yogi bear and boo boo

yogi bear and boo boo. (L-R) Boo Boo and Yogi Bear in
  • (L-R) Boo Boo and Yogi Bear in

  • Eraserhead
    May 1, 04:08 PM
    2 week bin collections

    Forgetting that in the other week they collect recycling?

    disliking people who break the law, and enter countries illegally, it's even worse when your own government house them.

    Citation needed.

    They give the big corporations influence on how my country is to be governed.

    If you want to solve that problem join the club. Norway has freely chosen to not be part of the EU, and has to live with the consequences of that. That companies insist on Norway following EU rules before they'll do business with them isn't the EU's fault.

    yogi bear and boo boo. yogi.jpg yogi bear and oo boo
  • yogi.jpg yogi bear and oo boo

  • monaarts
    Apr 12, 08:33 AM
    Maybe this is news that the iPad 4 will be out this year instead of the iPad 3!!!

    yogi bear and boo boo. Yogi Bear and Boo Boo greet
  • Yogi Bear and Boo Boo greet

  • BornToMac
    Jan 11, 04:38 PM
    I use an app called Nocturne. There's an option to invert the menu bar, and I think its kick ass :)

    Did you have any problems with the time not being visible or any other "side effects". I remember downloading and trying this with Nocturne but it wasn't as easy or effective as I had hoped. Was it easy? Anyone else have experience with Nocturne?

    I always try to keep things simple.

    1. I love this. Do you have the original?
    2. What font is your geektool (network) data?

    yogi bear and boo boo. Boo Boo and Yogi Bear
  • Boo Boo and Yogi Bear

  • haysoos123
    Apr 13, 06:16 PM
    I hope you are right, but it Apple has taken a decidedly Online only approach to Final Cut X rather than the old school model of NLE for EDL creation.

    That's great for a lot of people, but you do have to wonder how that new timeline kicks out an EDL, don't you? T

    he majority of productions are still tape based for now, but it is shifting rather quickly (especially with the HDSR shortage). I would imagine that Apple is gambling on the inevitable future of tapeless workflows and so I don't think it would be that crazy for them to leave out traditional tools for NLE to Online workflows.

    Guaranteed that they wouldn't get rid of something so basic as OMF or EDL exports. Why would they? OMFs and EDLs are used for things other than exports for onlining to tape.

    Think about it logically... they have support for 4K. 90% of people shooting 4K are going to do serious color timing with a DI. That's a figure I'm pulling out of my a**, but you get the idea. To do a thorough DI you gotta give them an EDL and all your clips, end of story. As for tapeless finishing, wouldn't you still want to give the sound editors and mixers audio OMFs? Good sound has nothing to do with being tapeless or not. These are just a couple of examples.

    yogi bear and boo boo. yogi bear and oo boo.
  • yogi bear and oo boo.

  • mostman
    Sep 12, 12:31 PM
    iLounge: you can now sync between multiple computers using an iPod, as long as both are authorized on the same account

    Oh hell yes. Now this makes me happy.

    yogi bear and boo boo. Justin Timberlake Yogi Bear
  • Justin Timberlake Yogi Bear

  • jtara
    Apr 11, 10:06 PM
    Hello kind folks of MacRumors.com-

    I am wishing for help and advice deciding what type of hardware to purchase for a 30TB server. It must meet the following requirements:

    � 30TB RAID (Redundancy important for backup purposes)
    � Remote Accessibility in that I would like to be able to pull files from it anywhere that I have an internet connection.
    � Macintosh friendly� it does not need to run OS X Server, it just needs to connect without hassle to Macs.

    This will be used for at my office for archiving video. We may want to use Final Cut Server to sort the files in the future. I have been tasked with building this setup and am hoping for suggestions from one of the brightest communities on the web. :D

    Your time in responding is much appreciated.


    If you insist on doing this in a single box, consider running Linux. There are quite a number of good vendors for reliable, high-density Linux boxes and storage systems.

    You can run the netatalk package on the Linux server, which would allow network connections use the AFP (Apple) protocol. You can even use the Linux server as a Time Machine server, with the right settings. Of course, you can also run Samba to support Windows users if needed. I wouldn't use Samba or NFS for Mac users when AFP is a perfect match and is available and pretty well-supported on Linux.

    However, given the amount of storage you need, it probably would make sense - as others have at least hinted - to get a dedicated SAN box for the storage, and a separate box for remote access. This might be, for example, a Cisco VPN product, or a Linux box.

    Not sure if your 10 users are just the external users, or both internal and external? If it's 10 users total, a single Linux box might be reasonable for the whole thing.

    yogi bear and boo boo. Yogi Bear and Boo Boo are,
  • Yogi Bear and Boo Boo are,

  • mark88
    Oct 25, 10:48 AM
    I just bought two of those Seagate 750GB drives, so far so good. Won't be long before we get the 1TB drive.

    yogi bear and boo boo. Yogi and Boo Boo will be
  • Yogi and Boo Boo will be

  • ciTiger
    Apr 28, 10:04 AM
    No wonder given their low wages..

    yogi bear and boo boo. Yogi Bear 3D Movie Trailer,
  • Yogi Bear 3D Movie Trailer,

  • crees!
    Sep 12, 12:06 PM
    Let's get this streaming started! I planned my lunch accordingly. Don't let lunch get cold now!

    yogi bear and boo boo. Happy Birthday Yogi Bear
  • Happy Birthday Yogi Bear

  • Hilmi Hamidi
    Jan 6, 06:38 PM
    http://img269.imagevenue.com/loc371/th_60450_Untitleda_122_371lo.jpg (http://img269.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=60450_Untitleda_122_371lo.jpg)


    yogi bear and boo boo. Watch Yogi Bear Movie Free
  • Watch Yogi Bear Movie Free

  • garfield2002
    Nov 16, 09:54 AM
    Before the update my MBP would beachball everytime it tried to wake up from sleep forcing a hard restart. It's been three days since installing and I am prepared to say the the update has fixed the problem. :)

    Although my experience has been positive, the track record of this update does not seem too good. I personally have not noticed any increase in temp. Processor whine was always there and can still be silenced with Quiet MBP.

    yogi bear and boo boo. Yogi Bear is yet another 3D
  • Yogi Bear is yet another 3D

  • kiljoy616
    Mar 29, 11:13 AM
    Let me just sum this up in advance:

    Apple sues someone: "They are protecting their IP/trademarks."

    Someone sues Apple: "They are bleeding money and need an Apple handout" or "Patent troll"

    Usually this is followed by someone with a 'shareholder' remark since they somehow believe that owning 7 shares of Apple should get them a direct line to the CEO.

    Ut-oh, I'm not conforming to the groupthink... here comes about 40 'hater' comments.

    Big difference Nokia is not suing to protect anything they are looking for money and at the same time kissing MS back end. They have nothing but they figure what do they have to loose.

    yogi bear and boo boo. Yogi Bear (L) and Boo Boo pose
  • Yogi Bear (L) and Boo Boo pose

  • ss957916
    Sep 29, 03:42 PM
    Not working for me - I'm getting "Router incompatible" even though Elgato says the Apple Airport Express is fine.

    "Ensure NAT-PMP and UPnP are activated." Didn't realise I'd need an IT degree...

    yogi bear and boo boo. home of Yogi Bear, Boo Boo
  • home of Yogi Bear, Boo Boo

  • Celtic-moniker
    Apr 5, 05:17 AM
    Well yes,..
    If the issue is purely the tech just isn't ready then throwing cash at it won't help.....

    but Apple has a big horde of Cash so if the issue with the parts is the economic risk of retooling to build them and ramp up production. Then that is something pre-buying maybe able to solve.

    I think some people are forgetting other elements are involved with the creation of a phone model. Sure, Design has a lot to do with it, as does the supply of parts.

    But Apple isn't just some backstreet hack knocking up burgers, reliant on the supply of produce that will match their recipe.

    The product releases are scheduled. In the consumer electronics business, the technology needs to progress rapidly, rolling old products into obsoleteness.

    Deals related to parts would be in place more than months ahead. Chances are, the iPhone 5 was already beginning testing before the iPhone 4 was released.

    Which means, even at prototype level or pre-production sample, the components would have been available long beforehand. You think they knock off 5 million iPhones between announcement date, and release date with complete faith in shipping schedules?

    Deals relating to the supply of these parts are made long in advance. Manufacture for the iPhone 5 would have already been getting ramped up, and the need to have the new product available at, or around the existing schedule would be vital. And they wouldn't be taking chances. It's crucial in the IT industry.

    yogi bear and boo boo. home of Yogi Bear, Boo Boo
  • home of Yogi Bear, Boo Boo

  • Consultant
    Apr 11, 03:14 PM
    Can also use the gyro / accelerometer to do it, but cool idea.

    yogi bear and boo boo. Yogi, his side-kick Boo Boo
  • Yogi, his side-kick Boo Boo

  • Steelers7510
    Apr 12, 07:50 AM
    I could have told you this WEEKS ago. One of the dumbest rumors I have heard in a while... Hopefully this put's this stupid rumor to rest.

    yogi bear and boo boo. Dan Aykroyd, Boo Boo and Yogi
  • Dan Aykroyd, Boo Boo and Yogi

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Mar 25, 07:59 PM
    I don't think you do "get it". I side with the view that whether the victim could be reasonably expected to have acted differently in her own interests or not, has absolutely no bearing on the degree of guilt of the lunatic who drove at over 100 mph with his wife clinging to his car.

    I'm not saying he isn't guilty in the legal sense, I'm just saying she's guilty of being a moron as much as he is.
    Your opinion of her judgement is utterly irrelevant. As is yours since your view has as much influence on this situation as mine. Why you would point out the utterly obvious is a little confusing.

    yogi bear and boo boo. Yogi Bear (movie) Boo Boo in
  • Yogi Bear (movie) Boo Boo in

  • Grimace
    Oct 14, 07:25 PM
    I happen to have the displeasure of knowing a good many more than I'd like to, and I'm telling you there's no way that a full 45% of that student body are blue-blooded Mac users. Princetonians are a people lacking utterly in subtlety and charm, and even poorer in aesthetic intuition. They're the people who pose with upturned collars! I can't stress strongly enough: These people aren't Mac users. They're switcheurs.

    And...how old are you? You are making gross generalizations about an entire student body -- one that is completely recycled in four years. Your comments could apply to most Research I universities, I'm not sure why you're so uptight about what many of us might call "progress".

    yogi bear and boo boo. Meet amp; Greet YOGI BEAR amp; BOO
  • Meet amp; Greet YOGI BEAR amp; BOO

  • Queso
    Aug 3, 04:02 AM
    They're not my favourite by a long way. Grolsch seems to be my current lager of choice, although I'd rather an ale or bitter TBH.

    Apr 17, 06:45 PM
    My god, the white iPhone looks so sexy.

    Apr 15, 02:38 PM
    A cut will still be a cut; and a fool with a nice tool is still a fool...

    The art of cutting/assembling shots to a nice story will not change, the language of film/movies is still the same. A good book is still a good book, wether it is written with a pen, typewriter or top of the line computer with a fancy text processor ;)

    We will have to wait to see what FCP X will turn out to be, but Apple said they are fully dedicated to pro's, so I expect FCP X to still be a pro app, with all the pro functionality.

    My impressions are that all these new functionality will help editors to quickly edit shorts etc. Wham bang the shots together. But longer movies will still take all the traditional craft. For example: the video and audio packed together, but I expect something like a J or L-cut will still be possible in an easy way. But how? Let's wait...

    Grtz, Richard

    Feb 1, 09:38 AM
    Wow, so many impatient Apple addicts! ;)

    Oct 25, 10:53 AM
    If you go all out with an Xserve config (including a 7 TB RAID) the price tag comes just shy of $100,000. :eek:

    Mar 29, 11:04 AM
    Ah yes, the old adage... If you can't beat them, sue them!