. Those of us who had multiprocessor systems bought them because we had a specific software in mind or group of software applications that could take advantage of multiple processors. As current CPU manufacturing processes started hitting a wall right around the 3GHz mark, chip makers started to transition to multiple CPU cores to boost power - makes sense. Software developers have been lazy for years, just riding the wave of ever-increasing MHz. Now the multi-core CPUs are here and the software is behind as many applications need to have serious re-writes done in order to take advantage of multiple processors. Intel tried to get a jump on this with their HT (Hyper Threading) implementation that essentially simulated dual-cores on a CPU by way of two virtual CPUs. Software developers didn't exactly jump on this and warm up to it. But I also don't think the software industry truly believed that CPUs would go multi-core on a mass scale so fast... Intel and AMD both said they would, don't know why the software industry doubted. Intel and AMD are uncommonly good about telling the truth about upcoming products. Both will be shipping quad-core CPU offerings by year's end.

    What you're saying isn't entirely true and may give some people the wrong idea.

    First, a multicore system is helpful when running multiple CPU-intensive single-threaded applications on a proper multitasking operating system. For example, right now I'm ripping CDs on iTunes. One processor gets used a lot and the other three are idle. I could be using this CPU power for another app.

    The reality is that to take advantage of multiple cores, you had to take advantage of threads. Now, I was doing this in my programs with OS/2 back in 1992. I've been writing multithreaded apps my entire career. But writing a threaded application requires thought and work, so naturally many programmers are lazy and avoid threads. Plus it is harder to debug and synchronize a multithreaded application. Windows and Linux people have been doing this since the stone age, and Windows/Linux have had usable multiprocessor systems for more than a decade (it didn't start with Hyperthreading). I had a dual-processor 486 running NT 3.5 circa 1995. It's just been more of an optional "cool trick" to write threaded applications that the timid programmer avoids. Also it's worth noting that it's possible to go overboard with excessive threading and that leads to problems (context switching, thrashing, synchronization, etc).

    Now, on the Mac side, OS 9 and below couldn't properly support SMP and it required a hacked version of the OS and a special version of the application. So the history of the Mac world has been, until recently with OSX, to avoid threading and multiprocessing unless specially called for and then at great pain to do so.

    So it goes back to getting developers to write threaded applications. Now that we're getting to 4 and 8 core systems, it also presents a problem.

    The classic reason to create a thread is to prevent the GUI from locking up while processing. Let's say I write a GUI program that has a calculation that takes 20 seconds. If I do it the lazy way, the GUI will lock up for 20 seconds because it can't process window messages during that time. If I write a thread, the calculation can take place there and leave the GUI thread able to process messages and keep the application alive, and then signal the other thread when it's done.

    But now with more than 4 or 8 cores, the problem is how do you break up the work? 9 women can't have a baby in a month. So if your process is still serialized, you still have to wait with 1 processor doing all the work and the others sitting idle. For example, if you encode a video, it is a very serialized process. I hear some work has been done to simultaneously encode macroblocks in parallel, but getting 8 processors to chew on a single video is an interesting problem.

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  • ZoomZoomZoom
    Aug 8, 02:13 AM
    Time Machine looks to be one of those things you never use, but then one day you'll need to use it and you'll be really glad it's here. I don't like the stars and stuff in the background, though. So tacky.

    I'm really interested about Spaces. I constantly have loads of windows/applications running around, and having something to manage it all would be awesome.

    The new iChat features look very promising. Can't really say the same for Mail/Dashboard/iCal/Spotlight, though - not too impressed with those. Whatever is top secret had better blow all of this stuff out of the water, or else I wouldn't call Leopard "Vista 2.0".

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  • DJsteveSD
    Apr 27, 11:33 AM
    Since I'm neither a criminal nor paranoid, I thought it was kind of cool/interesting too.

    so what do these people that are all freaked out about it have to hide? I'm not doing anyting wrong, not cheating on someone or robbing banks so track away! Do these people not have anything else to do but freak about EVERY LITTLE THING!

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  • W. Ademczyk
    Aug 27, 09:41 PM
    IMO, I believe the new enclosure will basically add easier access to swappable HDD's like the MB. It doesn't seem appropriate for a lower end model computer to have a feature the professional level model should have. That's why you pay the big $. I think the enclosure will remain the same, but we'll see an update that will allow users to change out their hard drives if they choose.

    Exactly, allowing the user to swap out components is definately a direction that Apple is taking, which is something that helps them stay competitive in the pc world. The Macbook, as we all know, utilizes a design that makes it easy to swap out ram and HDDs; and the Mac Pro is configured with snazzy slide-out trays so that virtually every piece of hardware can be swapped out easily. This is a feature that the new MBP case design had better incorporate.

    In regard to the Ipod incentive, if Intel shipped Merom to manufacturers at the end of July, will announce it's release to the public on the 28th, and Apple's own shipment of Merom toting computers comes in on the 5th, I have a hard time understanding why they would wait 2-3 weeks to put these computers in the hands of the public when Dell, HP, and Lenovo will be updating their websites the second that the announcement is made. As far as I can tell, there were two reasons Apple started giving away free Nanos to college kids. First, they needed to clean out the inventory for the next Ipod line; and second, the back to school rush is the best time to increase the market share since college students probably make up the highest percentage of win to mac switchers. Since Merom reportedly costs Apple the same amount as Yonah, and MBP sales have been a little lackluster, it would make next to no sense for Apple to drop the Ipod rebate. We have to remember that the only reason Macintels were released with Yonah in the first place is that Apple wasn't able to pressure Intel into giving them Merom early(thus explaining the drop from 64bit processing to 32bit and then back up again 7 months later). If Apple wouldn't have released the Intel line when it did, they would have been stuck with a stale product line and, missing out on the back to school rush, wouldn't be enjoying their doubled market share.

    I think it's fair to conclude that the 16th was chosen as the date for the Nano rebate not because the Merom will appear after that time, but because most back to school shopping will be done by then. It is in Apple's best interest to try to catch the tail end of the college shopping season with the MBP.

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  • gomakeitreal
    Aug 5, 04:11 PM
    I can't wait for Monday. I'll be working that day, so I am going to try to watch the keynote before reading any updates. I even have the Quicktime Events page bookmarked. :D I figured I would be more surprised by taking this route.

    This is the first WWDC I'm really looking forward to, mainly because of what we're going to see... Leopard in action! :D

    Edit: Peace, that's not entirely true. None of us know whether Apple will release Cinema Displays with iSights built-in. I'd say it is unlikely, but you never know until it actually happens.

    what is the link for the QT page? :p

    Apr 27, 08:44 AM
    A lot of people are upset over this. But, no one seems to care that the US Government can snoop on any electronic communication it wants for well over 10 years now:

    Data transmissions, cell phone calls, you name it. I think we're trying to cook the wrong goose if you ask me.

    Law makers apparently have forgotten that they enacted a law requiring location ID on cell phones for emergency purposes--another indication that we have too many laws. :confused:

    Jun 9, 09:17 PM
    Bibbz: I'm in the dfw area which radio shack do you work at? Would like to go through you for my next iPhone since know what's going on. I will be trading in my current 3gs.

    Apr 27, 08:11 AM
    5. Can Apple locate me based on my geo-tagged Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data?

    No. This data is sent to Apple in an anonymous and encrypted form. Apple cannot identify the source of this data.

    So while it is true that the iPhone does note Wi-Fi locations in your general area, and thus it does "track" you in that sense, it is only on your Mac that this information can actually track you. The information sent to Apple is anonymized, and thus not trackable to you.

    Apple is NOT tracking you. Your phone creates a database that could track you IF SOMEONE HAS ACCESS TO YOUR MAC. But if that happens, they already know everything there is to know about you anyway and have no need to check your Wi-Fi database. They've got your Address Book info, your bank site links and cookies, your email, your personal letters, etc.

    The only reason to slam Apple is for not culling this local database. Now they will. But Apple was NEVER tracking you. Apple is not lying when they say that.

    Apr 27, 08:19 AM
    So track me... I'm not ashamed of where I go...

    We are giving up our rights just by typing in this forum on the "World Wide Web" because it is World Wide...

    This was all started by 2 paranoid people that need to throw away their technology and crawl into a cave with that guy with the long grey beard that is hiding from the world (until he gets caught)...

    Aug 11, 11:14 AM
    G5 iPhones next Tuesday.