call of duty modern warfare 4 xbox 360

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  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 02:27 PM
    I don't see what the big deal is. Of course Apple is going to try to minimize the risk of the jailbreak community. They want to avoid headlines about spyware and such that creep out of the jailbroken community. It's just good PR.

    Queue the hitler response.....

    And when Hitler's constituents thought he was wrong, he decided to annihilate those who didn't want to see things his way too. Destroying opposition rather than improving one's self is way's a "#WINNING" thing to do.

    Wow, I gotta get some credit for that one... Charlie Sheen, Apple, and Hitler all in one sentence!

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  • ddrueckhammer
    Jul 30, 05:57 PM
    I hope Apple goes with their own new network.

    It would be extremely difficult for them to start their own new network. Since they have billions in the bank, I wouldn't doubt that they could build it, but I doubt that the FCC would provide them a license. There may be some loopholes in FCC regulations allowing this if they provided data services as well, such as presence information (think instant messanger only on a cell where you would know in advance if the person you are going to call is available) or Voip/VoWiFi services... More likely, I could see them being an "MVNO" Mobile Virtual Network Operator like Disney or ESPN who basically resell Sprint service...I see becoming a mobile provider as being a distraction from their primary business goals and even being an MVNO is more trouble than it is worth. They need to get one of the major cell providers to support their phone for it to be a success. Unfortunately, the iPhone goes against the strategic interests of most of these companies...

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  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 01:49 PM
    and with our working hours and attitude we'll have 5 finished iPods by the end of the day instead of 493840384038403840 :P

    Yeah you bring up a good point. I can't imagine assembling iPods is the most engaging activity ever, and most Americans would probably scoff at the kind of labor they seem to think is below them.

    Kind of similar to when they raise an uproar about illegal immigrants taking all the jobs away, when they wouldn't be caught dead doing the kind of work some immigrants do.

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  • Stella
    Aug 4, 02:24 PM
    The 17" has a larger enclosure space than the 15.4" of course, so, better heat control and more space to put components. Perhaps the 15.4" would just get too hot / consume too much power with the 17" D/L SD inside it.

    Doesn't the 17" use a different battery - higher capacity - than the 15.4"?

    3. The 17" MBP is as thin as 15.4". Why does it have faster D/L SD ??

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  • kjr39
    Mar 27, 11:35 AM
    So, lets see if I understand?

    Apple is doing everything they can to move things to the cloud while AT&T and Verizon are ratcheting down how much you can use their network to access what you put in the cloud...

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  • rbgb
    Sep 16, 02:34 AM
    What about the inclusion/release of Blu-Ray Drives?

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  • aznguyen316
    May 6, 04:25 AM
    No Intel, no care.

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  • suwandy
    Sep 16, 02:08 AM
    Why? Just because it is 1.2 would be a decimal point update doesn't mean it would not be significant. 1 > 1.1 was very good. 1.1 > 1.2 could be just as good and free for all of us that are early adopters of the software.

    In case you are new or unfamiliar to programming, a decimal point update is more of a minor update rather than major update. Minor update could be, bug fixes, tweaks, yada yada. Major would mean something really significant. I think what Molnies was referring to was he wants to see major update.

    As an example, no matter how many decimal updates you put to Mac OS 9 they aren't really that significant. But throw in MAC OS X and you see how the interface are entirely different.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 26, 02:21 PM
    As much as I want to see Apple sell phones, I also like to see healthy competition to keep away anti-trust issues. Apple is for people who like quality high-end stuff and Android is for Kmart shoppers ;)
    It's Wal Mart, Wally :)

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  • Llewellyn
    Nov 28, 02:25 PM
    Sure, a programmer or tech geek or business person or writer may have little use for a tablet, but artists are another story. Carrying around a separate, cumbersome USB tablet can become a pain. It's much easier to draw with a pen than it is with a mouse.

    I once contacted a touch screen manufacturer concerning how a touch screen tablet compared to the wacom cintiq display tablet. I was told that touch screens are very basic in comparison and would not provide anywhere near the level of sensitivity of a art tablet or the Cintiq.

    Last I looked the Wacom Cintiq was $2500+ by itself so I would expect you would at least have to add $1500 to the price of a top of the line laptop to have the kind of tablet you describe.

    It would be very cool, just not practicle.

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  • digitalbiker
    Aug 11, 02:39 PM
    What about the keyboard don't you like? I have MacBook and my wife has a MacBook Pro. Both seem very good. I do miss the lighted keyboard though. Almost went and bough a Pro today with Glossy screen but afraid of Sept. updates:)

    I think that whoever is complaining about the MacBook keyboard has never used one. I personally like it much better than the old PB and new MBP.

    The whole keyboard is firmer. Keys have larger area to press. The individual keys are not as mushy feeling as the flimsy keys of the PB and the keys don't come close to touching the screen.

    Backlighting would be only ehancement that the new keyboard could use.

    I would love to see a new MBP design. I would like to see a new display, go back to hard plastic like the MB, eliminate open latch, new keyboard like MB, FW 800, Merom core 2 duo, X1900 GPU, redesigned case with removable HD, battery, and easy memory access like the MB.:D :D :D :D

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  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 26, 11:19 PM
    I think that Apple will introduce IOS 5 in June/July, when it introduces the iPhone 5 (assuming that's what they call it). If there is some aspect of ios 5 that they can't get ready until Fall, they may have an ios 5.3 update in the Fall.

    This is the most sensible conclusion. Game Center wasn't ready for the prime time upon release of the offical 4.0, so it came with 4.1. This is a clever move for Apple as it gives the feeling of extra value added to those who could update as not everyone with these devices even knew it existed until it landed on their device. We of course knew better so it wasn't a shock to us, but the bottom line is we all benefit from it.

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  • ravenvii
    May 3, 09:11 PM
    EDIT: assume we split in two groups but then we get back together in the same room and stay together.
    if both groups move to the same room, and there are monsters, which group gets attacked? do the groups combine their stats in the battle?
    another scenario: we are in the start room, i split myself away and search the start room, while the other 6 move into the next room (so they are good with monsters). turn 2 the search the second room and i join them back. this way we search 2 rooms and move in one round, without splitting the group.

    Whichever team enters the room first, turn order-wise, fights the monster.

    Your second scenario is allowed.

    Could I just explore the first room and save a turn for later(I'm not necessarily wanting to do this, just asking if it's possible)?

    No, heroes can't save turns for later, only the villain can do that.

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  • arn
    Apr 18, 04:23 PM
    all things d posted some images from the lawsuit

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  • TennisandMusic
    Apr 18, 03:24 PM
    Have you looked at the TouchWiz UI? It's almost identical to iOS - dock at the bottom, pages of icons in a grid and you even remove applications in the same way as you do on the iPhone. I've nothing at all against competition for iOS, but they shouldn't just rip the design off

    Yeah that looks similar, I was referring to the tablet/honeycomb.

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  • shawnce
    Aug 4, 02:33 PM
    Doesn't the 17" use a different battery - higher capacity - than the 15.4"?

    Yes it does.

    MBP 17" - 68 watt-hour - "up to 5.5 hours of battery life"
    MBP 15" - 60 watt-hour - "up to 4.5 hours of battery life"

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 15, 08:28 PM
    This is excellent evidence Apple is not shipping any more Yonah MacBook Pros. Good catch Taylor. That's perfect. What you are going to get will be a 2.33GHz C2D for sure. You might want to upgrade to the Seagate 160BG HD though. :p

    I checked the store after I saw this. 17'' BTO ship in 5-7 business days, so that is the 25-27th. 15'' ship in 1-3. All stock models ship in 24 hours.

    For as long as I can remember, it has never taken that long for BTO, even durning the back to school rush.

    Very nice evidence, thanks for the post.

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  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 02:07 PM
    This makes me sick to the core. And very very angry


    to act like big brother and control what another company does?

    Steve Jobs started off with Apple to fight "the man" yet he is the man.

    Microsoft would never do this, they know better because thousands of Apple fans would be on the internet with Safari posting the most vile crap you would ever want to read.

    Why do the Apple fans allow this to continue? what is so great about a company that lies about who they are?

    While Apple makes some innovative cool tech toys this behavior continues to prove who they are a controlling Money grubbing capitalistic company!

    I will revel in the day that Jailbreaking goes to court again and Apple is told once and for all they can't tell everyone what to do and must allow Jailbreaking. Yes it will happen, what comes around goes around.:cool:

    Users are already speaking. I switched to Android, and I don't even need to root to use it with all the things I jailbroke iPhone to be able to do.

    Now my friends have started seeing my device and switching too, makes Apple's iPhone 4 look primitive.

    As soon as Android has a tablet that's decent hardware I'm totally gone from iOS. My bet is that'll be in the next 6 months.

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  • alcaponek
    Apr 21, 03:11 PM
    sry for OT but whats the deal with those up and down ranks? and where are they now :)

    Aug 3, 10:42 PM
    I can live with fast updates!!!! MBP Merom for college after all!!!

    Mar 29, 02:38 PM
    Why in limbo? The "phone part" of the Iphone is widely acknowledged to be craptastic.True enough, I am still in search of a mobile internet device with a camera. The iPad 3G comes close except in price, size, and the mediocre camera.

    I am not willing to frivolously spend money on such an endeavor just to return it to the store. I already feel guilty enough about my many product returns to the point where I believe my card number is just shy of being blacklisted. Thank god for cash.

    I have a good inner circle of friends but our jobs and relationships are really killing what free time we have to game. That limits my desire to an Alienware M11x to have something portable for games.

    The internet just needs to get to the point where it really is everywhere as a public service before I really buy into it. Sadly we are not there yet.

    May 6, 01:57 AM
    so many short sighted people in the thread. wow. if you don't think this is feasible, and importantly - sensible - you aren't thinking far enough. the future is ARM.

    the whole "back to the mac" thing wasn't just for Lion. there will be a point where there is just one OSX, regardless of form factor. The only difference will be the UI layer.

    Mar 29, 08:48 AM
    I dont understand the point of this. Is storage really an issue on peoples computers? I understand the mobile app, but why not just store the files locally?

    computers are last century, this is aimed at Android users like me with a phone with only 8GB of storage. no need to buy another SD card since i can dump part of my itunes library to amazon now

    Mar 30, 07:08 PM
    Props to amazon for taking the lead. If only dropbox would follow.

    Q: Any word on integration with AWS/EC2 for the upgraded service?