lego ninjago jay dx

lego ninjago jay dx. Nuckal is exclusive to Ninjago
  • Nuckal is exclusive to Ninjago

  • Rocksaurus
    Nov 13, 09:03 PM
    Oh, PLEASE. Don't tell me you think he's arrogant because of his script. He doesn't write the damn thing and if he did, the commercials would be in severe trouble. Did you read the frickin' blog? He sounds like a 14-year-old girl on AIM. "OMG, i so totally ddnt quit the apple commercials, LOL!!!1! tehy payz me real good. *tee hee* well 2day i 8 toaster stroodul (i dont kno how to spell that!) 4 breakfast. it was yummy! i drew a dollar sine w/the frosting! LOLOL! peece out!"

    *rolls eyes*

    Maybe he really did graduate from "South Harmon Institute of Technology."

    Humanity embarrasses me.


    Wow, yikes...

    I wasn't aware you were talking so much about the person Justin Long (whom none of us actually know, mind you) but rather the character he played in the ads. I assumed we were talking about the ads. I did not mean to get you so riled up. I'm sorry our misunderstanding caused you to be embarrassed of humanity. I didn't realize it had such far reaching implications! I really hope you can forgive me and move on.


    lego ninjago jay dx. The #39;DX#39; version of Cole will
  • The #39;DX#39; version of Cole will

  • MacRumors
    Apr 27, 09:01 AM (

    As part of its Q&A regarding location tracking posted earlier today (, Apple discloses that it is currently collecting "anonymous traffic data" from users' devices with the aim of providing an "improved traffic experience in the next couple of years".What other location data is Apple collecting from the iPhone besides crowd-sourced Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data?

    Apple is now collecting anonymous traffic data to build a crowd-sourced traffic database with the goal of providing iPhone users an improved traffic service in the next couple of years.That traffic experience would presumably be built on top of a turn-by-turn navigation system separate from the Maps application included in iOS and driven by Google.

    In November an Apple job posting ( described an iPhone engineering position that would help take Maps "to the next level". The company followed that up last December, with a set of four job listings ( seeking iOS engineers with experience in developing navigation software, further fueling speculation that Apple is working on its own navigation system.

    On a broader scale, Apple has increasingly looked to beef up its own mapping and geolocation services in an attempt to distance itself from Google, which has provided the core Maps application for the iPhone since the device's 2007 debut. Apple acquired mapping company Placebase in July 2009 ( and followed that up by purchasing small Canadian mapping firm Poly9 one year later ( Apple also moved its location services for iOS in-house ( with the release of iOS 3.2 on the iPad in April separating itself from Google and Skyhook Wireless for such services.

    Google has offered free turn-by-turn navigation on Android since late 2009 ( and had hinted at that time that it could bring the service to iOS, although the company later backpedaled ( from those claims.

    Article Link: Apple Hints at Future Turn-by-Turn GPS Directions With Traffic for iPhone (

    lego ninjago jay dx. Don#39;t ask me why but LEGO
  • Don#39;t ask me why but LEGO

  • bossxii
    Apr 27, 11:02 AM
    I wonder what over profit generating uses Apple intends to use location data, collected with location services off, in the future ?

    It's so when your new shinny iPhone 6 shows up with an NFC chip they can just charge you for walking near an Apple store. Kinda like layaway plan, but you won't know about it anyhow... at least until someone figures out the hidden file with a list of charges!

    lego ninjago jay dx. Lego+ninjago+jay+wallpaper
  • Lego+ninjago+jay+wallpaper

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 20, 12:57 AM
    While that's true, why hasn't this been done long ago? I hate to say this but XP has always? had that? :confused:

    If you have Icon Preview turned on in Finder now, then that's essentially what XP gives you. Thumbnails of standard image files (jpeg, png, gif, etc..) and that's pretty much it. With the live icon preview in Leopard (as well as Vista's Live Icons), you actually get to see the word document, text or PDF file, web link, etc.. as it really exists as the icon. It's just another way of conveying more information to the user at the expense of more system overhead. :D

    As far as I can tell, the features of the new icon system between Leopard and Vista are pretty much the same...

    lego ninjago jay dx. Ninjago Jay is the ninja of
  • Ninjago Jay is the ninja of

  • sam10685
    Aug 7, 04:45 PM
    Yes. I'd be very interested in seeing how his version of Pro allows you to download streams, whereas mine doesn't. :rolleyes:

    get ready... this is a hard one. CTRL-Click the picture. there will be a download option if you have quicktime pro.

    lego ninjago jay dx. lego ninjago jay dx. Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki; Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki. franswa za. May 5, 04:21 AM. Damn!!!!!!!!! I just bought an Ipad 2!
  • lego ninjago jay dx. Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki; Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki. franswa za. May 5, 04:21 AM. Damn!!!!!!!!! I just bought an Ipad 2!

  • Multimedia
    Nov 9, 11:35 PM
    I have this gut feeling Apple is holding back on features not implemented yet on purpose.Just like they held back on OS X running on Intel.

    If Apple were to release some of those "secret" features to developers now Microsoft would have it too and possibly add similar features at the last minute.
    I also believe Apple and Microsoft are working together on some stuff.

    Vista Jan 30th
    Leopard shown at MWSF and released in March.

    Rosetta won't be visible on Intel machines in March.I agree. But I don't understand the last sentence. Would you please elaborate on what you mean by "won't be visible on Intel machines in March"? You mean new machines released then or the '06 crop vis-a-vis ultra fast Rosetta inside Leopard? Or something else?

    lego ninjago jay dx. 20020: BrickMaster - Ninjago
  • 20020: BrickMaster - Ninjago

  • oldMac
    Dec 7, 09:46 AM
    I suppose I'm being too cynical, but part of me suspects that AT&T has only created this app to reduce the amount of time their reps spend listening to complaints about dropped calls. I know I've spent a lot of time on the phone with them over the last year. While they're always very cordial and say things like they are "sending out crews to look at towers", etc, nothing changes. In fact, where I live (about an hour south of NYC) things have gotten far worse - not better.

    lego ninjago jay dx. LEGO Ninjago Zane 2113
  • LEGO Ninjago Zane 2113

  • Jay42
    Sep 12, 12:11 PM
    anyone get the stream going? I still have a 404 and everythings gray except for play.

    EDIT: Well, doesnt look like new ipods are widescreen, but they sure are cheap!

    lego ninjago jay dx. LEGO Ninjago Cole DX - 360
  • LEGO Ninjago Cole DX - 360

  • TimeArrow
    Apr 13, 03:52 PM
    Avid is for mac as well, in fact it used to be mac only. CS5 is also for mac, the only major editing programs that aren't for mac are Sony Vegas and Grass Valley Edius, which don't have a major market share. So a 49% figure is probobaly accurate if you include the people running Avid and Adobe on Macs.

    The share thing is quite tricky isnt it?
    Last time there is a report adding the sale of ipads to the apple computers, then apple instantly overreaches at least two major pc competitors in only one quater? i believe most CS5 users run their job on non-mac platform, and adobe may have that data. Just curious whether CS5 shows the same performance on both platforms if identical computer resources are offered. I guess those editors have their preference since they usually possess several workstations for specific jobs and they can try it out.

    lego ninjago jay dx. new ninjago theme.
  • new ninjago theme.

  • Loa
    May 1, 11:24 AM

    I don't want to start a Mac/PC/Hackintosh debate. Yet what those hackintosh prove is that Apple is charging a "Mac Pro tax" of around 1000$, +/- a few hundreds depending on configuration. Even if that tax was only 500$ +/- a few hundreds, the question remains: why?

    Now don't answer that it's the general Apple tax. How can Apple sell the iMac, which offers very good power (some even rivalling the MP), very good graphics on everything but the base model, an incredible display, more RAM than the base MP model, for a very very good price? Add to that the fact that iMac are rumored to be upgraded in the next few days/weeks with Sandy Bridge.

    So again, why does Apple charge that MP tax?


    lego ninjago jay dx. The #39;DX#39; version of Zane will
  • The #39;DX#39; version of Zane will

  • FleurDuMal
    Mar 28, 12:36 PM
    Is there any benefit of HDMI if you won't be using the HD-DVD's, and you only have a 720P TV?

    lego ninjago jay dx. Lego+ninjago+jay+spinner
  • Lego+ninjago+jay+spinner

  • Kristianmaar
    Apr 19, 06:52 AM
    Has anyone tested the game on a Macbook Pro 13' Mid 2010?

    I want to buy the game, but I don't know if it will work fine.

    It should work, but it won't be pretty.. I have the same MBP and I'm gonna take the chance - if it doesn't work well I'll let you know :-)

    lego ninjago jay dx. all of lego ninjago my
  • all of lego ninjago my

  • Mr.Noisy
    Jan 16, 07:18 AM
    Halfway through January already, Still keepin it minimal, and dark :)

    Source of Original 1920x1200 (

    lego ninjago jay dx. lego ninjago master of akeep
  • lego ninjago master of akeep

  • PghLondon
    Apr 29, 10:36 AM
    Guess not, if I was selling Fruit on my market stall and someone said, what's your top/best selling item of fruit and I said, oh, Apple's Apples are the No.1 and No.2 best selling pieces of fruit I have, they outsell everything.

    Oh, so you sell loads of Apples the guy asks?

    No, I don't sell that many Apple's compared to my other fruit.

    the bloke leave with a confused look on his face.

    Is it really that tough for you to understand? Apple sells two phones. Those are the two most popular phones sold.

    The other manufacturers ALL sell many, many models of phones. The total sales of those many phones combined equal to a number that is bigger than Apple's total sales.

    lego ninjago jay dx. cheap Lego Ninjago 2172 Nya
  • cheap Lego Ninjago 2172 Nya

  • chirpie
    Apr 14, 12:06 AM
    To instantly proclaim that it is "better" or "faster" without having used the product seems premature.

    Premature maybe. But I have an 8 core with 12 gigs of RAM (a poster child system spec for FCP currently not being able to take advantage of it) and I'm guessing:

    12 gigs of RAM + 8 cores + GPU optimization > 4 gigs of RAM + 1.5 cores.

    It might be a premature guess, but it's as safe a prediction as any I've ever made. ^_^

    lego ninjago jay dx. Lego Ninjago Cole DX
  • Lego Ninjago Cole DX

  • vendettabass
    Aug 9, 02:37 AM
    guys! just checking, when is the paris gig? I'm after a mac mini for university and I'm praying the mini's get updated!


    lego ninjago jay dx. LEGO NINJAGO; year #39;2011#39;
  • LEGO NINJAGO; year #39;2011#39;

  • n-abounds
    Sep 12, 11:10 AM
    Well we can look forward to one thing after the announcement...People immediately speculating when the next update to the product line is...


    lego ninjago jay dx. Ninjago - Brickipedia
  • Ninjago - Brickipedia

  • Multimedia
    Sep 12, 04:17 PM
    This New iPod Shuffle Is A Work Of Art And A Definite Grand Slam Home Run Winner! Incredible. I am blown away by it more than anything else announced today. Can't wait to get mine. Wow! :) :eek:

    lego ninjago jay dx. redlego ninjago jay blue
  • redlego ninjago jay blue

  • triceretops
    Mar 29, 03:29 PM
    Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks.

    Apr 29, 08:57 AM
    It's funny, but wherever I go, I always see people with iPhones. My train, on plane trips between Chicago and NYC, during meetings, etc. I am amazed the number is only 5% - but I guess it's the circles that I am in.

    Nov 30, 11:55 PM
    I bet they make some of that back with deals made with the power companies. These things need to be plugged in.

    Mar 27, 02:41 PM
    Why ask me something I've already answered? Because whether she made a bad decision or not is beside the question. If we were all liable to prosecution for bad decisions, there would be nobody left to pass judgement.

    Oct 25, 02:48 PM
    Why would anyone with half an ounce of common sense buy the 750GB HD from Apple directly for the Mac Pro for a $399 upgrade for the first one and then $599 for each additional one when you can just buy a new one (or two or three) from Fry' for $159 each (! Shipping is $9. I can see if you don't want to take apart the imac to put a new drive in, but the Mac Pro has to be the easiest computer to add a HD to! I am all for good technology but i am loyal to my wallet not increasing apples profits by 3 fold per hard drive. And why can't these Mac Pro's have Hardware RAID controllers?!

    Who says they cannot?

    Nov 9, 09:15 PM
    good on Apple for improving the speed of Rosetta, but it would be so much easier is M$ made Office a UB...

    I have no problem with Office on my imac. I can't figure out how people think it can run slow. It doesn't do anything processor intensive for 99% of people. Now, Photoshop on the other hand...