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  • hulugu
    Mar 23, 12:19 AM
    Although I backed the implementation of a no-fly zone a few weeks ago, I wouldn't describe my position as one of wholehearted support. More a queasy half-hearted recognition that something had to be done and that all alternatives lead to rabbit holes of some degree or another. When all is said and done, my usual fallback position is an intense weariness at the evil that men do.

    For the record, I actually supported (if silence is considered consent) both Gulf wars at the start; I believed in the fictional WMD, I believed it when Colin Powell held his little vial up at the UN... but I, like many was tied down with work and other concerns and was only paying cursory attention to the news at the time. Like Obama, I also initially supported the war in Afghanistan, or at least the idea of it, initiated by a Republican president, but since then it seems to have become a fiasco of Catch-22 proportions.

    Slowly discovering the real agenda and true ineptness of the Bush administration was a pivotal point in my reawakening political understanding of US current affairs after reading Hunter Thompson for so many years. Disgusted and appalled at the casual way in which we all were lied to, I'm quite happy to hold my hands up and say 'I was wrong'.

    Thing is about Obama, I never had any starry-eyed notion about him being a peace-maker. He's an American president, the incentives are cemented into the role as one of using power and protecting wealth. Not that many conservatives were paying attention at the time, but he stood up in front of the Nobel academy when accepting his Nobel Peace Prize and laid out a justification for war.

    Since the second Gulf War, the entire circus has been one of my occasional interests, because I've never seen a political process elsewhere riddled with so many bald-faced liars, grotesque characters and half-baked casual hate speech. What power or the sniff of it does to people, twisting them out of shape, is infinitely more interesting and has more impact on us than any other endeavour, except for possibly the parallel development of technology.

    I used you as an example more out of rhetoric than anything else. However, I think your essay is spot on.

    I didn't believe the Bush administration's call for war in Iraq because I was reading Hans Blix's reports and I was suspicious of the whole endeavor: the Bushies struck me as a group wholly unprepared for the difficulty of governing a foreign country after a military invasion. I did hope, like Tom Friedman, that an Iraq without Saddam might be a powerful symbol in the Middle East, but I was deeply concerned about the war.

    Reading Anthony Shadid's reporting on Iraq told me that the situation was, days in, already spinning out of control. Once it became apparent that looters were able to steal artifacts from the museums, office chairs pilled with computers from the bureaus and weapons from Iraq's hundreds of ammunition dumps I knew we were in trouble.

    Libya is more like Bosnia than Iraq. A moment of force has the potential to change the scope of the conflict, hopefully for the positive, in a way that a full-blown invasion would merely complicate. That's the central part that fivepoint, who is merely interested in making another partisan screed, is ignoring.

    We have complicated thoughts about the use of force in the world, which leads us to appear hypocritical when all things are made to appear equal to make straw.

    George W. Bush is responsible for another calamity: me posting in PRSI, one of my many occasional weaknesses.

    Me too. I wandered in here by accident as a new member and haven't left.

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  • JGowan
    Jul 15, 02:09 PM
    Man if they put the power supply on the top that would just be insanely stupid.-markThat's just some guy's rendition who knows a little about Adobe software. Certainly not Jonathan Ive's work, nor will remotely look like that.

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  • coolbreeze
    Apr 7, 11:30 PM
    You people don't know the facts and are jumping to conclusions. You need to realize that this is a RUMOR site....

    Share the facts then sir.

    We are reacting to a rumor on a rumor site.

    AppleBestBuy? (applebb)?

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  • gerrycurl
    Jul 14, 06:00 PM
    the question still remains--will the powermacs be able to use standard, off the shelf, pc video cards?

    i know that you couldn't do so in the power architecture due to the bios irregularities. now that they're using efi, does this still mean we have to buy mac based cards? because that's really the question nobody seems to ask and nobody seems to have an answer for.

    what this new mac workstation will mean is the chance to upgrade your macs based on commodity parts. no more mac tax for hardware. i remember when the radeon 9700 was king, the price was around $299 for pc version and $399 for mac version.

    think about this, the ability to upgrade processor, video card, and sound card without having to pay the apple tax.

    that's what it really comes down to. the speculative "good" version of the mac pro has a so-so video card, but it's not really worth the $600 more just to get a 1800, i'd rather just get the 1600 and upgrade on my own.

    oh, btw, i did some of my own investigations and found this site:

    which may mean that the standard cards are compatible with mac os x now.

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  • mc68k
    Dec 6, 06:02 PM
    yeah the AI driver is piss poor at overtaking. it's all racing lines and he'll only overtake on a sharp turn or on a long straight. even with a significantly more powerful car the driver won't always come out on top. i remember in GT4 you could drop out of bspec into aspec and you could also speed up a race by several times to make the enduros go faster. so far i haven't seen this functionality in gt5?

    the car trading sounds like fun. do u trade for car/car or car/$ or just gift back and forth? do both players have to be online at the same time?

    thanks for the tips on the different car settings. i haven't been frustrated enough to try these out yet, but every little bit would help with those top gear tracks. i got so annoyed with the VW Bus and the lotus one that i just gave up and did other stuff. what did you get for completing the lotus/top gear?

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  • RedTomato
    Aug 11, 08:26 PM
    I probably won't buy a phone without GPS capabilities. I will pay for the option, however.

    Why not just ring someone and ask where you are? Or wait for the guy on the seat next to you to ring his girlfriend?

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 5, 10:56 PM
    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    A redesigned keyboard-should come in Mac Pro and white colors

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  • iJawn108
    Aug 6, 03:21 PM

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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 12:28 PM
    Why are you endorsing lack of improvement?

    Nooooo not at all. You missed my next post with my feature requests. I'm just giving people a hard time about complaining that FCP isn't good enough. It has bugs, and it's quirky, but it mostly works.

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  • pilotkev1
    Apr 10, 02:10 AM
    But it does worry me that the program could become more for mass audience and no longer the pro application it has been for the past decade.

    The pro of today is no longer the pro of the past decade. Pro is a far broader term in 2011. Nearly anyone could be a 'pro' with a little interest, work, and dedication.

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  • Mess
    Apr 27, 08:22 AM
    completely blown out of proportion!

    The data is sent anonymously and doesn�t give you an accurate pinpoint of where you are if any indication of where you are. It�s not exactly used to come and get you if you have been somewhere you shouldn�t have been :rolleyes: so kick back and relax.

    Way too much fuss about nothing personally! :p

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  • notjustjay
    Nov 29, 09:14 AM
    If all of you on here bought all of your music either from iTunes or from a record store, then, absolutely, complain away if that dollar is passed on to you. But, which is likely in just about every case, you have a few songs you burned off a friend's CD or downloaded from a file-sharing site, then shut up, you are the reason this is necessary.

    You're welcome to audit my iPod. I guarantee you'll find nothing but legal tunes.

    Given your stance, I wonder how you feel about public libraries offering whole collections of CDs for patrons to "borrow". I think we all know what (many, not all) people are really doing with those CDs when they borrow them. Shouldn't we be doing something about these public institutions turning a blind eye to what is essentially sanctioned piracy?

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  • MyDesktopBroke
    Mar 22, 03:22 PM
    I'm not sure what the point of this thread is any more. It started by claiming Obama was elected in part due to being an anti-war candidate, but that was refuted since he openly advocated escalation in Afghanistan and Pakistan is multiple interviews.

    Now it seems to be about attacking without congressional approval, but I think he has a 30 day window in which to act ( before that becomes a legal issue.

    Is it about bias coverage? DailyKos is highlighting stories like ( this (, HuffPo has a column about Obama's "Imperial Presidency (" Yahoo's already covering the cost of the Libya mission, and MSNBC's article states that "Obama�s stance is striking: not only hasn�t he addressed the question of congressional authorization, but acting without it appears to be at odds with what he stood for when he ran for president ("

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  • MacinDoc
    Sep 19, 01:58 AM (

    AppleInsider expects that Apple will update its complete laptop line ( (13" MacBook and 15/17" MacBook Pros) to Core 2 Duo "Merom" before the holiday shopping season starts in late November.
    Oh, really? What are they going to predict next, that the sun will rise tomorrow? Of course Merom-based products will replace their Yonah counterparts, which are slower, have inferior power management, and in some cases, cost more! I don't know if I could have predicted that. :rolleyes:
    MacShrine and MacOSXRumors expect the MacBook Pro to be updated[/url] at Apple's September 25th event preceding Photokina. AppleInsider is unsure whether the updated MacBook will be unveiled at that event or be held off to ensure adequate supply of Intel's Core 2 Duo Merom chip.
    Gee, AppleInsider really went out on a limb on that one. ;)
    Apple's reliability? Care to elaborate more specifically? Good high quality well designed never dying logic boards that run at 40-ish degrees Celsius for one? :p
    Check out the surveys of tens of thousands of computer users at Consumer Reports. Apple's laptop reliability is within 1% of the best in the industry, and in the desktop department, Apple is by far the most reliable; some PCs are nearly twice as likely to need repairs as Macs. Rumor sites are hardly the best place to look for computer reliability data...

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  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 11:11 AM
    I prefer my Count Basie off the Pablo label not Decca (Universal argmmm)... so there.

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  • fivepoint
    Apr 27, 02:27 PM
    I am fairly confident that rather than pointing to a conspiracy, this simply shows that when scanned, the operator had enabled some sort of "auto-text" option that attempted to read and convert then embed the raw text info in the PDF, as to make the text "selectable" in preview programs.

    It only worked on certain text, as is par for the course.

    Hopefully you're not insinuating that I am pointing to a conspiracy, I'm pretty sure I was quite clear on that account.

    As for the 'auto-text' thing... interesting, why though would the several dates, etc. be on separate layers? And why would the signatures be separate from the typed text? Just slightly different colorations? My only thought was that the thing was retouched in order to improve the appearance of a poor quality scan... but why would they be so sloppy in reassembling? Why not make it a single layer image before releasing? I don't buy that it was simply overlooked... It's the White House for crying out loud. It's as if they WANT they want the controversy to continue???

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 26, 05:50 PM
    Anyone know of benchmarks comparing the core duo with the core 2 duo?

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  • Yannick
    Sep 19, 04:33 AM
    An update isn't going to make me go out and by a macbook or macbook pro. I'm waiting for leopard.

    This is quite about how I feel. Waiting for Leopard and the following MacBook Pro revision, meaning waiting summer 2007. Then I would try to sell my PB G4 and buy a MacBook Pro. But I guess that if the MacBook Pro would get a very good update in the next weeks, I could be tempted for Christmas� :D

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  • drsmithy
    Sep 14, 08:23 PM
    True (today anyway; in the NT era they were indeed separate platforms though. Which brings me to my next point..)

    I think you're a bit arse-about-face there. Someone else has already pointed out the differences between XP and Windows 2003 aren't trivial, so I won't go into that. However, if you're sufficient vintage, you should remember the "outrage" when someone demonstrated that you could turn NT 4 Workstation into NT 4 Server (including the boot and login screens) just by changing a few Registry settings (although the part that usually doesn't get said is that those Registry settings then triggered a whole range of different tuning settings for the scheduler, memory management, etc). NT 3.5 & 3.51 were the same, and IIRC, NT 3.1 didn't even have a "Server" version.

    Jul 27, 11:27 AM
    iTunes Movie store
    Al Nano up to 8G
    MBP, iMac processor update
    Leopard Preview

    I think those are the most likely marbles.

    Jun 8, 07:40 PM
    That's me!
    Nearest Apple Store is 90 minutes away. Nearest Authorized AT&T store that would carry the iPhone is like 60. Radio shack is just 10 minutes.

    I'm wondering though, what would be the advantages/disadvantages to buying it at Radio Shack vs AT&T vs The Apple Store? Once I have the item purchased, will I notice any sort of difference what-so-ever?


    I used to work at radioshack too and the resources there suck. Activation will take longer than usual and they can mess up your account/credit. I hated activating phones cause it was a hassle since we were not connected directly with carriers.

    I bought my 3Gs from ATT store and my girlfriends at Apple Store. Mine began freezing within the first 15 days. Went to ATT and they gave me so much trouble when trying to exchange it. They ended up not wanting to exchange it for me and said they don't take returns on iPhones, when it says the customer has a 30 day (BY LAW) return policy. SO then i went to apple store, even though i bought it from ATT, they quickly opened up a new one and gave me a brand new one, no questions asked (just their standard serial number checks). Went to get 3 more iphones for family plan at Apple, fast easy and great service. Point is ATT = no good and Apple = better.

    Now for Radioshack. Brother-in-Law goes and his credit gets run twice by child who works at Radioshack and signs him up to expensive plan. So they have to call their 3rd party service provider and the manager there and employee make a big mess of his ATT account and turns out the phone they had was from a customer return, not even brand new. He ends up just getting bad credit after 4 hrs in the stuffy dusty shack. We go to apple next week, now he has to put deposit cause his credit was messed up but guess what? thats right apple waived it as they saw the mistake and he gets a brand new phone. :) Radioshack = worse place to get any phone Apple = smart well trained employees

    I just talked about these cases closest to me but I'll tell you those Radioshack employees are the worst to buy any cellphone from. you take a risk with your credit, used phone possibly, long activations, and bad locale. Radioshack is closest to me, then ATT, then Apple, then Best Buy and Walmart. I would take the long trip to apple before i try the first two stores. And if your other options are real far away i would recommend just ordering it on apple's website direct. Shipping is free and you know what plan youre adding. I've heard good stuff about BestBuy and dont have a clue how Walmart goes, just know RADIOSHACK IS THE WORSE, unless of course they get it right and phone works without a flaw the first 30days.

    Sep 19, 10:51 AM
    So the Apple crew is simply waiting on marketing until they release these new laptops? Exactly how much marketing needs to go into a slight update? I understand that these are 64-bit processors but the average consumer has no clue what that means to begin with. Waiting for the marketing crew seems really strange to me, should they have not already been ready for this transition by now? Just make a box on the front page that has a picture of a MBP and let it say "the fastest just got faster" or something.

    Nov 29, 11:37 AM
    I apologize as I have not read through all the comments as yet but if this goes through, how long before we see the request for these types of fees for all PC/Mac sales as those are used to download and listen to music as well?

    Kevin Monahan
    Apr 6, 03:28 PM
    Yes, many of the crashes I've experienced have to do with Matrox cards, but not all of them. My boss is on the Abode and Matrox beta teams, so I will let him deal with the feedback. I think the machines are primarily i7's with 8+GB RAM on Windows 7 64-bit...I don't know for sure though, I'm not well versed in Windows based machines.

    Ah, Matrox cards, eh? Sounds like it might be the culprit. The machines you mention are definitely up to the task. Make sure you are updated to 5.0.3. That fixes a lot of problems.

    Thanks for the feedback Michael.