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  • sbb155
    May 1, 12:53 PM
    So much ignorance in this thread...
    Have you ever looked at a financial report? Apple's GROSS MARGINS are reported. They are higher than other manufacturers.

    Apple is charging a lot EXTRA because they can charge it. It is simple economics and supply/demand.

    The MP is not broken down in the reports, but apple in general has very high GROSS margins.

    I think it is hilarious that people think that apple is some benevolent company and that somehow the cost is extra for osx, etc. Frankly look at the GROSS margins in their financial reports! It is all about how much apple can charge and how much money they can make off of you!!!

    I am a corporate customer. I accept the margins, and I pass the margins on to my customers in terms of higher prices for my goods. But, if I were going to buy a mac for surfing the internet, email, and MS word then the mac offers no benefit over a PC except for the name/style. Some will think the style is worth it (just like someone may buy an armani suit over a brooks bros suit), but in the end, it becomes a fashion issue.

    So, the reason the MP is "overpriced" is simply: corporate profits.

    Also note that most owners of the company - i.e. most owners of apple stock - are institutions - and they use PCs! The owners of the company use mostly pc's not macs. Sure the management uses macs, but not the OWNERS of the company.

    The owners are more concerned with the profits.

    Ok I will relax now. thanks guys.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 18, 05:59 AM
    A country used to looting other countries, should not be surprised when it happens at home.

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  • sikkinixx
    Mar 28, 08:48 AM
    "I think and hope that people are going to understand. There is as price for being an early adopter and your points and feelings are valid (Penello said when referring to gamers IGN suggested would be angry about the new system). But whenever you innovate and change, you have to face this situation. Your same old system is still perfectly valid."

    "We could never have done this before, to bring HMDI and 120 GB to the system when we launched in 2005. The reason we didn't do it before was because the HDMI standard wasn't complete. It takes time to develop these things. We started the console earlier than Sony did and when the HDMI standard wasn't done. At the time we were developing, this stuff was in transition."

    ******* off you couldn't have in HDMI in 2005. MS really irks me with this move. I wanted a god damn HDMI port.... :mad:

    This is such an obvious attempt to play the whole "lets match Sony" game. I mean come on, lets make it black (like PS3), with HDMI (like PS3) AND OMG 120GB HDD! IT's teh bigger than Sony!

    um...but you can buy any old hard drive for a PS3, whereas your 120GB drive is almost $200 bucks...

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  • Shadow
    Oct 13, 06:47 PM
    The vast majority of Vista is "service pack" material. There are only 4 or 5 things that needed a whole new OS (new in the sense that its not XP anymore).

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  • benhollberg
    Apr 15, 08:33 AM
    Very wrong there and that will only cause more problems. They do have the right to confiscate it. Just give it up and get it back at the end of the day but don't bring it back again.

    Schools always have police around so it could easily be taken away but why would a school have the right to take something away. I never had this problem in college but in high school they tried to take my iPhone and I wouldn't let them. I said they have no right to take it, they called the police down to the class I was in but by the time they arrived the school days just barely ended. Everything turned out ok.

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  • rwh202
    Feb 26, 02:36 AM
    Something wrong is going on. My 970 is only doing half of what it should be doing. Glad I got a snow day today so I can mess with it :D Basically only getting 2k more PPD than my 950 but on 4 more threads and higher cock?

    As techfreak85 says, have you checked the -smp argument and what does task manager show?
    Another couple of ideas:
    Do you have enough memory for 12 threads? Is it running triple channel?
    Is this with the same WU type? I think its the 6701 (smp) and 2684 (bigadv) units that are much slower than the normal ones (eg 6900 on bigadv).
    Also, the new 6.34 client and A5 core came out this week - are you still using the same one as before?

    Hope that helps

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  • toddybody
    Mar 24, 11:47 AM
    Sorry but that's not the case, created an account just recently to provide my input on this issue on another thread. I am 3 iPads down with problems and still hoping the 4th will arrive with no leakage or dead pixels. I'm glad yours is "absolute fine" but if you do a search or just ask around you will find this is a widespread problem

    Ha ha ha! Way to prove you arent a Samsung rep..."3 iPad's down", give me a break, nobody could go through 3 iPad 2's with how tight supply has been. Take a hike.

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  • MauiBoy
    Nov 15, 02:32 PM
    From http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/macbookproefifirmwareupdate12.html and http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/macbookefifirmwareupdate10.html:

    After the firmware update is successfully applied to your computer, your Boot ROM Version will be:

    MBP11.0055.B08 (MacBook Pro 15 inch)
    MBP12.0061.B03 (MacBook Pro 17 inch)
    MB11.0061.B03 (MacBook)

    So, this is apparently just for the first-generation MacBooks (MBP11, MB11, etc.). The second-generation (e.g., MBP22) do not need the update:

    My MBP Core2 Duo lists its Boot ROM Version as:


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  • AidenShaw
    Mar 24, 01:13 PM
    If some of the components come from Japan, is Apple scanning the finished units for radiation? I'm not saying but I'm just saying...

    Why bother? All Apple products are radioactive.

    So are you. So am I.

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  • DaREdBaRoN
    Jun 11, 03:11 PM
    Looks like I'll be making a stop at the AT&T store before work on the 24th. It's stupid that they are prohibiting employees from buying it when we won't get the phones till that morning anyway, and its not like Best Buy loses money off employees since I have to pay the exact same as everyone else.


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  • lmalave
    Oct 16, 10:20 AM
    While I really dont like what you say Im afraid I completely agree, apple has done a great job of challenging windows in the home market, and it seems also the edu market, but the corporate market, apple has a long long way to go!

    I think Apple would be all too happy to just own the home and edu markets. If they get back up to 30% of the edu market and can match that in the home market, I think they'd be ecstatic, since their total market share would probably more than double to 10% or more of the overall market.

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  • twoodcc
    Feb 20, 06:09 PM
    Guess I won't be telling tonight....

    But anyways what I did have,

    6gb(3x 2gb) Corsair XMS3
    500gb(was in the process of cloning to a 75gb WD Raptor)
    2x GTX 460 768mb (OC shader)
    Windows 7

    hmm, i think i have that same motherboard.

    If I was folding (don't see the point. I tried it for a few days and didn't see the point.), I'd be using this computer I built back in Jan '10.

    Antec 900 two
    4GB 1333 ddr3 RAM
    Gigabyte P55A - UD3
    GTX 260 892MB
    1TB HDD

    Been able to hit 3.8Ghz without changing the voltage very much. Maybe 1.25v. Didn't see the need to overclock just to see Facebook. Stock speeds are plenty fast for me now. Might bring it up gradually.

    I hardly use that computer though, after I got my MBP :(

    well the point of folding is to help scientists research cures for diseases, like cancer. please tell me why you think there's no point in that?

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  • JsR
    Jan 1, 06:01 AM
    http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/7892/screenshot20110101at115.th.png (http://img819.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20110101at115.png/)

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

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  • AlBDamned
    Sep 12, 11:01 AM
    LOL, just on the phone to my brother when that happened, your Aussie coverage is about 10 seconds ahead of ours, even though we're only down the road!

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  • n8mac
    Mar 5, 08:39 AM
    Ok, see that is where I was going with posting this article. I was wondering if it were even possible to hold on to a windshield wiper blade for that length of time? I mean, wouldn't pressure or force or something cause the blade to snap? They just don't seem that strong.

    I can see a windshield wiper company hiring this woman to do a commercial promoting their blade durability. Whether it's money or dirt, either way she'll be rolling in it :)

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  • derkunstler
    Apr 11, 08:13 PM

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  • JsR
    Jan 1, 06:01 AM
    http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/7892/screenshot20110101at115.th.png (http://img819.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20110101at115.png/)

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

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  • WillEH
    Apr 11, 03:31 PM
    Looks really good. I hate having to wear glasses to watch 3D stuff.

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  • astroot
    Apr 18, 08:40 AM
    Been waiting for a white iPhone 4 since day one. So glad that it will finally be released. Can't figure out why everyone here seems to hate on it.

    Mar 29, 10:08 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    If you can't innovate - litigate!

    Apr 13, 03:49 PM
    That's a bit disingenuous. Yes there are editors who use FCP. And yes many Avid editors also have an FCP license on their laptop or home computer as well. Why not, it's cheap and can use third party hardware.

    When you compare actual employed editors who work in Film and Television, Avid is still king. Apple skews the numbers by comparing the amount of software sold, but it's better to look at the projects completed and see what tools were used.

    The question is whether this new release and their strategy is going to continue to draw working editors away from Avid or just continue to be a great prosumer video editing tool that has gotten easier to use.

    You can't evaluate the product based on an Apple pitch if you rely on your editing software for a living. How do you know it kicks out and accurate EDL? How do you know if it still kicks out solid OMF files to your sound designer?

    Avid, Final Cut, Premiere, they are all just tools and you have to use the right tool for the job.

    Excuse me how is it a bit disingenuous when i say "some of the best editors in the world" use Final Cut Pro. I never said that Avid is not King of the high end in production houses.

    I do feel that for myself as an editor, if i were to take the time to relearn the latest version Avid, I still would not be able to do as much as quickly, and yes as good looking of an end product as i could with Final Cut X.

    I also understand that Avid has and may continue to have more necessary advantages for production houses and their workflows. I also know that people who work in those situations are often very tied to the solutions they are versed in and are less likely to try out something new - especially if it seems proprietary to their existing system.

    Aug 6, 11:11 AM
    I really hate my state's stupid beer laws. The cap on beer is 5%, which cuts out a lot of great beers. Thankfully, I have friends and relatives in other states where I can get said beers. :)

    Horrible! I feel for you man. Why such a silly limit?

    Nov 2, 02:59 PM
    enough of these darn iPhone rumors. I really need a new phone but don't want to wait until January / Spring. And since I have verizon, it probably won't work for either.

    Apr 6, 09:40 PM
    ...everyone opposing the not-Mosque at not-Ground Zero is wrong, no matter what their religion is.

    That post is not-bad. :)