skull and crossbones tatoos

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  • Pigumon
    Sep 29, 02:09 AM
    Wow, pretty crappy design. Rooms all in a row? What are those, military barracks?

    Even the iphone has finally forgone the too simplistic approach of Apple, this house should learn from the iPhone.

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  • zombitronic
    Oct 6, 11:00 AM
    It was a good message until they stated "Before you pick a phone, pick a network." That would be valid in an iPhone-less world. They would still be selling us phones based on a spinning CGI rendering of a phone's outer shell. "Look! A plastic candy bar! You like candy, don't you? Then you'll love our rectangular phone! Brand new features like rounded edges and three colors!"

    Apple changed the game. The device should now be the focus. The service should be an afterthought in the background.

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  • spicyapple
    Nov 16, 07:46 AM
    If Taiwan's high-capacitance multi-layer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) manufacturing community says so, it must be true. What's stopping Apple from using AMD processors? (apart from preferential pricing from Intel)

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 15, 04:38 PM
    well here's something weird going on. when i stand my computer up, the temps go up. and when i lay it down, they go back down. here is a youtube video of it. (

    but i do have a theory. the only thing i can think of is the cpu cooler isn't air tight, even though i screwed it as tight as i could. oh well, i guess i'll check it laid down

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  • MacRumors
    Mar 28, 02:09 PM (

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  • janstett
    Oct 18, 11:32 AM
    For those who aren't intimately familiar with HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, I've really gotten into it in the past few months so here's a quick primer:

    Discs will be replaced by downloads? Let me know when I can download a movie in 1080p with lossless 5.1 sound in a reasonable amount of time. Perhaps to the iToons generation that thinks 128kbps sound is good you can live with downloaded movies, but for me I don't think CD is good enough (I'm an SACD/DVD-A geek). Likewise I don't think DVD is good enough, why do I want to go backwards (downloadable movies) instead of forward (HD disc)?

    Blu-Ray is the superior format, on paper. No doubt. However, there are a couple of wrenches in the works.

    First, both formats are actually 90% the same. The physical storage medium is based on the same principles (blue laser) but different implementation (mostly depth of the reflective layer in the substrate). Blu-Ray is slightly denser and offers a higher total capacity (50GB vs 34GB, something like that). Blu-Ray is actually sort-of a superset of DVD from there, once you get to what's actually on the disc. HD-DVD has a new encryption layer (they learned from CSS), Blu-Ray uses this same scheme and then puts a 2nd layer of encryption on top of it. Both use the same codecs -- MPEG2, MPEG-4 H.262, and VC1 (Microsoft's codec), and Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Pure HD, DTS Plus, etc.

    I believe movie studio support determines who wins. The studios were split 50-50 pretty much. Then, something funny happened. Some HD-DVD studios announced they would ALSO support Blu-Ray. In my mind, that meant Blu-Ray wins.

    The launch came, HD-DVD came out first and Toshiba led the way with a pair of chunky, heavy, PC-based players at $500 and $1000. Everyone hated the Toshiba players, they were slow, unwieldy, and have awful remotes. A few months later Blu-Ray launched with Samsung's $1000 player, and surprisingly this player was AWFUL, and the picture quality looks worse over HDMI than component because they forgot to turn off some video filtering. Worse, the Blu-Ray transfers thus far have been very poor quality. This seems to be because Blu-Ray is leaning towards old MPEG-2 HD transfers, while HD-DVD has embraced VC1 (which is the best of the 3 video codecs for quality and size) and gotten new encodings with Microsoft's attention. Then, Toshiba started putting out firmware updates for their HD-DVD players and suddenly their players didn't suck so bad.

    So here we are; the only Blu-Ray player on the market is a Samsung, Sony has no presence. We're one month away from the launch of the PS3 (which will play Blu-Ray) and the X-Box 360 HD-DVD drive.

    Right now, HD-DVD has all the momentum. The Blu-Ray titles are low quality, they have no $500 player, and HD-DVD is building a head of steam.

    I know I'm the minority around here when I say this, but I don't own an iPod. :eek: Yeah, it's true... I personally don't care for the MP3 format and the lesser quality offerings of iTunes. If it isn't at least CD quality, uncompressed, I don't want it. And yes, I can hear the difference on my sound system which is a separate setup from my home theatre.

    :) I love iPods but I know I'm trading off quality for convenience. Meanwhile, I'm re-ripping all of my hundreds of CDs into Apple lossless format and putting the CDs in storage. It's not SACD, but at least I'll be back to CD quality.

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  • spillproof
    Apr 6, 05:45 AM
    How about an app that displays the apps that have iAds.

    But I downloaded it our of curiosity. I couldn't help myself :(:o

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  • cdallen
    Mar 19, 06:36 AM
    Today I've had some pretty interesting exchanges with other smart phone owners. I personally have an iPhone 4, I've had it for ages and love it. Pretty much everyone else I know has an Android phone of some kind. Now, people are always so damn keen to try and compete with my iPhone! I mean seriously, these people just come out of nowhere! I don't even show it off either, people just see me use it and start coming out with stuff.

    For instance, one guy comes out with - "Oh so you have an iPhone 4, my HTC Desire is way better". When we ran some comparisons he was obliterated but refused to accept it lol. All I got was, "well you paid �500 for an overpaid Apple product that you need a case to use". Personally I've never had any antenna problems so anyway, moving on.

    Another guy comes out with "You don't have a removable battery so if your phone crashes then you're screwed". Anyone here had their iPhone crash? If yes were you unable to get it sorted at an Apple store? This explanation didn't bode well with said Apple hater. :p

    Some one else came out with "iPhone 4 is a brick". At first I thought he was joking but he soon turned serious, saying that the phone literally is shaped like a brick and has sharp edges which hurt your hand.

    Another guy claimed that iPhones are awful because they don't have flash. To be honest, I don't really care for flash. The only thing I need flash for is Youtube which has its own app, and most shopping sites have their own dedicated apps anyway. Flash is a resource hog that would kill the battery. This of course was nonsense to the nexus owner.

    I could go on but the shots people took just kept getting cheaper and cheaper, most reverting to "well you paid �500 for a phone, you must be crazy". I don't understand this. It seems that most people feel some kind of envy to me because I own an iPhone 4. Its pretty sad, at the end of the day its just a phone. But people actually seem to hate Apple because they can't afford their products. Most of them admitted that had the iPhone been cheaper they'd buy one, hence they can't afford it so they are bitter.

    Anyone else experienced this? I get similar problems when people see my Macbook Pro lol.

    I've never, ever had a conversation about my phone with a random person in the street - let alone conduct comparison tests.

    I'm guessing from your thread that you porbably love the iphone a bit too much... Get out and enjoy the world. Perhaps leave the phone at home!

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  • Seiga
    Apr 8, 01:04 PM
    This is standard practice by their SOP (Standard operating platform) according to company policy. I know, because I used to work at Best Buy. Trust me, there are a lot of other shady things that happen when they say they "hold" for the Sunday ad. Things such as holding the product for friends and family and using the EPPI application. Although, the iPad is already at Cost, so there is really no discount on the product but rather for the accessories.

    Just buy online and not through Best Buy. I refuse to buy anything from Best Buy because of their ethics and practices.

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 10, 11:21 PM
    I know... but I can always hope :p

    It used to be worse when we had to wait for Motorola/IBM to produce enough chips, there were almost always delays in production because of yield issues or something else.

    yeah that's true, but now what's the excuse? the processors are out now!

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  • 0815
    May 3, 05:18 PM
    Ok, I'm taking down the names of all the carrier defenders here.

    The next time you people bitch about the cable companies or magazine publishers charging you twice for the "one" thing you paid for I'm gonna be all over you.

    I will defend magazine publisher that track down people that steal their magazines from the news stand or anywhere and prevent them from stealing so that I don't have to pay a higher subscription fee caused by their crimes.

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  • iguanarama
    Jul 21, 10:24 AM
    I love that they do the video of the Nokia with the battery showing almost empty. :)

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  • pondosinatra
    Jul 21, 09:44 AM
    "Apple - our products suck just as much as everyone else's" :rolleyes:

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  • wHo_tHe
    Jan 15, 04:38 PM
    Overall, disappointing.

    From the MacRumors live update (thanks guys), there was waaaaaay too much dull stuff about movies /snore Agreed.

    Someone needs to ask Steve (the nouveau movie and entertainment mogul) the same thing he once asked John Sculley:

    "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling cartoons or do you want to change the world?"

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  • krestfallen
    Oct 17, 10:55 AM
    Whereas discs last forever, right? ;)

    no but the risk is marginal that a disk dies in 10 years.
    of course you shouldn't play frisbee with them ;)

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  • dejo
    Apr 26, 06:51 PM
    If not, then step back and learn some Objective-C basics.

    Careful. The OP doesn't like to hear that. :)

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  • Northgrove
    May 3, 02:26 PM
    Fees for the data for that one device. But please don't start a "tethering is awesome v. tethering is against the rules" war here, there's plenty of other threads for that.
    I'm not starting any war. I just think that their data fees should be set to cover the bandwidth usage. Who cares how many devices are used? Shouldn't the bytes count? To the operator it's just a stream of bytes. A stream of bytes that intensifies if you use more bandwidth, so the bandwidth used should be covered, not the devices.

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  • ghostface147
    Apr 29, 02:08 PM
    Seems to be a strong update, unlike SL. SL was more a plumbing change for many things (IMO) and Lion will be making strong use of those changes. For that reason, that's why I believe it'll cost around 100 bucks.

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  • twoodcc
    May 2, 10:16 PM
    well i think i finally got my home built system running at 4.0 ghz. it has been a long journey, to say the least. but it's folding away a bigadv unit and 2 GPUs. hopefully this will last all week since i'll be away

    Oct 3, 03:46 PM
    In case you haven't noticed, it's already easy to get DVD-quality movies and TV shows online for free. Yes, yes, I know, that's illegal, and we're all going to get sued by the MPAA and the RIAA and NCAA and AARP. Just let me know when I should actually start worrying about it.

    The moment you've got a life to lose if you're sued and you have your hds full of pirated movies, music and stuff would be a good point to start being worried. About that life of yours if you're having a job and a family and things like that. Could get nasty if you're having a criminal record and things like that, you know.

    Just my thoughts.

    And since when can you get a criminal record from a civil lawsuit? Since never, that's when.

    And how exactly would they know to sue you in the first place?

    Okay, you've got me. Pirating stuff is fun and nobody will ever get to you. And if they do it's still fun since you don't get a criminal record. And if you got one then it would be totally unfair. Man, I am a total idiot for even considering to buy stuff. You know, pay money for it.

    Let me just say the following: I do not like being restricted in what I do with the stuff I pay for. But I know what I am allowed to do in advance (that is before I pay money for it). Therefore I can DECIDE to pay or not. And to use it or not. And if I am not willing to pay for the package I get, I don't pay. AND DON'T USE IT. That is even if I do not like being restricted.

    But nevermind, that is just me. (I thought like you on this matter a few years ago)

    Jan 13, 11:39 AM
    jobs was being over the top cuz he knew he was taking a risk ..

    he has a hit product in his hands, the iPod, he knows it will sell ..
    and now he has a new product .. possibly risky and you never know how it will sell .. so what do you do? bundle it with the hit product and force it upon the customers ..

    so now if i need the widescreen ipod, but dont like the phone .. i dont have the choice .. either stand outside apple outlet and drool all day or go in and pay extra for the phone that comes with the ipod that i want.

    i dont want to pay extra for the phone cuz i dont want it but would have bought the ipod .. apple loses a customer

    Oct 29, 05:50 AM
    Apple is a hardware company.
    Apple is a hardware company.

    If they didn't sell Macintoshes and iPods they would be out of business.
    If they didn't sell Macintoshes and iPods they would be out of business.

    The software is what makes the hardware valuable.
    The software is what makes the hardware valuable.

    The software is easy to use and works well.
    The software is easy to use and works well.

    If the software worked on any hardware, it would not be so easy to use.
    If the software worked on any hardware, it would not be so easy to use.

    It would also not work so well.
    It would also not work so well.

    What's funny is, you could easily swap "Software" for "Hardware" in your little mantra and it still rings just as true.

    "Apple is a Software Company"
    "If they didn't sell the Mac OS they would be out of business"
    "The Hardware is what makes the Software valuable"
    "The Hardware is easy to use and works well"
    "If they Hardware worked with any software, it would not be so easy to use"
    "It would also not work so well"

    Apple is not a hardware company, it is a computer company. There is quite a difference. Apple has a symbiotic relationship between it's hardware and software. One without the other, the company would be dead.

    Al Coholic
    May 3, 04:53 PM
    Ok, I'm taking down the names of all the carrier defenders here.

    The next time you people bitch about the cable companies or magazine publishers charging you twice for the "one" thing you paid for I'm gonna be all over you.

    Aug 7, 04:21 PM
    Remember, the original 22" Cinema Display sold for $3999. And at the time, buying one in Canada with an exchange rate of 1.5 meant the lcd sold for nearly $6,000 CDN. :eek:

    $2000 for 30" LCD... haha that's cheap! :D