natural gas prices graph

natural gas prices graph. the natural gas industry.
  • the natural gas industry.

  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 02:45 PM
    I would add

    natural gas prices graph. Natural Gas Prices
  • Natural Gas Prices

  • bigandy
    Jul 14, 03:52 PM
    the size and weight of the power supply makes it damn stupid to put in the top.

    top heavy is just idiotic.

    i'd love to see dual optical drive bays and the same basic design as the G5. it's a great design, so why the need for change in the first place... :rolleyes:

    natural gas prices graph. natural gas prices chart.
  • natural gas prices chart.

  • Cameront9
    Aug 7, 05:46 PM
    WHat is he deal with no new displays, but they did drop the prices a little. I think the iPod is long overdue at this point for a makeover. I guess I'm just a victim of my own unfulfilled expectations.

    The displays WERE updated slightly...check the main page.

    As for iPods...why "makeover" what is working? And this was the DEVELOPERS conference. iPods, if they happen before Christmas, will be either at Paris or a special media event (the latter more likely, IMHO).

    natural gas prices graph. Natural gas price chart
  • Natural gas price chart

  • gnasher729
    Aug 17, 03:42 AM
    I think movie editing depends a lot on the speed of the disk subsystem. After all Mini DV is 12GB per hour. That's a of data. When yo "scrub" a shot all that data has to move off the disk and onto the video card. Even with 16MB of RAM not much of the video data can be help in RAM. So the G5 and Intel machine have disks that are about the same speed. Speed of a disk is measured by how fast the bit fly under the read/write head not the interface speed. So I am not surprized the Intel Mac Pro is not hugly faster for video.

    Mini DV is 3,600,000 bytes per second. That is nothing. That is just slightly above what a wireless network will do.

    natural gas prices graph. Natural Gas Price Chart
  • Natural Gas Price Chart

  • JeffreyGreen
    Apr 25, 03:09 PM
    "Federal Marshals need a warrant. . . . . "

    Duh, the police always have to jump over a higher bar . . . I, personally, can come into your home, take your bag of cocaine, and go give it to the police and it will be admissible, even though the cops need a warrant. (I can be sued for breaking and entering, etc., but the drugs are still admissible

    Also, there is a case in California, upheld by the 9th Circuit, that says the police do NOT need a warrant to come onto your property and place a GPS tracking device on your car and track you and your car. It might get overturned at the USSC, but today, it is legal. Their legal theory is that you don�t have a right to privacy on PUBLIC roads, and it also isn't unreasonable to think that no one would ever come on your property, uninvited. . salesmen, delivery people, the neighbor, etc. So, unless your yard is fenced, and/or clearly posted NO TRESPASSING, the police can put that GPS on your car.

    natural gas prices graph. Graph-Natural Gas Price vs
  • Graph-Natural Gas Price vs

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 10:41 AM
    Well let's just check we are 'on the same page then'..

    Ok, lets.

    You agree Samsung have copied Apple, but only on things that you think don't really matter, while on the other hand anything where they don't look the same is terribly important..

    I agree that the pictures in the media do show some ressemblance, but since I know better, I waited for a full claims analysis. The complaint is broad and to not seperate it in parts and claim a "black or white" answer is quite disingenuous.

    In the many claims, the trademark icons remain to be seen by a court how much ressemblance/confusion there is. There is no point in arguing this since all it is at the end of the day is hot air. This one is up to a judge. Are these trademarks even registered ? If they are, what are they registered as and is Samsung's design really infringing on this ?

    Not matters we'll settle here anyway.

    As for the trade dress, again as I have stated, Apple claims a wide array of devices, yet the media have only posted pictures of the I9000. Other models don't share the ressemblances claimed here and it is baffling why Apple would put down their claims on all models. I question the validity of this one as it applies as broadly as the media paints it. Do I question for the I9000 ? Depends on the angle. In person, the phones are quite hard to confuse.

    Courts will tell again.

    Okay, got it!

    At least wait for me to validate your "on the same page" before you get it. That is what good faith discussion is about. ;)

    natural gas prices graph. Oil and natural gas prices
  • Oil and natural gas prices

  • Reach9
    Apr 11, 05:57 PM
    Yea that is obvious. The iPhone is better.

    Makes sense coming from an Apple Fan :rolleyes:

    natural gas prices graph. Natural Gas: Nat Gas Prices
  • Natural Gas: Nat Gas Prices

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 15, 01:08 PM
    How long did macPro delay compared to HPs similar workstation?

    HP, Dell and IBM all had dual Core 2 Xeon workstation systems available 2~3 weeks ahead of Apple's Mac Pro release. Apple has yet to release their new Xserve. HP, Dell, IBM and others have had dual (and even some quad CPU configurations) of Core 2 Xeon 1U servers and blades available for months now...

    natural gas prices graph. NYMEX Natural Gas Price
  • NYMEX Natural Gas Price

  • wiestlingjr
    Jun 11, 08:09 PM
    Okay, the guy I talked to seem pretty good. He just said he can't guarantee that they are even going to get the phones on the 24th. Thats what worried me. He said he couldn't promise me that they will have the phones on the 24th.

    natural gas prices graph. oil and natural gas prices
  • oil and natural gas prices

  • Cameront9
    Aug 7, 05:46 PM
    WHat is he deal with no new displays, but they did drop the prices a little. I think the iPod is long overdue at this point for a makeover. I guess I'm just a victim of my own unfulfilled expectations.

    The displays WERE updated slightly...check the main page.

    As for iPods...why "makeover" what is working? And this was the DEVELOPERS conference. iPods, if they happen before Christmas, will be either at Paris or a special media event (the latter more likely, IMHO).

    natural gas prices graph. This chart is from the
  • This chart is from the

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 26, 06:18 PM
    I have just ordered a mbp :( It wasn't supposed to ship until Monday but it shipped early :( If the rumors are true will I be able to send it back and get the new one? Has anyone had any experience in returning unwanted stuff to apple as time is not on my side (leave for uni on the 16th Sept)

    I never have but I hear it is pretty easy if you DON'T OPEN THE BOX.

    The only change is likely to be the cpu. The rest of the MBP will probably be kept the same and if you look at the yonah vs merom benchmarks at places like AnandTech, it probably isn't worth sending it back.

    It has been rumored that there might some minor changes to the computer such as easilly removable HD, differnt latch, as said above. But more importantly, I hope they bump the clock speeds and include 1GB RAM as standard on lowest MBP model for the same price.

    natural gas prices graph. Natural gas price chart
  • Natural gas price chart

  • hansen
    Aug 8, 01:47 AM
    WOW, leopard looks so promising

    Time machine and mail enhancements with notes and to-do's would make it all worthwhile for me. I was actually working on to-do's from mail myself as I needed it so bad. Time machine looks like the best solution to the backup/versioning problem I've ever seen. Wow, again! Can't wait.

    natural gas prices graph. the proportion of natural gas
  • the proportion of natural gas

  • generik
    Sep 19, 02:45 AM
    Check out the surveys of tens of thousands of computer users at Consumer Reports. Apple's laptop reliability is within 1% of the best in the industry, and in the desktop department, Apple is by far the most reliable; some PCs are nearly twice as likely to need repairs as Macs. Rumor sites are hardly the best place to look for computer reliability data...

    Ok... I suppose you like to put that much stock into Consumer Reports published by unbiased organisations! Now please excuse me, I need to place my order for some Snake Oil to take advantage of this "Buy 1 get 1 free" promotion on TV :rolleyes:

    I don't really believe in all those reports, to date I have owned countless PCs (actually a lot of Thinkpads) and never once have I gotten a DOA, but yet there was actually one champion who got 5 DOAs in a row. Sure it can be argued that forums are hardly the best place to draw your sample, but how can it possibly be SO bad?! When I hardly ever got a single bad PC?

    Edit: Oh and by the way, I have dealt with Applecare twice at various times for the last 4 Macs I owned (1 PBG4, 2 Minis, 1 Macbook), I have to say I am not WOWed by Apple's service at all. Likewise if you ask around here you will find that Dell actually gives pretty no quibble service. Perhaps they know what they are selling is crap and hence are not surprised when it goes bad.. who knows... but I'd rather deal with a humble organisation than a "Think different" know-it-all turd.

    natural gas prices graph. Natural Gas: Nat Gas Prices
  • Natural Gas: Nat Gas Prices

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 06:01 AM

    What did I miss here?

    Going to RS today to turn in my iPhone. I don't know what to
    make of the quote you provided but will there be any
    restrictions in the upgrade purchase I want to make?

    natural gas prices graph. natural gas prices graph. nat
  • natural gas prices graph. nat

  • farmboy
    Apr 6, 12:39 PM
    Let me know when it can run CS5 (in a pinch) and I'm in

    Until then, I'm waiting for a back-lit key board and a faster processor (yah, I know learn how to type, yada-yada. I've been at this long enough that if you could type you became a "typesetter")

    Hot type or cold?

    natural gas prices graph. However, natural gas prices
  • However, natural gas prices

  • MrCrowbar
    Jul 20, 06:16 PM
    Nobody will ever want to use an Xserve on their desktop, and nobody setting up a compute cluster will want to build it from desktop boxes.

    Hehe, I remember Virginia Tech having built the 3rd fastest supercomputer out of 1100 dual powermacs G5. Back then, the XServe G5 wasn't available. You can see that in the MWSF 2004 keynote (minute 25 ff). They later switched to the Xserve G5 when those came out. It had 10.28 TF for just $5.2M.

    natural gas prices graph. The third chart is the most
  • The third chart is the most

  • onigami
    Apr 10, 08:51 PM
    They did it in 2007... I was there.
    Back when Myspace was cool. (

    Myspace was never cool.

    Okay, okay, so they have done NAB (they've never done AES, though, that I'm certain). But still: They pulled out of everything in the last couple years. Why come back to NAB? Why not just do a small-scale announcement outside of NAB's timeframe so as to maximize press?

    Also, nobody answered my initial question. Why the idle timer? There's no point!

    natural gas prices graph. average natural gas price
  • average natural gas price

  • nvbrit
    Apr 25, 02:01 PM
    What I don't understand is even if Apple is tracking us, why did Steve Jobs simply lie about the claims, thats whats fishy about all this..

    he didn't lie, Apple isn't tracking people, because the information doesn't get sent to Apple so his response was correct and truthful.

    natural gas prices graph. Natural gas prices chart
  • Natural gas prices chart

  • cmaier
    Apr 19, 01:42 PM
    Apple better not win this case and anyone who thinks that they should are a fool.

    Anyone who offers an opinion that people who disagree with them are fools, without even having read the 350+ complaint, might be a fool.

    Wich of apple's specific claims do you disagree with?

    iPad 2
    Apr 11, 11:32 AM
    I think this is misdirection on Apple's part to increase iPhone 4 sales.

    There's a ton of people who got the 3GS and are waiting on the iPhone 5 to make an upgrade. They are not going to upgrade to an year old model with the tiny 3.5 screen, no LTE and an outdated cpu and an extremely outdated gpu. If they are made to wait too long, they'll go to one of the many competitors offering great smartphones with dual core cpus, cutting edge gpus, LTE/4G and a nice 4" screen. Apple is already making A5 socs for the iPad 2. Why not just stick one of those into the iPhone 4's body and call it a day for now, and release the iPhone with the 4" screen and LTE in January?

    The iPhone 4 has a lot of flaws that people are waiting to see improved. Look at this thread...

    Apr 10, 05:54 PM
    There is a part of me that hopes Apple screws up and dumbs down FCS. This is the only remaining software that keeps me buying expensive Macs. If they turn FCS into a glorified iApp, then I'm dumping my Mac's and moving on to a build your own PC where I can run Linux and all of the industry standard professional apps.

    I think that with this new release of FinalCut, Apple is going to shove a dagger into it's professional line. In the last keynote, Jobs mentioned the "transition from a post-PC" business model. The only way that Apple can devote itself exclusively to iStuff is to wean the professional's away from using their products. Once FCS becomes a new video editing program aimed more for the masses running on iPads, Apple will be able to say that they don't have a need for the pro line of computers anymore. Say goodbye to MacPro anything.

    Whatever Apple announces Tuesday is going to be a strong indicator for the future of the professional line. If they announce an amazing FCS 4 for professionals, then we will know they are committed to the long run. However, if they turn FinalCut into some kind of cheesy video editing app for the mass consumer, then you better start rethinking your professional future with Apple - unless you make your money from making crappy youtube videos.

    Jul 28, 03:21 AM
    Ok, here goes. (Quick pass)
    Eeek. Not so sure I like that.

    Hmmm... maybe with just one slot?

    A little better. I personally prefer the taller narrower one, though.

    Big is the new small.

    Sep 13, 06:22 PM
    if it follows typical intel transitions price point replace. So the same price as woodcrests. They might introduce faster ones though that cost more. We'll see before the end of the year.

    Dual core isnt transitioning into quad core anytime soon. Quad core chips will probably be a very high end part for quite sometime.

    This isnt going to be akin to the Core Duo --> Core 2 Duo changeover. Cores are increasing which means price will increase.

    Jul 14, 04:36 PM
    "Steve Jobs really must have been embarassed after claiming we'd have 3 ghz when we still can't even pass 2.7 ghz without a huge unstable liquid cooling system."

    I think we'll see more cores per cpu before we see 3GHz. IMHO, 4,8 or more cores at 2.66 is far better than 1 or 2 cores at 3GHz.

    ""Steve Jobs really must have been embarassed after claiming we'd have 3 ghz when we still can't even pass 2.7 ghz without a huge unstable liquid cooling system."

    IBM never produced chips that could run at 2.7GHz. In IBM was stuck at 2.2GHz instead of the 3GHz promised. Apple requested that chips be overclocked to 2.5GHz. In IBM was stuck at 2.3 GHZ, these chips were also overclocked to 2.7GHz. This year we are at Dual Cores 2.5Ghz. Even if Apple uses nothing but 2.66 GHz Dual cores, they will still be the fastest, non-overcloked chips that Apple has ever used.

    "IMHO, 4,8 or more cores at 2.66 is far better than 1 or 2 cores at 3GHz."

    8 cores?! Wow, maybe one day! But 2 or more cores/CPU are only good if your app can use them. Most applications, and in fact many of Apple, do not use more than 2 cores/CPUS. The Quad core G5's are a good example how the 3rd and 4th core are 98% or the time unused. A Dual 3GHz to a user would be much more usuefull than an 8 core 2.5GHz!

    P.S. The number ONE problem that Apple must address in their pro line is the lack of Hard Drive bays! We need at least 4 HD, please! An internal 10,000 RPM RAID array is music to teh ears of pro video and film users.