verizon pantech crux covers

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  • lilo777
    Apr 18, 04:40 PM
    So, are we talking about these patents?

    Inventors: Zadesky; Stephen Paul; (Portola Valley, CA) ; Lynch; Stephen Brian; (Alamo, CA)
    Correspondence Address:

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  • dexthageek
    Apr 18, 02:48 PM
    Here we go again! Stupid Lawyers :(

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  • noservice2001
    Aug 3, 11:06 PM
    go apple! speed!

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  • crees!
    Aug 2, 12:23 PM
    Then, unless it is a pharmaceutical, national security, or some other VII, the company needs to get with the times. So called intellectual property is so last century and quite honestly patents are pretty useless in these fast changing times. Any company requiring security clearance most likely will not allow them. Mine does not. It's based on the sensitivity of the environment.

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  • tazinlwfl
    Apr 25, 09:45 AM
    Too late for that:

    That's crazy - I just found that site recently when searching for a potential hire... Found the dude's address, parents' name, the fact he had a sister, and how much his house was worth. First listing in Google results, too. And I don't even have an account with it. That was the free information...

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  • 0815
    Apr 7, 10:48 AM
    Apple is one greedy corporation that just loves to attack.. typical of the coming corporate takeover of humanity.

    What are you talking about - how does this related to this store? It only shows that Apple was smart enough to plan ahead to make sure they get the components they need - not their fault that other companies lack any planing (or don't understand the market) and don't order in time what they need. Followers have to take what is left.

    By now you should know that Apple is a greedy company, just wanting to hurt others and bankrupt several in the process.. its corporate america at its best.. hopefully NOT FOR TOO LONG.

    repeating your comments don't make them any more true.

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 14, 12:06 PM
    Yes, I want to donate to the Fed ( (so that my money can go lie on a Cayman island beach, since I never will be able to).

    Holy crap! You know these things are going on but to read the details is nauseating.

    And then there are the bailout deals that make no sense at all. Republicans go mad over spending on health care and school for Mexican illegals. So why aren't they flipping out over the $9.6 billion in loans the Fed made to the Central Bank of Mexico? How do we explain the $2.2 billion in loans that went to the Korea Development Bank, the biggest state bank of South Korea, whose sole purpose is to promote development in South Korea? And at a time when America is borrowing from the Middle East at interest rates of three percent, why did the Fed extend $35 billion in loans to the Arab Banking Corporation of Bahrain at interest rates as low as one quarter of one point?

    Even more disturbing, the major stakeholder in the Bahrain bank is none other than the Central Bank of Libya, which owns 59 percent of the operation. In fact, the Bahrain bank just received a special exemption from the U.S. Treasury to prevent its assets from being frozen in accord with economic sanctions. That's right: Muammar Qaddafi received more than 70 loans from the Federal Reserve, along with the Real Housewives of Wall Street.

    Perhaps the most irritating facet of all of these transactions is the fact that hundreds of millions of Fed dollars were given out to hedge funds and other investors with addresses in the Cayman Islands. Many of those addresses belong to companies with American affiliations � including prominent Wall Street names like Pimco, Blackstone and . . . Christy Mack. Yes, even Waterfall TALF Opportunity is an offshore company. It's one thing for the federal government to look the other way when Wall Street hotshots evade U.S. taxes by registering their investment companies in the Cayman Islands. But subsidizing tax evasion? Giving it a federal bailout?

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  • borgonuovo
    Mar 27, 09:40 AM
    when the white iphone comes out, will we see slightly improved hardware as well? (64gb? Better ANTENNA?) Let me know your thoughts... Will it be soon??? Thanks ! 1. Apple has yet to release any official sales numbers on iPad 2 - at least I haven't come across this anywhere (this would be a perfect piece of anecdotal information at the beginning of a media event)

    2. Phil Schiller said "white iPhone 4 coming spring 2011" (it's now officially Spring and we still haven't seen the white iPhone and therefore would make a nice 'Easter egg' with immediate availability also mentioned at the beginning of a media event)

    3. Apple has typically held iOS media event previews in April (not saying they would never break cycle, just stating the obvious)

    IDK, if I were a betting man, I'd say all signs still point to an April media event at which (during the beginning) SJ would announce official iPad sales numbers (for both U.S. and International launch weekends) as well as immediate availability of said white iPhone before proceeding to dive into some of the intricacies of iOS 5. Just my $0.02.

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  • satkin2
    Apr 20, 02:51 AM
    What real difference would a larger screen make, it's half an inch at best, barely any difference.

    I really can't see what could be gained from doing this, other than being in line with the competitions screen sizes. It would have an impact on the resolution and thus affect all apps.

    Would increasing the screen size really enhance the product if it compromised the ecosystem upon which it is so tightly engrained in?

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  • Brometheus
    Apr 25, 10:24 AM
    Apple could do themselves a lot of favours if they came out with an offical statement, explaining what iOS does in regards of user tracking ( i.e, location database ). Some 1 line email response fired off by SJ doesn't do much good.

    Once again, Apple fall down in terms of customer relations / communications. If Apple handled this correctly then all the fuss could go away in a couple days.
    Apple cannot get into the habit of responding to such claims immediately. Hershey or Pringles should definitely address such accusations of wrongdoing, because there are few internet forums filled with breathless commentary about those companies. However, there are probably more accusations against Apple than any other company in the world. Most of the controversies die after a week or two, so it makes sense to wait for a while. Otherwise Apple would constantly have to refute some claim or another. Then, if they filled to respond to any specific query the haters would accuse them of hiding something.

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  • generik
    Sep 16, 08:16 PM
    Now, it will probably be around the 25th before I get, and I won't open it, but considering I have upgrades (so customization = no return) how hard do you guys think it would be for me to exchange it for an updated one?

    It is always bad practice to CTO a machine, as it is if there are no faults with it you are not entitled to send it back...

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  • moot
    Jul 29, 11:51 PM
    Actually what happened to the rumor about Apple making a phone for the Japanese Softbank/Vodaphone network.

    Was this all speculation as well?

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  • lilo777
    Apr 26, 04:44 PM
    I just don't really see how anyone should be surprised. It should be totally obvious to anyone who watches the smart phone market that Android would easily surpass IOS--they are indeed everywhere and I'm sure when it comes time to get a new phone--those with no preconceived ideas on what they want will walk out of the store with some kind of Android. Most who go in looking for an iPhone will probably leave with one. As long as Apple--and their shareholders are happy, I don't think it really matters.

    Phone users will be the first to see feel the impact of these developments as Android ecosystem will see much faster development than iOS. With more and better options, users will overwhelmingly switch to Android. And then, it'll be AAPL shareholders turn to feel the impact.

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  • grahamperrin
    Nov 26, 12:21 PM
    At in the words of a VIP:

    Sophos Mac HE wasn't built to be used for on-demand scans only - it will use more resources than necessary for just this task�


    slowing my Mac to a crawl

    Experiences do vary greatly.

    At one extreme: users who find SAV better than comparable software from other developers. There are many such users.

    At the other extreme: users who find that SAV causes deadlock (requiring a forced shutdown or restart) before the computer can be used. Around I hope to discover whether a previously known issue was:

    a) resolved appropriately (if the number of WorkerThreads was not increased from 4, then how was the issue resolved?)


    b) overlooked.

    Somewhere in the middle: Second and subsequent launches of applications, a sense of hogging ( � by default, on-access scanning excludes archives and compressed files (IMO that's not ideal); if you do prefer on-access scanning of archives and compressed files you may find that some types of application are unusually slow to launch.

    Reading File Vault Information � The Matrix Data Bank ( (highlights ( �

    each additional thread will take up approx 8Mb of memory

    � alongside my gut feeling at the moment is that a debatably small memory footprint (4 WorkerThreads, with no GUI to increase the number to a safer 15) presents unnecessary risk to some users.

    Personally, I'm disappointed that a respected organisation with expertise in security (Sophos) has not taken care to have their product work reliably, for all users, with a key security feature (FileVault) of an operating system. It may be that only a handful of users are affected, but deadlocks and forced shutdowns are never acceptable.

    Security is vaguely to mildly inconvenient, and worth it in my opinion.


    For some types of user, software such as Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac OS X does offer additional (never total) peace of mind.

    My advice: try it. If you find a problem, feedback to Sophos.

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  • milo
    Aug 11, 05:43 PM
    3 - If Merom, etc.. are 32bit, then 10.4.7 is 64bit? :confused:

    10.5 will be 64 bit, 10.4.x is not.

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  • milozauckerman
    Aug 7, 06:14 PM
    I'm SO angry too! I'm seriously going to be PISSED OFF until Apple offers a 50 GHz workstation with 32 GB of RAM and a 4 TB hard drive for free!
    Reductio ad absurdum only works if the original argument/request was absurd (hmmm...).

    I, for one, am not asking for anything extraordinary or underpriced. I think the people looking for a $999 desktop are nuts, too. That's a market where Apple doesn't have a niche to get into.

    But a sub-$2k desktop with a decent-to-good graphics card (and yes, the 7300 GT is completely useless - the x1600 in the iMac I'm using right now

    I want something in competition with the mid-range PCs of the world - a tower with a 2.4GHz Conroe or a 2.0GHz single Xeon, with a graphics card at least capable of playing whatever games are out (once upon a time, I remember playing games now and then), two hard drive bays (four is nice, but two gives me a boot drive and a media drive, backups can go external), for $1599-2000 retail.

    If Gateway can sell me a 2.4GHz Conroe with X1900 XT - more than adequate for my needs in photography and design, with the added benefit of games - for $1850, why the hell can't Apple sell me one for $2k? I'll happily pay the Apple Tax for something that genuinely fits my needs.

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  • 0815
    Apr 7, 10:15 AM
    I wonder if this affects HP's Touchpad. HP has deep pockets as well though.

    Deep pockets alone are not enough ... you also need some strategic planing to know ahead what you need and make sure that you get it.

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  • tekmoe
    Sep 15, 06:36 PM
    People should get automatically banned for having those 3 keywords in any post...


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  • Don't panic
    May 4, 01:50 PM
    I would suggest that we always move forward. I think going backwards is only something worth considering IF am adventurer sustains significant injury and we had JUST left a room w an unused healing potion / talisman / chingas. Why give mscriv the opportunity to seed traps behind us?

    well, we left two doors unopened in the initial room, so going back to the start room and look what's there, is a way to 'move forward'. besides, mscriv can put the trap/monster in the room in front too.
    (and apparently you cannot use potions 'later')

    do we agree on exploring this room now?

    Apr 10, 01:49 AM
    This thread is hilarious. Take a calculator and enter the numbers the exact way they are in the OP and you'll only get one answer... On any calculator. If you think you're smarter then a calculator.. Well I have nothing to say to you. Just... Good luck to your ego.

    Answer is 288.

    May 7, 08:10 PM
    I'd say if you own any Apple product the service should be free.

    I rarely ever use it and wish they added more features and data storage.

    I suspect this will also be the site of the Web based I-tunes of the future.

    Nov 26, 06:02 PM
    2002 called, they want their platform idea back. :rolleyes:

    Seriously, does anyone here even hear about tablet PCs anymore? Nope.
    What happened with Microsoft Origami? Nothing.
    What are people wanting to use for computing on the go? A smart phone.

    Apple didn't get involved when this was "the rage" and I couldn't be happier. The idea never became anything more than a niche product in health care, manufacturing, and perhaps education. It bombed. And Apple wasn't left holding the bag on a bunch of unsold product. Another "failure in this companies beleaguered history" as it would be used as fodder in the press.

    Jul 29, 11:37 PM
    ... have you seen Microsoft's demo of their technology?
    Yeah. :p ;)

    May 3, 10:23 PM
    The advantage you're talking about here is one of degrees. One may be slightly faster than the other, but it's not a revolutionary shift to a better system. I would compare this sort of change to a small upgrade in processing power. The advantages of the metric system over imperial run much deeper than that, so it's a poor analogy.

    Can you cite reliable figures for the cost advantage versus the cost to switch?