jaycee dugard daughters

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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 7, 05:43 PM
    Keep that Lotus, you can use it for the British Lightweight race.
    I've already done it with a....
    300 kW TVR


    I love my TVR and my B-Spec driver actually knows how to handle it, so i've been using it as often as appropriate.

    I try not to sell any cars unless they are junk (like a 97 Civic or whatever it is. Worst beginner's prize car ever) or if i have two of the same kind.

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  • hobi316
    Jun 14, 11:05 AM
    [QUOTE=NJRonbo;10129607]Radio Shack is taking preorders starting Thursday.
    Essentially, they special order the phone for you.
    That pretty much guarantees you a phone on opening day.
    All you need to do is leave a $50 deposit when ordering.

    I'm thinking you meant Tuesday there?

    But yeah, they're definitely doing the $50 downpayment thing like with the Evo. I was told to call back this afternoon to get the opening time.

    Generally seems like it will be easy to get this phone on launch day. Between Apple, RadioShack, Best Buy, and WalMart, I'm hoping everyone who wants one next Thursday will get it!

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  • canyonblue737
    Apr 27, 07:58 AM
    That's good enough for me.

    Apple's only screw up here was keeping the infinite database forever on your phone and backed up to your Mac. Their was no reason to back it up to the computer and no reason to keep the data on the phone after it was passed to Apple (encrypted, de-identified etc.) but I suspect the reason was simply "we weren't doing anything bad with it so we never even considered we should delete it later."

    Good job Apple. Now let's move on to someone else, like freakin' Sony and their Playstation network.

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  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 6, 02:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Motorola doesn't "get" tablets yet, but the G1 didn't sell well either. Let's look at the market again in two years, I bet it'll look a lot different.

    Cell phones and tablets are completely different. Unless some of these other manufacturer can get their tablets cheaper than the iPad I don't see that happing. The carriers are the ones are subsiding a lot of Android phones free with contract and BOGOF. Even if you can get a tablet subsidized for $299 with a two year contract I still don't know if people would be willing to spend $30 at the end of that contract thats over $1,000.

    Another reason also is that the Xoom only has something like 20 Apps made for tablets where the iPad has over 65,000. You also have power user that see no need in a tablet right now.

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  • ivladster
    Mar 22, 01:40 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Is this a joke? What specs? Where are the apps, where are amazing games, where are publications and magazines? No where to be found.

    Playbook will not even scratch the surface - you heart it here first.

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  • Stella
    Aug 7, 04:43 PM
    Is Leopard going to take advantage of the 64 bit Dual G5?

    Whats the point? Its history.

    My guess is, that its how Tiger is now.

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  • MacAddict1978
    Mar 26, 01:43 AM
    Since the release of Leopard, the subsequent releases haven't had the wow factor of before.

    Just what I think anyway.

    Agreed, and while I'm excited to see this one won't be delayed and Summer might not = September for Apple... I'm kinda bummed. I was hoping there were some sweet things not yet seen. Revamped interface, secret cool feature that would make me ache to have this one day 1... and guess not so much.

    I'll still buy in on day 2 though. hehe

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  • backdraft
    Aug 26, 02:49 PM
    Call it what you want but these new MacBooks are crap. Yea there is people who are enjoying theirs without a hitch but look at all the reports of problems. Not once on this forum have we had a flood of problems with a single unit. Apple dropped the ball on this one. Poorly made unit

    Apple is now getting their parts from the same bin that PC makers use. Intel = cheap parts. Cheap parts = low quality.

    Same thing with the batteries....

    OS X can run on PPC and X86. Apple should target X86 to consumers and PPC for pro's.

    That $100 million that Apple just wasted on Creative could have meant new supercooled mobile G5's if it would have been pumped into IBM (Power.org). Instead we have these halfbaked Wintel parts to deal with MUCH fewer problems with PowerPC based Mac's.



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  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 29, 08:59 AM
    Oh I see, and by questioning his birthplace you, Trump, Palin and your ilk are really criticizing his policies. Wow, again, you proved the old mantra, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS.

    This is Trump's MO. And it's working! Even if you don't like Obama's politics, you have to admit that Obama has much more class than Trump.

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  • Squire
    Jul 15, 06:29 PM
    The gap between Mac mini/iMac and PowerMac is simply too large for many people. :cool:

    You could even take it a step further and say that the gap between the Mac mini and the (rumored) Mac Pro is too large. Why exclude the iMac? Well, for the consumer with a nice 20" LCD on his/her desk, the iMac is simply not an option.

    Give us a Conroe-based tower, please. They could even keep the same basic case design across the board. Call the upper end ones "Mac Pro Extreme" or something. (I like the idea of offering a black anodized aluminum case to differentiate between Conroe- and Woodcrest-based systems.)


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  • bonehead
    Nov 29, 03:23 AM
    Wil universal get what they want?.. Apple is not totally powerless in this potential negotiation but i doubt steve has the power to laugh in their faces. Apple does not make music, it sells it. A seller can hardly laugh in the face of the producer of goods (or the gatekeeper of those goods). Want proof?.. walmart vs apple. Apple makes ipods.. Walmart refused to deal with apple the way apple wanted.. guess who lost in that battle.. walmart of course.. they are merely a seller, apple is the gatekeeper of ipods. The same is with the music studios.. apple is a seller, music companies are the gatekeepers. They can dictate who can and can't sell their music and while every corporation is motivated by profits.. they can always take their music and go home. Sure they lose but so does apple or they can make their music exclusively available only on microsoft service. You might not buy the music but you aren't 300 miliion americans. I gurantee apple does not want to be sitting by idly watching microsoft steal a market they grew. Naw, steve is not laughing in anyone's face.

    Any record company is free to make their music exclusively available on a service that is incompatible with 75% of the mp3 players owned by those 300 million Americans but I don't think many will.

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  • Yebubbleman
    Apr 6, 01:57 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/06/intel-launching-next-generation-macbook-air-processors/)


    As reported by Fudzilla (http://www.fudzilla.com/processors/item/22323-new-17w-core-i7-king-brand-is-2657m) and HardMac (http://www.hardmac.com/news/2011/04/06/intel-to-launch-sandy-bridge-chips-that-could-be-found-in-the-new-macbook-air), Intel is about to launch its next generation Sandy Bridge ultra low voltage CPUs suitable for the MacBook Air.

    Due to the MacBook Air's thin form factor, it has required the use of particularly low power CPUs from Intel. Apple has stuck with Core 2 Duo processors with a maximum Thermal Design Power (TDP) of 10-17W. Apple is believed to have continued to use this older processor design in order to keep NVIDIA's graphics chips powering their ultracompact notebook. Due to licensing disputes (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/01/10/nvidia-and-intel-settle-nvidia-still-prohibited-from-building-chipsets-for-newest-intel-processors/), NVIDIA was prohibited from building newer chipsets that supported Intel's newest processors.

    With the release of Sandy Bridge, Intel upgraded the performance of their integrated graphics chipset. This was good enough (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/02/24/apple-launches-macbook-pros-with-thunderbolt-quad-core-cpus-amd-gpus/) for Apple to offer in their latest 13" MacBook Pros, so we expect it will be good enough for the upcoming MacBook Airs as well. Apple had been previously rumored (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/02/11/macbook-air-sandy-bridge-update-in-june/) to be introducing the "Sandy Bridge" MacBook Airs this June.

    HardMac pinpoints the Core i5 2537M (17W) as the possible chip to be used, at least in the 13" model:Meanwhile, the current 11" MacBook air uses an even lower power (10W) processor, but it's not clear how much power savings is offered by removing the need for the NVIDIA graphics chipset, as the Intel solution is integrated within the processor itself.

    Article Link: Intel Launching Next Generation MacBook Air Processors (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/06/intel-launching-next-generation-macbook-air-processors/)

    Woo! Something not MacBook Pro or iOS related!

    For a programmer dealing with Terminal, Xcode, Netbeans, Eclipse, etc (not graphic intensive softwares), would this macbook air be a better deal than the 13/15" Macbook pro?


    Both machines would be fine, though the 13"/15" MacBook Pro is more fully-featured of a machine than the Air, and frankly at that cost, why pay for an incomplete system?

    awesome!!! this is really tempting. Should I throw an SSD in my 2010 4GB 2.66 GHz 13" MBP or sell it and wait for the MBA refresh?

    If you have to do either, I'd do the former. But I'm in the "screw the Intel HD 3000 bandwaggon" and I also don't think that an Air should replace a Pro unless you have a problem lifting five pounds.

    I would love to see a 15" laptop with no optical drive, with the specs and price somewhere between the MBA and MBP.


    Since you have no clue how the sandy bridge airs will perform, I'll take your statement as FUD.

    First off, it's a fair assumption that they won't be more powerful than the current 13" MacBook Pros. Second, it's a fair assumption that the Intel HD 3000 will be in tow, and if the SV HD 3000 is inferior to the SV NVIDIA GeForce 320M, then it's a fair assumption that the ULV versions will probably have a similar result when benchmarked. Then again, who in their right mind is relying on a MacBook Air to play games over say, a MacBook Pro or a P-freakin-C?!

    Alas, there are some things that the curated app store will never be able to supply. Case in point: a pokerstars or fulltilt client. And if the ipad's Safari can't do java or flash or allow me to run the applications of my choosing, then it's not sufficiently open for my needs.

    Most Flash and Java based sites have App-equivalents. Ideal, no. A true web experience, no. But there's an app for that.

    At least I now have a short finite timeline to work with to buy my 13"/2.13GHz C2D/256GB MBA before they "upgrade" it to a vastly inferior Intel GPU.

    It's a MacBook Air, for crying out loud! What were you going to use the GeForce 320M for anyway that you won't be able to do with the Intel HD 3000? (Note: Final Cut Studio type things and gaming, which are the only two things that you'd feel the difference between the two IGPs on anyway, are laughable answers.)

    I LOL'd. I owned iPad 1 for a year, and while it's nice, it's a FAR, FAR cry from the productivity capabilities of the current gen MBA.

    Like it or not, iPad is SEVERELY CRIPPLED for content creation (i.e. real work), but excels at content CONSUMPTION. That's factual and completely undebatable. Everyone knows this.

    So, no, it's not "something better". It's a more viable choice for entertainment and consumption. That's it.

    The MacBook Air is crippled for content creation purposes. It is no MacBook Pro. The iPad is not crippled for content consumption. Sure, the iPad isn't yet the most stellar option for content creation purposes, but it's not crippled for what it's intended to do. With a 13" or 15" MacBook Pro, there's little practical use for a MacBook Air unless you have a problem lifting the two extra pounds, and really, if you do, either exercise or invest in physical therapy.

    What is the obsession with back-lit keys?

    Do you actually look at the keyboard when you're typing?

    It's more that a feature was taken away and the natural psychological response when that happens is "Why did you do that? Give it back!"

    The current nvidia chip is also integrated so it's not that much of a step down. As a 13" Pro user I can happily tell anyone that for what the product is made for, it's perfectly usable. At first I was pissed at the idea but it turned out the Intel HD 3000 were more powerful than the graphics in my old laptop.

    It's a step down from the GeForce 320M, but a step up from the GeForce 9400M and the Intel GMA IGPs used before it.

    By game I mean a modern title at full settings. Otherwise it's just 'making do'.


    sorry but if you're trying to do "pro" work on a MBA, ur doin it wrong.

    i'm glad Apple has their MBA line for ultra-portability, plus the MBP line for intensive portable work.


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  • MrNomNoms
    Apr 10, 04:08 AM
    Hoping for some better multi-core support(although probably going to have to wait for Lion for the newer QuickTime engine) and a UI that isn't from the 90's. Only thing that's changed is the scroll bars.

    In Lion they're providing AV Foundation which leads me to believe that QtKit will be a stripped down bare basic framework with AV Foundation going to be used for future heavy lifting projects. In Snow Leopard AV Foundation is provided but it is a private framework so the rumours a while ago that Lion version will be 'better' than the Snow Leopard sounds that it'll probably rely on AV Foundation in Snow Leopard but the Lion version, the one with the AV Foundation that is a public API, will probably have more features etc.

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  • Erasmus
    Jul 21, 11:55 PM
    So I read in this thread that Kentsfield and Clovertown ARE compatible with Conroe and Woodcrest sockets (respectively) (Cloverton or Clovertown?)
    Hope for upgrading an iMac to Quad Core is kindled! At least if Apple releases Conroe iMacs.

    BTW, In my opinion, one thing a person should never, ever say is some computer has too much power, and that it will never be needed. So when 128 core CPUs come out in ~10 years time, will we still be considering dual core CPUs as fast enough for our use?

    I seem to remember that when the original DOS operating system was created, its RAM was limited. I can't remember exactly to how much, but it was decided that people would never use more than a few kilobytes of memory. Now we are arguing that Mac should provide no less than a gigabyte! Now we are moving to 64 bit processing, with its capability to address a few exobytes, or millions of Terabytes of storage, it seems impossible that we will ever need 128bit computing. But, no doubt, one day we will.

    When we will be able to download our entire lives, and even conciousness into a computer, as is said to happen in about 40 years (very much looking forward to), I dare say it will take a lot of memory to do, and even more processing power to manage effectively, especially if we wanted to "live" inside computers, as we will no doubt want to do someday.

    So as a conclusion to my most recent rant, Please, never tell me a computer is too powerfu, has too many cores, or has too much storage capacity. If it is there to be used, it will be used. It always is.

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  • mcrain
    Mar 17, 02:03 PM
    OK, I confess, "shut down" was a slight exaggeration.

    Actually, not at all.

    NAPOLITANO: Would it be good fiscally and philosophically if the government did shut down for a few weeks and the American people could see life would go on without the federal government for a little while?

    PAUL: I don’t think it would hurt one bit. If an individual can’t pay their rent on time, they might ask their landholder to say “look, I’ll be there next week.” They adjust. The owner and the renter adjust. This is the way the government should adjust. If they can’t pay their bills, wait. But they are afraid the world would panic and the world would come to an end. But it would be an admission that we’re in big trouble. But we are in big trouble. But to deny it and to continue to spend and continue to inflate and waiting for the bond bubble to burst, that doesn’t make sense to me.

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  • starflyer
    Mar 22, 11:55 PM
    This is one reason why Microsoft Office requires more and more RAM and CPU every time a new version is released.
    Microsoft Office 2007 (Windows) and 2011 (Mac) are not slow.
    They may be slow in your super �ber Mac from which uses the super �ber Core 2 Duo, but it's certainly not in my sister's Core i3 notebook.

    Your machine is outdated. I hope you're not using it as a reference to judge Microsoft Office performance.

    Um...you just proved his point.

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  • Josias
    Sep 19, 10:20 AM
    I think any rumorsite reporting new MBP's after September 1st, should be taken down:p

    What I really want for Apple to announce in the MBP is:
    68 Wh battery on all (4.5 hrs sucks compared to MacBooks 6 hours)
    FW800 on all (really should be there on a pro)
    Magnetic latch (so cool!:D)
    Merom (of course)
    DL SuperDrive (I'm not using it, but I think it is required for a pro machine)

    Many people say the X1600 is too slow to take advantage of 256 MB? WTF?:p
    So my friends 128 MB Radeon 9000 could just as well be 32 MB?
    I think Apple should consider putting 256 MB on all models, X1600 Pro in low end, and X1800 in hi-end.

    I'm not saying I need this stuff, but this is what I'd like for Apple to release.

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  • �algiris
    Mar 31, 03:27 PM
    Android > iOS.

    I was blind, but now i see. Oh wait ...

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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 12:29 PM
    I suspected it was a copy, I've never trusted the president, and I probably never will.

    Why? What has he done to make you not trust him? IMO, he's done a decent job so far, and actually gotten quite a bit of good things done.

    Apr 6, 08:12 PM
    I don't need links, videos, etc. to prove my point. I know it's the case, because I've seen it with my own eyes. And frankly I don't care to impress you with pointless links and statistics. I am a professional, and I work with professionals, and several of them have already switched to Premiere. That, my friend, is a fact, and it's all I need.

    If your sector of the business has decided to move to Premier because it works for them, awesome- but don't paint it as an industry trent. Cause I've seen zero migration from FCP to PP in Toronto post houses. Pro editing is still a two horse race: AVID and FCP.

    And I can't help but think how ironic it will be if the new FCS will be built on AV Foundation, which was pioneered on your hated "itoys".


    Apr 27, 02:04 PM
    Are you serious? I'm not even a huge fan of Obama, but seriously the man was born in Hawaii. Do you honestly think that if he wasn't the FBI or NSA would have not thrown up a flag way before he ever decided to run???

    It is time for this silly issue to be done with. If you don't like his policies then fine... argue against those, but attempting to try and keep this birth certificate issue going on and on even after it has been released is not going to get you anywhere.

    It was released... what else do you want?

    Aug 25, 02:37 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Over the past month or so, there appears to have been an uptick in user dissatisfaction with Apple's handling of support incidents. While overall satisfaction is extremely hard to gauge due to the fact that typically only disgruntled users notify sites of issues and the uptick could also simply represent Apple's increased marketshare, it does come amongst reports of Apple firing its online forum moderator staff (http://www.macobserver.com/article/2006/07/28.10.shtml) and an Indian support center (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/06/20060604190322.shtml) that was shut down as quickly as it was opened. Similarly, many people felt that Apple was ill-prepared for yesterday's 1.8 million battery recall (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060824134647.shtml), as Apple's support site was quickly overloaded with requests and there was a lot of confusion as to what batteries were affected.

    This all could, of course be coincidental. Of note, Apple has consistently been a market leader in surveys on customer support (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2006497,00.asp).

    Digg This (http://digg.com/apple/Apple_Having_Support_Problems)

    Apr 8, 06:08 AM
    The only reason I can think of (and I know nothing down these lines) is to push more revenue into this quarter (the last quarter just ended March 31st). Perhaps BB made their number for the quarter from Jan 1 to Mar 31 and want to get a running start on this current one.

    BBY announced earnings on 3/24 - they operate on a different fiscal year so the quarter ended in February.

    Jul 28, 12:50 AM
    I'm hoping for Merom news at WWDC but Fujitsu announced Merom laptops that will only be available sometime in Q4 I hope the same isn't true for the MBP.

    at least they made an announcement.

    do you think apple will try to release core 2 duo notebooks as soon as possible, before Leopard? so that once Leopard is released, more users have to buy it separately. the longer the wait, chances are there are less users that will switch from their current MBP to the new MBP knowing that Leopard's release date is soon.