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  • Zwhaler
    Jan 19, 05:27 PM
    Nobody knows. We will likely know when Steve plans next years Macworld. If it is at SF, there is a good chance it will always be at SF.

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  • MrCheeto
    Apr 12, 05:23 PM
    I have a Mac Pro that has all 4 bays full. Two 500gb drives, a 1tb drive, and a 1.5tb drive.

    They're all full up! Yup!

    I need a way to put as much of the data from all of the drives onto as few drivs as possible. I calculate 3.5tb, so two 2tb drives would do for now and I can expand to four 2tb drives or larger drives in the future.

    So how do I go about simply automatically merging the data from multiple drives to one?

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  • sigamy
    Oct 4, 02:12 PM
    Does every rumor point to the iPhone? Come one people...there's nothing to see here. More and more cameras are including GPS recievers. Especially high end digital SLRs that pros use.

    This is just a natural extension of increasing the amount (and quality) of the metadata that is tagged and collected with digital images. The recent updates to iPhoto and Aperture allow for Aperture to use your iPhoto library as a source.

    Aperture also has a new export plug-in API to allow for connection to third party services like Flickr and iStockphoto. Google maps will be next. Then, look for these same or similar plug-ins to make their way down to iPhoto in iLife '07.

    I'm just as excited as the next guy for an iPhone but come on guys...this is getting a bit much.

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  • simsaladimbamba
    May 2, 06:37 PM
    Do you make money with that machine?
    I use a 2009 MBP (17") and upgraded the RAM to 6GB (more will follow) and an SSD and it is quite a snappy machine in PS CS5 with 12MP RAW photos. An ix-core MBP will be faster in calculating effects, thus if you do a lot of effects work that take five seconds on your current MBP, they will take two to three seconds on a newer MBP.

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  • blevesque14
    Apr 13, 08:13 AM
    Hey Guys,

    I have a Power Mac G5 that the logic board is dead in. It is a 1.8 ghz Dual Processor. My question is if I'm going to replace it do I need to put the same "matching" one back in. Or can I put any dual processor back in. Does the board change from the 1.8 to the 2.5ghz? I know some of them have the liquid cooled heat sinks. Plus my understanding is the processor is what determines the ghz not the board. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. B

    Oh maybe you might want the logic board number to understand what I have a little bit better. (I just feel that a G5 case is a G5 case and it should accept any board i put in?!)

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  • Fishrrman
    Apr 23, 10:16 AM
    "It seems like the only thing I can do is create a new partition with the free space, transfer all my data into that new one, and delete this one, then resize. but I'm sure there must be an easier way to do this without having to go through all that trouble. I know that if i would have deleted my secondary partition, I would have been able to resize my primary. Is there a way to resize now? maybe through terminal or a third party app?"

    ONE WAY:
    Do pretty much what you have said above.
    Create a new partition where the free space is, then use CarbonCopyCloner to "clone" the contents of the small partition to the bigger one.
    Then (VERY important) -- do a "test boot" from the larger partition to be sure that it is bootable and that everything that is supposed to be there, IS there.
    Afterwards, you can erase the smaller partition, and _attempt_ to use Disk Utility to delete it (with the hope that you will end up with only one, large partition).

    You will need an external drive.
    Again use CCC to clone the contents of the small partition to the external drive.
    Again, do a test boot and verify that all your data is now on the external.
    While booted from the external, use Disk Utility to re-initialize the internal drive.
    Use CCC to "re-clone" the contents of the external drive back onto the internal.
    Again do a test boot to verify that the results are what you want before you erase the external.
    NOTE: It would probably be a good idea to have an external drive with a cloned copy of your internal drive "as a bootable backup". It is ALWAYS desirable to have a second, bootable drive for emergencies!

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  • Macparatodos
    Sep 14, 04:03 PM
    I just received this email from iTunes Store after I requested information how to upgrade.

    Dear Alfredo,

    Thank you for your interest in the new higher resolution 640 x 480 video format now offered on the iTunes Store.

    I understand your concerns about your purchase of the videos a few months ago. I regret to inform you that I will be unable to give you a higher-resolution version of this video.

    Please review the iTunes Store Terms of Sale, which state that all sales are final:


    iTunes Store Customer Support

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  • Silencio
    Jan 5, 05:42 PM
    Glad somebody posted about this. He was an amazing talent for sure, though frequently overshadowed by former bandmate David Sylvian.

    He also played bass on a Kate Bush album and put out quite a few solo records. The Dalis Car record was a fascinating fiasco but Karn and Murphy were in discussions to produce a sequel this year. Unfortunately they were trying to put it together after Karn received his cancer diagnosis.

    It's a shame he and Sylvian fell out and could never really work out their personal differences. The Japan "reunion" (Rain Tree Crow) in the early 90s produced some underrated material and I would have loved to hear more of it.

    I was a huge Japan fan in high school, though that was in the mid-to-late 80s so I never did see the full band perform live. At least there's a lot of YouTube clips out there.

    RIP Mick

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  • patrick0brien
    Jul 8, 01:04 PM
    - Bob Dobbs

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  • benhollberg
    Mar 18, 02:37 PM
    They have a limit one per person per day. So if you buy 1 you have to come back tomorrow to buy another. Also, you cant hold item. First come first serve.

    I was there 7.40 am yesterday to get mine. Store opens at 8 everyday.

    So you can find out if they have them before they open?

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  • tjwett
    Oct 4, 12:42 PM
    My roommate is taking a geography class in college right now. (Just an FYI, he is an older student in his 30's).

    His teacher works for google on their maps. He has slipped in class several times saying Apple is working on putting GPS into the iPod. (He, the teacher, knows this because it is what he does full time for Google).

    Anyway, this looks like the GPS in iPhoto is not related to the iPod, but eh you never know, iPhoto does work with the iPod in a way now as it is...

    "The Not-So-Silent Cartographer"

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  • x86isslow
    Dec 31, 12:25 AM
    the best part is, we dont have no crappy movie advertising macrumors x.0.. unlike that other site..:rolleyes:

    looks good arn!

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  • CavemanUK
    Feb 13, 06:47 PM
    elppa's suggestion worked a treat. thanks guys.

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  • mrkramer
    Mar 7, 01:38 AM
    Premise: Capping income as described above would DESTROY the entrepreneur spirit. True or False? What is it that motivates human beings??

    I'm think what motivates people like Bill Gates is that they enjoy their jobs. I'm pretty sure that almost every billionaire got their for one of two reasons, either they worked hard because they enjoyed their job and were good at it which combined with a little luck means they make a lot, or they inherited their money. No sane person who is working just for the money would keep working much after the first billion or two I'm sure even they know that they can't spend that much money.

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  • 100Teraflops
    Mar 12, 08:05 PM
    Get the MacBook pro. When you need more disk space, get a nice fast external Thunderbolt disk (they'll be just as fast as internal disks on the MacPro).

    The new MBP machines are really fast - coming up to the speed of my 3 year old 8 core MacPro.

    Then buy an iMac in a year by which time it will have Thunderbolt too - and use your external drives on that.

    Sound plan! Honestly, I am convinced that I will buy an MBP early next week. Maybe tomorrow? I am leaving the Windows camp for awhile. Disclaimer: my laptop is three and a half years old and has served me well! A few times I have traveled out of state, but it mostly was treated as a desktop replacement.

    Yes, Thunderbolt will be unbelievable fast! USB ?.?? LOL I cannot imagine the time that will be saved when backing up two to four 1 TB drives. I am excited to purchase an Apple computer! Since I am armed with knowledge form this thread, I will buy either a base 15" or the high end 15." The 17" MBP is awesome and my current laptop has a 17" screen, but IMHO, the MBP 17" is pricey. Although, I have been known to contradict my initial thoughts regarding an expensive purchase. ;)

    Damnit, now I have to study! :D

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  • ZombieZakk
    Apr 20, 08:20 PM
    my suggestion is, wait for the new SB MBA, the ultimate 13 MBA will get a price drop, i think it will be a very good deal, just wait 2 more months

    it seems very unlikely we will see a mba refresh in 2 months it will be more realistically 6 months

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  • sinisterdesign
    Oct 26, 12:38 PM
    oh, man i hope they're not sacrificing one of the MAIN benefits of the iPod, usability, for a big screen. one of the things that's always made the ipod great is that you can hold it in one hand & navigate easily w/ your thumb. having to slide your thumb around the edge of a 4" tall device would suck.

    i'll wait until i hold one in my hand before i start freaking out.

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  • DavePurz
    Apr 13, 04:52 AM
    I thought Congress had made it a law that carriers provide you the unlock code, once your contract had been fulfilled? Whatever happened to this?

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  • Flowbee
    Aug 7, 06:20 PM
    MS seems to have lost out on a nice little market due to dragging their feet so long with VPC. That being said, I think it's great that we no loger have to rely on MS to keep Windows (and other os's) running on Macs.

    Sep 26, 07:44 AM
    yup purchased on september 24th I always procrastinate (butchered spelling)
    Me too.

    I finally filled out my form, but found I was on day 47, and they say within 45 days. I called the rebate center. They were very nice, and said there is a 15 day grace period, but to get it in asap and I would be covered :)

    Apr 19, 05:32 AM
    Sorry for newbie question but if I have my music library on my imac and want to play it on my ipad,does the sync mean I dont actually have to move that music over to the ipad,taking up space but I can just play through the ipad?

    Feb 21, 07:19 PM
    How does the MP3/M4A sound played in iTunes compared to played in Quicktime and opened in Audacity?

    Jan 12, 06:15 PM
    I am trying to change the "iPod" in the top left of the screen. I know about the program "MakeItMine" on Cydia but that doesn't work for iOS 4.2.1 for some reason. I just want to change the text I don't want to add a picture. If anyone can help that would be great.

    Oct 11, 11:53 PM
    Why use OpenOffice on a Mac? NeoOffice Aqua is the way to go on a Mac.

    As for "Lasso", I assume that isn't the final name; OmniPilot Software, maker of the Lasso programming language (which is supposedly popular on Macs) would probably complain.