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  • guzhogi
    Jul 15, 09:58 AM
    I kind of miss the B&W G3 and the Power Mac G4's enclusure where all you needed to do to open it was lift the latch and open it and �voila! All the components right there! W/ the G5/ you have to take off the side and isn't there a clear side panel you have to take off, too?

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  • iFry
    Jul 31, 12:28 PM
    Sure, it may be more expensive than a custom-built Intel machine, but it will run OS X like a charm, and that's ultimately the most important factor in my computer purchase. But access to Windows games and Mac OS X, that's a dream come true for this mac fanatic. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that virtualization makes big enough strides that I never have to leave OS X to play Windows-based games.

    my thoughts exactly... MacBook Pro in two weeks :D

    wish i had that Core 2 goin in it...

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  • ergle2
    Sep 15, 12:50 PM
    More pedantic details for those who are interested... :)

    NT actually started as OS/2 3.0. Its lead architect was OS guru Dave Cutler, who is famous for architecting VMS for DEC, and naturally its design influenced NT. And the N-10 (Where "NT" comes from, "N" "T"en) Intel RISC processor was never intended to be a mainstream product; Dave Cutler insisted on the development team NOT using an X86 processor to make sure they would have no excuse to fall back on legacy code or thought. In fact, the N-10 build that was the default work environment for the team was never intended to leave the Microsoft campus. NT over its life has run on X86, DEC Alpha, MIPS, PowerPC, Itanium, and x64.

    IBM and Microsoft worked together on OS/2 1.0 from 1985-1989. Much maligned, it did suck because it was targeted for the 286 not the 386, but it did break new ground -- preemptive multitasking and an advanced GUI (Presentation Manager). By 1989 they wanted to move on to something that would take advantage of the 386's 32-bit architecture, flat memory model, and virtual machine support. Simultaneously they started OS/2 2.0 (extend the current 16-bit code to a 16-32-bit hybrid) and OS/2 3.0 (a ground up, platform independent version). When Windows 3.0 took off in 1990, Microsoft had second thoughts and eventually broke with IBM. OS/2 3.0 became Windows NT -- in the first days of the split, NT still had OS/2 Presentation Manager APIs for it's GUI. They ripped it out and created Win32 APIs. That's also why to this day NT/2K/XP supported OS/2 command line applications, and there was also a little known GUI pack that would support OS/2 1.x GUI applications.

    All very true, but beyond that -- if you've ever looked closely VMS and at NT, you'll notice, it's a lot more than just "influenced". The core design was pretty much identical -- the way I/O worked, its interrupt handling, the scheduler, and so on -- they're all practically carbon copies. Some of the names changed, but how things work under the hood hadn't. Since then it's evolved, of course, but you'd expect that.

    Quite amusing, really... how a heavyweight enterprise-class OS of the 80's became the desktop of the 00's :)

    Those that were around in the dim and distant will recall that VMS and Unix were two of the main competitors in many marketplaces in the 80's and early 90's... and today we have OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc. vs XP, W2K3 Server and (soon) Vista -- kind of ironic, dontcha think? :)

    Of course, there's a lot still running VMS to this very day. I don't think HP wants them to tho' -- they just sent all the support to India, apparently, to a team with relatively little experience...

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  • mikethebigo
    Apr 6, 10:56 AM
    Can we also expect, ?

    -Backlit keys
    -Brighter display, colors, and IPS
    -HD Facetime

    All would be greatly appreciated along with the Sandy Bridge

    fingers crossed for no Over-heating issues, you know how those turbo speeds can get and how they've treated the 13'' Pros

    I might not expect IPS, doesn�t it draw more power than TN LCDs?

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 23, 12:15 PM
    ... the leftist side of the antiwar movement is all but gone, but not because the policies have changed, only because the man has changed.

    If you listen to enough leftists you'll find plenty of people like me who question our involvement in Libya. However, to claim the policies are the same as Iraq ignores the very real fact that the United Nations Security Council approved this action.

    While that lends credence to the notion that this isn't simply another example of American imperialism at work, it still isn't sufficient to convince me that it's the best solution to the problem.

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  • fullmanfullninj
    Apr 8, 02:33 AM
    I think what they're saying is it costs Best Buy (and I guess other resellers) $90 for each AppleTV unit they order in - and they sell it for Apple's set price of $99, meaning they make a measly $9 profit from the sale of one unit. They didn't mean that they are selling the unit to the consumer themselves for $90.

    Edit. Original poster replied saying the exact same thing

    Hm, I see what you're saying. I will have to double check for iPad sales. As far as I know, however, they do not contribute toward meeting daily budgets.

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  • vivithemage
    Apr 27, 08:40 AM
    They have some good wordsmiths :D

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  • ryanw
    Aug 25, 05:05 PM
    The last time two times I walked in an apple store I saw a line of several people holding items waiting to purchase with no available staff personal at the counter. I saw one of them finally put the goods on the counter and walked away. Trying to get your computer problem fixed in-store is like trying to get into an exclusive day spa. I think the "genius bar" and the "geniuses" should seriously be renamed. Their arrogance and inability to fix anything in a timely manor is horrifying.

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  • bigmc6000
    Jul 27, 10:08 AM
    Rule 1 of Apple Events:

    You never get all the marbles.

    Considering some of the rumors I'm thinking all the marbles would be:
    MBP, MB, iMac, Mini processor update
    Leopard Preview
    iTunes Movie Store
    Larger capacity nanos
    True Video iPod

    So, you're right. Not a chance we're getting all of that (one can only dream).

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  • fivepoint
    Apr 28, 07:52 AM
    I lost it a long time ago. Trump is an asshat that should just shut the **** up and go back to diddling eastern european models and building casinos (is that christian right compliant I wonder?).

    The truth is if Barack Obama was instead Piers Morgan or Simon Cowell and a republican candidate, there would have been an uproar if anyone had dared to ask if they were actually Americans by birth. Its racism, period. The right doesn't want a liberool n***** in the white house. That is it in the ****ing list. Anyone saying that's not what this is about is a ****ing liar.

    Most liberals wouldn't know racism if it bit them in the ass. Are conservatives racist against Col. Allen West? Herman Cain? Colin Powell? Condoleza? Cosby? Step out of your little fairytale world and realize that we've have the same issues with a white Barack Obama. If Hillary was in office, she'd be getting raked over the coals just as hard. Similarly, if Allen West was president he'd be getting viciously attacked by the left. It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with policy. It has everything to do with reality. If tomorrow Barack Obama turned into a conservative constitutionalist aiming to reduce government involvement in our lives, reducing taxes, reducing deficits, etc. all these same 'RACISTS' as you so conveniently label them would be singing his praises.

    Then again, its easier for you to just earn some cheap political points by demonizing your opponents... so, carry on.

    Right, you typically dig through government documents looking for goofy layers (or object) and you're just asking questions about this one document which happens to prove that Obama was born in the United States.

    What I find remarkable is you were one of the ones arguing that all Obama has to do is show the long-form document and now that the White House has, you're still arguing about the document. It's a fair question to wonder why there are layers in a document, but you can't honestly say that such a question doesn't lead down a path that would logically come to the conclusion that a document was a forgery.

    It seems like it changes depending on the settings and edition of Creative Suite you have.

    Yeah it does. ;)

    Those hypotheticals make for easy arguments. You do have a bias against Obama and you should just admit it. When a document comes around that runs counter to your worldview make sure you ask the same kinds of questions.

    Your problem, Hulugu, just like other liberals in this forum blinded by their own bias, is that you decided what I was trying to do before I even did it. I clearly stated my point, I clearly stated I was not a birther, I clearly stated that I had advocated the documents release, I clearly stated I hoped it would shut the issue down for several reasons including the fact that it's a political loser for my side of the aisle... and yet what do you and the others do? Claim that I AM a birther, claim that I'm GLAD there was something odd about the document, claim that my attempt to get someone to clear up the confusion and give the 'simple explanation' was actually a veiled attempt to prove Obama was a Kenyan.

    Sad, pathetic, misguided, and further proof that this forum has a distinct in ability to produce meaningful conversation without hate, vitriol, and meaninglessly misguided attacks. Enjoy.

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  • shigzeo
    Aug 6, 09:04 AM
    2 gig shuffle, same head amp out, same package, just 2 gigs and certainty that apple won't replace it with nano... or in september, october, november when the new nano comes out, let it have the same or upgraded shuffle head amp out.

    for me, no new mac till next year at earliest so... bother it all, i will share in all of my macrumors' mates excitement!

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  • rayz
    Aug 8, 02:08 AM
    From the Apple website...

    Backup Disk: Change the drive or volume you�re backing up to. Or back up to a Mac OS X server computer.

    Ouch .... :eek:

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  • JAT
    Apr 6, 03:53 PM
    What you and every other non-informed are missing is the Xoom lack of apps is a not really a con for 2 reason.

    1. Unlike iOS, ALL APPS, in the android market scale to fit the 1280x800 screen. No x1 or x2 crap. So I can still ENJOY my facebooke app on a larger screen. Nothing is lost. "optimized for tablets" gives me the same information just with a different interface. So long has my twitter app or facebooke or squeezebox app scale so i can see all. I am a happy camper.

    2. Unlike iOS i would argue that the xoom needs LESS apps to do functions that take iOS 3 or 4 apps to do. I dont need goodreader or the like because I have a native file system. I dont need skyfire because i have flash. I dont need to open in here, open in there. Every app can have access to each other...
    Scale?? Access to each other??

    I'm beginning to wonder if you have ever used EITHER iOS or Android.

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  • eeboarder
    Jul 27, 02:29 PM
    Actually, the merom in not completely compatible with the yonah chips. There will have to be some redesign on Apple's part that is supposed to delay the new MBPs. This article somewhat explains it:


    Also, since Apple is now kind of competeing with PCs who get the newest and fastest, it would be in Apple's best interest to get these chips in MBPs asap. Also, it is easy to see that a lot of people are waiting to purchase a new Apple laptop with this technology. MBP's current sales are going to slump from here on out until this technology is put into some new computers.

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 25, 04:34 PM

    1. Android stores the info as well.

    2. Unlike Apple, Android sends it back to Google.

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  • jicon
    Aug 17, 02:11 AM
    A lot of folks are waiting for game benchmarks...bring 'em on!

    Does anyone seriously believe games today will show any significant improvement on a Mac Pro?

    1. The video cards are underclocked compared to their PC equivalents on the Mac.
    2. Generally, you are limited to a framerate of 60Hz anyway.
    3. Most games are old ports, and need to run thru Rosetta.

    When playing a game on a PC, you have DirectX to take full advantage of the hardware, and your processor is usually tagged consuming any and all cycles it can for the game. On a Mac, multithreading, and sharing the processor among apps seems to be the flow of the computing experience.

    I'd predict a single Core2 Duo Extreme would still outdo a dual processor 3.0 Ghz Xeon Mac Pro when memory timings are nearly half of the Xeon on the Core2.

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  • MacRumors
    Aug 25, 02:37 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Over the past month or so, there appears to have been an uptick in user dissatisfaction with Apple's handling of support incidents. While overall satisfaction is extremely hard to gauge due to the fact that typically only disgruntled users notify sites of issues and the uptick could also simply represent Apple's increased marketshare, it does come amongst reports of Apple firing its online forum moderator staff (http://www.macobserver.com/article/2006/07/28.10.shtml) and an Indian support center (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/06/20060604190322.shtml) that was shut down as quickly as it was opened. Similarly, many people felt that Apple was ill-prepared for yesterday's 1.8 million battery recall (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060824134647.shtml), as Apple's support site was quickly overloaded with requests and there was a lot of confusion as to what batteries were affected.

    This all could, of course be coincidental. Of note, Apple has consistently been a market leader in surveys on customer support (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2006497,00.asp).

    Digg This (http://digg.com/apple/Apple_Having_Support_Problems)

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  • DrSQL
    Mar 22, 02:10 PM
    the best competition against iPad2.

    I am an Apple fanboy, love Apple products. Got iPad2 on day1, but....

    The Samsung 8.9" has me sold.

    iPad 2, say hello to your new sister at my side.

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  • jubjub
    Aug 6, 08:48 AM
    Does anyone think the recent "problems" at Apple are going to have any effect on what happens Monday.

    Story: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/08/05/BUGAHKBK3H1.DTL

    If there are products that are they "maybe" list, this might put them on the "go" list. Big news pushes stock prices up and pushes the "problem" stories on page 2.

    You might be right..

    Other than that I find it amusing that "One more thing" is now a mainstream thing.

    Mar 23, 02:40 AM
    When will RIM realize that nothing they can create, have created, or ever will create can be as good as something created by Apple? Some companies: Google, Microsoft, and RIM will just never learn.

    Steve Jobs = Genius

    It depends how you define "Good" does it not?

    For some people an iMac or an iPad would be a useless device, and a PC with a Honeycomb tablet could be the ideal combination for them.

    It's all down to what you want something to do.

    Sep 18, 11:59 PM
    It would be fantastic for the MacBook to have the Core 2 Duo, (MacBookPro is a given), the fact is, Apple needs to do this update to stay in the same ballpark as the pc notebook makers.

    Now if they could just give the MacBook a real graphics card, I'd be a taker.

    Randy at MacSeven.com (http://www.MacSeven.com)

    Mar 26, 07:34 AM
    Summer can't come soon enough!

    Apr 25, 02:36 PM
    Maybe I'm missing something, but so what if they can tell what cell phone tower you're by??? Are you really so important/ secrative that someone knowing your location is that big of a deal?

    Dec 2, 04:09 PM
    is it just me or does the quality of the 'Standard' cars also vary quite a bit ? i've got some which look really great (nissan fairlady '78, alfa romeo '63) and some which look barely 'acceptable' (a 90ties 'skyline')

    -my biggest gripe so far: b-spec modus 'reward cars' seem to be always better than the a-spec ones ...really ? that is their way of telling us to play b-spec more ?

    -also just like in gt4 the rewards in some races seem to be either:
    a.) a car worse than the one you had to buy to win the race (lupo race
    b.) a car which after the race has really little use since ... well the only race you can use it on is the race you just finished