how to draw cartoons characters

how to draw cartoons characters. Next, draw out the vertical
  • Next, draw out the vertical

  • wildmac
    Nov 24, 08:41 PM
    nah. they're just updating the mb/p line

    LOL! Santa Rosa introduced on Tuesday... :D (just kidding!)

    how to draw cartoons characters. How to Draw Cartoon Ducks with
  • How to Draw Cartoon Ducks with

  • mmcc
    Mar 29, 06:34 PM
    MMCC, excuse me if I don't buy that gross and volume of your niche has gone down with the introduction of the app store. It seems pretty much impossible that volume sold for products in your niche went down...

    Impossible? How so? I've already said that the freebies are dominating my category. What is hard to understand about that? Before in the Apple Download pages, for example, all apps were listed first in each category by release date. Free or paid, each app enjoyed the top of the listing for a while.

    In the Mac App Store the freebies are staring you in the face on the Category page and you cannot escape it. They have their own top list. They are always there taking possible sales.

    Perhaps your volume went down, but what that most likely tells me is before you were better at marketing your product than competitors, but now given equal footing as others, people are choosing some competitors over you instead.

    Really? I already said I was #1 in the Category for a time. I was #1 for a week back in January. Guess what? No big windfall (year over year comparison it was still well below last year at the same time) and that was within a month of the opening of the Mac App Store when interest is usually highest (at opening of a new store).

    The idea that your whole segment was moving 100000 units before the App store and now are moving 50000 units just seems impossible, unless something else effecting the segment happened. It is not because of the Apple App Store.

    how to draw cartoons characters. Cartoon Character Body
  • Cartoon Character Body

  • GeekLawyer
    May 3, 10:40 PM
    So is this meant to be an ad for the iPad 2 or the future generations? All it does is make me more excited for upcoming models, not the iPad 2 itself. I don't doubt that it will be effective though.I think it's an ad for iPad. iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad that comes next. All of them. As a platform. "It's just getting started."

    how to draw cartoons characters. How to Draw a Cartoon Duck
  • How to Draw a Cartoon Duck

  • BlindMellon
    Apr 25, 05:33 PM
    I don't get the fascination with a marginal bigger screen, if I need a bigger screen I get my iPad.
    I actually really dislike the borderless look. I hope they don't do this. A larger screen is one thing I really don't need. If I want a big screen, I'll get an iPad.

    yep, 3.7" screen = iPad. :rolleyes:

    how to draw cartoons characters. 4b in 40+ Cartoon Character
  • 4b in 40+ Cartoon Character

  • khrome
    Apr 4, 11:09 AM
    I had a macbook and an xbox (original) stolen among other, smaller electronics items, etc.

    My experience is one of your "good" neighbors is involved. In my case one of the kids of the family I lived next to (On Mercy blvd. in Savannah, GA) had broken in to my home, then split the goods between himself, another adult neighbor (who I knew was a shadeball), and a third kid.

    Long story short, I intimidated the kid into spilling the beans, had the cops take his statement, and suprise, suprise... the next day he had been beaten up (comfirming that he had indeed told the truth). now he didn't say "X did this", he said "well I saw X walking away about that time" and all you can get out of that is a police visit a few days later.

    I never did get the macbook back, but like you... I located my xbox, and like you I got no response from the police, or more accurately an unwillingness to act unless there was an airtight case. But I did get it back. Plausible deniability works both ways, and I'm sure if the thief was running through the woods he could have dropped it or stashed it outside your house or any number of other scenarios where you legally recovered it from your own property with a whole array of the thief's prints (which won't really do you much good anyway, since they can always say they "came across it" and didn't move it for fear of getting "in trouble"). In the end you probably should have just knocked on the door and posed as a salesman or something to get in the house to visually identify the unit, then forcibly retrieved it. Now that he's remote, without MS's help you are SOL. Sorry, I feel your pain.

    P.S. If you have any trouble with the police failing to pursue leads that should be, I'd recommend contacting your Alderman.

    P.P.S. Incidently I found out that the 13 year old "good kid" burned downed a nearly complete battered women's shelter 2 years earlier, and he got off that (no charges file) for plausible deniability as well. Police are nearly useless unless you need some paperwork filed or a statement taken unless there is a dead body involved.

    how to draw cartoons characters. tutorial on how to draw
  • tutorial on how to draw

  • Sun Baked
    Mar 29, 01:01 AM
    Too bad you cannot scare the snot out of the kid, on camera.

    Shows up with camera crew...

    "Microsoft Prize patrol, do you have an XBox 360? Can you show it to me"

    Types stuff into handheld...

    "Do you own this machine?"

    Types stuff into handheld...

    "Oh, sorry ... you cannot collect a prize with this XBox 360 -- the serial number has it listed as a murder weapon, and the owner is a likely suspect."

    how to draw cartoons characters. Draw Cartoon Characters
  • Draw Cartoon Characters

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 08:33 AM
    You are really disenchanted by this thread arent you?

    But at the end of the day its your fault. You are the leader you must take responsibility.

    I sure am, just a broken, shadow of my former self.

    As the highest-posting 68040 I feel distraught at my ineptitude as leader. but in about 13 more posts I'll be the most junior 601 and then I'll pass the buck up the line. :D

    how to draw cartoons characters. How to Draw Cartoon Characters
  • How to Draw Cartoon Characters

  • Corndog5595
    Dec 10, 07:21 PM
    As mentioned, the spawning is terrible. IMO worse than in MW2 (which seemed hard to believe at first)

    They shouldn't spawn anywhere near me. I hate spawning near the enemies too and die within 5 seconds of spawning. Personally, I'd rather wait 5-10 seconds for a spawning point to open up instead of dying right away.

    Then you get those times when you want to spawn near enemies, and you find yourself sprinting for 5 minutes just to get killed once you get to where you're going.

    how to draw cartoons characters. Draw Spongebob - step 4
  • Draw Spongebob - step 4

  • BJ.SoundWave360
    Apr 16, 02:08 AM
    Google does search.

    Apple does design and creativity.

    Google does books. No, as we've seen.

    Google does music. No.


    how to draw cartoons characters. Being able to draw cartoon
  • Being able to draw cartoon

  • logandzwon
    Mar 17, 08:39 AM

    Anyway, if you actually care about the morality of your action, (or technically lack of action,) only you can decide if you did the right thing or not. If you sleep soundly at night then it wasn't immoral.

    Ethically, your probably going to heat if you tell people about it. Modern-day ethics say stealing form an individual by a corporation is fine. An individual stealing from a corporation is bad.

    Eitherway, it will not come out of his paycheck. However, if he is new he might be fired. If he has done it multiple times he might be fired. Realistically, if it wasn't you it would have been someone else though. We all make mistakes, but apparently that isn't the correct job for him.

    BTW... I love all the post by people suggesting that to "fix" the issue by going back and lying about what happened.

    how to draw cartoons characters. Move to the front and draw his
  • Move to the front and draw his

  • afireintonto
    Mar 17, 01:42 AM
    What's up with all the [morality] in this thread?
    It's the employees responsibility to know how to use a register and collect the full payment. If the employee is too stupid to actually count the money handed to him then he should be fired. Dumb ass kid.
    I'd be ****ing thrilled if my iPad cost about half price!

    how to draw cartoons characters. draw a cartoon characters
  • draw a cartoon characters

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 28, 02:29 PM
    Seriously Apple, how soon until the app store is the only way to install apps on your mac?
    I can see it now: How to jailbreak your Mac

    Seriously though, Apple's going to have to remove a ton of their current restrictions before that happens so I honestly don't see it happening anytime soon.

    how to draw cartoons characters. Draw a circle for Todd#39;s head
  • Draw a circle for Todd#39;s head

  • UnReel ATX
    Apr 6, 12:28 PM
    These :] time to get ******.

    how to draw cartoons characters. The final character is a total
  • The final character is a total

  • Dagless
    Apr 15, 12:37 PM
    To say the lighting is quite good, it sure is grainy! The grain also seems fake. As does the angle of the phone.

    It's also fairly ugly and fairly fake.

    how to draw cartoons characters. Draw Cartoon Characters
  • Draw Cartoon Characters

  • fivepoint
    Mar 3, 09:53 PM
    Fivepoint- you act as if teachers make lots of money. The don't, even though they are required to have masters degrees. People understand if the belt is tight. People do NOT understand being denied the right to unionize and fight when they feel taken advantage of. NO ONE should ever be jailed for striking. That you support this is nothing short of sickening. I am absolutely disgusted. Just wait- you guys will get yours soon enough, trust me.

    BTW, I don;t know what your point was with that link, but it indicates for the most part that the political tide can tip quite easily.

    And Bill Gates said nothing about union busting. Fail to see your point there as well.

    Will federal employees be jailed if they unionize?

    Lee, my wife is a teacher. I'm quite aware of how much they make. For the record, they aren't required to have masters degrees (where do you get this stuff?). Most importantly, without thuggish unions, good teachers like my wife would make far more money than they do today, while the bad ones would make less or be fired. Good riddance. Our students deserve better. If you can't hack it, get another job.

    Have you seen the movie 'Waiting for Superman' by chance, Lee?

    Bill Gates accurately pointed out the failure of allowing the unionization of public employees and the incredible damage it's causing our state budgets. Thankfully, people like him are willing to look at the facts and report honestly on the situation instead of pretending like the government can produce miracles out of thin air or that money grows on trees.

    how to draw cartoons characters. tutorial on how to draw
  • tutorial on how to draw

  • LarryC
    Apr 9, 04:25 PM
    um just walked into my local Best buy and bought a 16gb ipad 2 Wifi in black. they had like 7 or 8 of each model. interesting... maybe they�re not participating in this so called promotion.

    how to draw cartoons characters. How to Draw Cartoon Characters
  • How to Draw Cartoon Characters

  • Mydriasis
    Sep 25, 11:38 AM
    I think it is a great update!!! Aperture will develop into an application that I just dont want to miss. I use both aperture and lightroom, both have their pros and cons. I can't wait to see where both apps stand in two years. I will go to the Photokina on wednesday and will let you know how aperture 1.5 feels.;)

    how to draw cartoons characters. Draw your cartoon characters
  • Draw your cartoon characters

  • takao
    Jan 12, 08:08 PM
    Not to threadjack this into an Apple TV thread, but the Apple TV appears to stream/store anything that can be played from in iTunes, and there have been ways to get your own TV shows and DVDs into iTunes for awhile now.

    really ? hm anything official or are this just some nifty workarounds/patches/plugins/etc. ?

    (not that i actually had the money for a apple TV or a device with a component or hdmi connector)

    how to draw cartoons characters. Know How To Draw Cartoons?
  • Know How To Draw Cartoons?

  • thworple
    Oct 19, 09:49 AM
    I would love to know what the worldwide figure is for Apple market percentage. I know it says here that its not in the top 5, hence no available data, but it would be interesting to see, particularly here in the UK, as the amount of people I know who have switched in the last year has been huge!!

    Apr 29, 03:50 PM
    I am glad they got rid of the slider. The slider currently used for Time Machine is annoying.

    Apr 11, 01:43 PM
    umm my computer from 2004 could run Windows 8 (slowly but it could) because it does have a 64 bit processor in it. I also believe W8 is going to be 64 bit only. W7 was the last 32 bit OS.

    As it should at this point, 64bit processors have been out long enough that this shouldn't be a problem.

    Those people who still have 32bit processors are generally not the type of people who will be upgrading to w8 anyways.

    May 4, 10:54 AM
    A great commercial. As a teacher who is getting 30 ipads for next years students I am super pumped. These truly are the future of education and I can't wait to have my students start using them.


    I've heard stories but DAYUM!!!

    Do you teach at a public, charter or private school. And what grade?

    Doctor Q
    Apr 22, 01:55 PM
    Is this going to be used ultimately to rate posters (kind of like the Apple site for one example)?
    That's the "reputation system" question. I continue to dislike the idea that being a member is a competition (even though for fun I track statistics on who posts the most).

    How is abuse of this going to be addressed?
    See my earlier post.

    If all it�s used for is the post itself, I don�t see any value for this.That's been addressed too. Putting the post-vote system in place necessarily has to precede using the data to provide other new features.

    What are MR�s (Arn�s and the other Gods) thoughts on what they want to do with this?
    It hasn't been decided, but it could include ways to find or highlight highly-rated posts. I hope there's a way to use the feature to find the best answers in technical/help threads. Perhaps there's a way to turn post votes into thread ratings; I'm not sure about that.

    I do think there should only be "ups", but the icon could be a checkmark. When you click it some subtext would appear below/next to it. Something like "You liked this comment" or "You agree with comment" or "This comment was helpful".
    Those are both worthwhile ideas. Most uses of the votes would be to identify good posts, not single out bad posts, so positive votes provide the more useful information. The data is there to tell you how you voted so feedback on your own vote seems like a nice touch.

    Perhaps allow a post that receives a certain number of dislikes to be "hidden" from a general view unless someone decides to view it by clicking on a link.
    I wouldn't favor an automatic system like this. Since you can't tell the reasons for people's votes, it could eliminate less popular posts in debates, leaving you unable to follow the discussion. And if all visible posts agree with each other, why have a discussion at all?

    If there was such a system, I think it should be entirely voluntary, e.g., you can ask to see only certain posts based on votes. But I think the back-and-forth nature of discussion, with users quoting and building on previous posts, would make this less useful than it sounds. Perhaps it would be worthwhile having a User Profile setting to hide the voting system completely from users who aren't interested in using it. But we have to put our programming resources where they will do the most good.

    Like some of the posters here I can think of ways to slice and dice the data, (what threads in a given forum have the highest percentage of positive-rated posts?) and ways to collect other information (rating posts by multiple criteria, e.g., "helpful") but the system has to be kept simple to work in practice. That's one argument in favor of having the arrows in all forums. But perhaps we'll learn that voting does more harm than good in certain forums, e.g., in political discussions.

    Remember that forum features are designed to provide benefits to the overall membership. Your comments in this thread help us find the best ways to do that, so thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Apr 25, 12:41 PM
    Looks good, I've been holding out since my first-gen iPhone.

    ...hopefully we'll see a Summer or Fall release? :)

    No u havn't been holding out. You just didnt give a s***!

    1st gen?!! WOW! LOL