treatments for down syndrome

treatments for down syndrome. Individuals with Down syndrome
  • Individuals with Down syndrome

  • AlphaMikeRome0
    Apr 16, 11:19 AM

    Well thats the end of that one then , also i prefer the current placstic for the iphone

    treatments for down syndrome. boy with Down syndrome
  • boy with Down syndrome

  • cayley
    Apr 4, 06:54 PM
    but B&E is B&E no matter how you look at it and is illegal.

    Yea... but with all that dog **** everywhere, I bet the cops won't want to stay very long gathering evidence :)

    treatments for down syndrome. Down Syndrome, ADHD,
  • Down Syndrome, ADHD,

  • GeekLawyer
    May 3, 10:52 PM
    When I hear “It’s just getting started,” that signals to me there is more to come. Which implies that patience will be rewarded. Which further implies to wait for future models....I get your meaning. I hear "it's just getting started" like the Macintosh was just getting started in the mid-80s. I see it a little more expansively than any one model. It's about the next epoch in information technology getting underway.

    treatments for down syndrome. Down syndrome was always
  • Down syndrome was always

  • macFanDave
    Oct 10, 09:41 PM
    I really love it, but if the "true video" iPod comes out in, say, a brown color, I might not be able to resist. . .

    treatments for down syndrome. with Down syndrome,
  • with Down syndrome,

  • wlh99
    Apr 26, 05:44 PM
    I'm aware of that ulbador, and my point is that like any other language.. you get better with time & practice. Nobody FORCES you or dejo to read my threads, or answer them. If you see lack of objective-C fundamentals, just go to another thread (for Pros), is that simple. Some people like to help, others laugh, others ignore you or get frustrated because they can't read ... who cares man, if you don't like the thread just go to another one but never try to discourage a person who's starting to learn, that I'm against.

    (about the code) Thanks for pointing that out, I needed a variable, after that I created a timer appropriately and used the variable as a reference to trigger my cancel methods (invalidate).

    Have you read the documentation for NSTimer?

    + (NSTimer *)scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)seconds invocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation repeats:(BOOL)repeats

    The above line has your answer.

    treatments for down syndrome. naim Mosaic+down+syndrome
  • naim Mosaic+down+syndrome

  • Branskins
    Apr 29, 01:29 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    Come on, really?

    treatments for down syndrome. down syndrome causes
  • down syndrome causes

  • Amazing Iceman
    May 4, 08:48 AM
    You're totally wrong. I develop software that is used by hospitals. In fact, I'm writing an iPad app now. Our customers (hospitals) are buying iPads left and right. One hospital just bought 1800 iPads for example. In the HIS world (Hospital Information Systems) there are tons of articles illustrating how iPads are being adopted. A recent article talked about how iOS is trouncing everything else with a 90% share among health professionals.

    Doctors are always on the go, specially in a hospital. Having the iPad allows them freedom to move around and have all the information pertaining to their patients available at any time, without having to carry or wait for patient's files, etc.
    The iPad will always be a toy, but not just a toy. It is a very adaptable device that is useful on many fields. It's an amazing tool in the medical, engineering, management, artistic, etc fields.

    treatments for down syndrome. Best treatment for down syndrome
  • Best treatment for down syndrome

  • puckhead193
    Jan 6, 09:13 PM
    do you think apple is doing this because apple will release a limited edition product like only 200 of something

    treatments for down syndrome. mosaic Down#39;s syndrome,
  • mosaic Down#39;s syndrome,

  • MartiNZ
    Mar 24, 07:40 PM
    Recently switched to OS X in 2008. the real pulling for me was probably the easiness and the speed of the system as a whole
    oh yeah, vista sucked. :apple:

    The only problem with these comments is that vista did not suck. Running it on boot camp was a great experience and almost had me switching to it full-time. Running windows 7 on boot camp HAS done that for me at least at work, although I still prefer some of what vista had to offer.

    The dock could never dream of being what the superbar is though, and that's almost enough.

    treatments for down syndrome. Battling Down Syndrome Memory
  • Battling Down Syndrome Memory

  • Hovey
    Jul 21, 12:58 PM
    Even if Rim, Palm, etc. exhibit the same antenna problems as the iPhone 4, Apple is acting like a cry baby by trying to shift the discussion to include their competitors. �Teacher, the other kids are being bad too, don�t punish me alone�.

    So if another car company was hiding the same problem Toyota had, and Toyota pointed it out, that would be wrong? Why are the other companies denying it?

    treatments for down syndrome. Down syndrome: a family
  • Down syndrome: a family

  • Pardus
    Jan 9, 03:42 PM
    i peaked on the home page and there it reads 10:15am?

    treatments for down syndrome. model of Down syndrome
  • model of Down syndrome

  • fsck-y dingo
    Nov 8, 02:26 PM
    I'm worried about getting banned for getting it (a few hours) early.

    No need to worry. If you have a retail copy of the game you can play before the official release date without any issues.

    Just out of curiosity, where did the games that have already been delivered come from? I ordered through Amazon with the delivery date shipping option so I won't have mine until tomorrow. If there's a place that tends to ship early I may use them next time.

    treatments for down syndrome. Autism or down syndrome
  • Autism or down syndrome

  • VenusianSky
    Oct 6, 03:47 PM
    Former Verizon, unhappy AT&T customers...

    It is impossible to argue that Verizon would be better if it had the iPhone. We will never know the answer to such a question unless exclusivity goes over to Verizon. If Verizon would have got the iPhone deal instead of AT&T, thousands and thousands (whatever the number may be) of cusomters would have left AT&T, Sprint, etc. to join up with Vierzon just to get an iPhone. The networks may or may not have become over-saturated with the additional cusomters. We will never know. So if you are really that unhappy with AT&T's service, go back to Verizon. I'm sure they would welcome you back with open arms. I personally couldn't imagine paying for such terrible service if I were in that situation. AT&T's service just happens to be great in my area.

    treatments for down syndrome. World Down Syndrome Day was
  • World Down Syndrome Day was

  • Markleshark
    Sep 12, 06:29 AM
    I think/hope it will be included in iTunes. Not that it matters to me I guess, I wont buy films off it.

    treatments for down syndrome. Celebrating Down Syndrome
  • Celebrating Down Syndrome

  • !� V �!
    Apr 29, 05:37 PM
    You didn't have to click-drag. Just click your option, exactly as before. (Same as iOS, you don't have to drag the slider, you can press on your option.)

    Although, the design of the buttons made it look like you had to do this, which is probably why they changed it.

    Considering the Finder, where a slider had 3+ options to select, the user would eventually get frustrated. They could have kept it and added the same blue colour to the text or option being selected.

    treatments for down syndrome. Is Down Syndrome Curable?
  • Is Down Syndrome Curable?

  • 0010101
    Nov 16, 12:53 PM
    Moving to, or simply including a 'budget' line of AMD powered Macs wouldn't be a big deal at all.

    The vast majority of everyday computer users don't know the difference between AMD and Intel, anyway.

    AMD is more than capable of meeting Apple demand, by the way, considering that if Apple were to include an AMD option, that option would likely only represent a portion of an already small market share.. and more than likely in a low end 'budget' machine.

    What Apple has learned over the years, is it's best not to box yourself in with a single part manufacturer like they did with the PPC. Their migration from ADB to USB, from NuBus to PCI & AGP.. Apple has really been making the transition from proprietary hardware for some time.. the actual CPU was really the last piece in a much larger puzzle.

    As mentioned earlier, many people in the 'osx86' camp have successfully installed OSX on AMD powered machines, and in many cases, with great results rivaling that of the higher end Intel powered machines. The only stumbling block appears to be that Apple has been using specific Intel motherboard chipsets, which aren't overly AMD friendly.

    It would be easy for Apple to include AMD processor support in 10.5, and release it along with a line of sub $500 iMac machines.

    Although I suspect Apple probably enjoys a nice price break on the Intel hardware, a price break that very well could hinge on Apple being an 'exclusive' Intel customer.

    I personally have never cared for AMD processors much.

    treatments for down syndrome. He has Down syndrome and a
  • He has Down syndrome and a

  • maflynn
    Apr 16, 07:48 AM
    Good ideas never die, they just get pulled from OS releases.


    Indeed, not bashing MS, but they completely over promised "longhorn" and under-delivered when Vista was released. I think they learned their lesson and provide features that can actually be added in the time frame.

    With the latest two releases (SL & Lion) apple isn't really promising too many features so it would be very disappointing to get one pulled.

    As for the list, it looks very encouraging and exciting. win8 is still a ways off, but I hope to get a beta when its available.

    treatments for down syndrome. Orion has Down syndrome and a
  • Orion has Down syndrome and a

  • lazyrighteye
    Oct 6, 04:03 PM
    I have used every major U.S. carrier except Sprint. I have used every iteration of iPhone since the original's launch date - which also represented my 1st experience with AT&T.

    Until the 1st iPhone 3G, I had no issues with AT&T and their Edge network - namely because it's speed (or lack there of) was all we iPhone users knew at the time. Often calling AT&T my favorite service provider to date. And at the time, that was true. But once the 1st iPhone 3G hit, it started to become apparent that AT&T's network was not up to task. And as the popularity of the device grew, so too did my frustration with AT&T's network.

    Living in Denver, CO, my (and several other users I know) 3G experience has been so poor, my dropped call frequency so high, that I had (yes, past tense - I'm getting there) disabled 3G most of the time. Of the two places I spend 80% of my life - work & home - neither offered a scenario that allowed me to use my iPhone for sending/receiving phone calls (let alone data). Zero bars of 3G and maybe a nub of Edge. At best. And that's having a giant AT&T logo'd tower in line-of-sight of my house and STILL can't send/receive phone calls form home. And mine and my wife's iPhones our only phones, this has been a really big problem for us. and what's been almost more frustrating than dropping all of my calls has been that all along I have upheld my end of the bargain. Every month, in full & on time, I pay our 2-iPhone Family Plan. But AT&T has not upheld their end of the bargain. A major aspect of the device, 3G, is virtually unusable to users in Denver (and other major markets). Dozens of fairly cordial calls (yes, I've been told by an AT&T rep that I'm "always polite" and that "yes, we do denote callers' behavior") to AT&T yielded the same, "we're sorry" replies. One even crediting my account for a full month of service. Nice, but that doesn't make my phone work any better. Another call to AT&T, that dropped, saw the rep called back to leave me a 4-minute message about how sorry she was about my horrible experience. Saying, on record, that their network "sucked," that they receive "a lot of calls about this from their iPhone customers." Even offering me the option to walk from my contract sans penalty. And that's when it hit me... wow - if one of AT&T's contingency plans is to bad mouth their own network and then allow iPhone customers to break their contracts, then this was a much larger issue than I realized.

    And all of that set up was meant to paint a picture. One that many of you are all too familiar with. Same story, different city. So, with as much AT&T bashing as I have done over the past couple of years, I think it only fair/I'm happy to report that it appears AT&T has fixed their 3G issue in Denver. Monday morning, I woke to 5 glorious bars of 3G at home. I even shut down my iPhone & rebooted to make sure it was really there. Sure enough, glory! And from work I was able to make several phone calls with no issue. Confused by a functional AT&T network, I called AT&T and asked why everything was working. With a chuckle, the rep sad it appeared the network was upgraded in my area (seemed a canned line, but hey - I'll take it.). So here I am - day 2 of full 3G service at home, at work, all over town. Sounds silly, but it's really nice when your network... works. Considering my only gripe with my iPhone experience has been the service provider (yeah, a big gripe), it now appears the Denver's coverage is finally working as advertised. While the rep wasn't able to uncover exactly what "your network was updated" meant, I wonder if it's the new spectrum upgrade we've been hearing/reading about? Any other Denver (or other troubled markets) users notice the improved, read: functinoal, AT&T network? Pretty nice, eh?

    So when I saw the Verizon "Coverage Maps" commercial Monday eve, it was oddly refrehing to find I wasn't yelling "YEAH! STUPID AT&T!" while waving my fist at the tv and instead able to turn off said tv and call my recently widowed mother who lives 2,000 miles from Denver - something I hadn't been able to do, from home, in 2 years. Ahh the simple pleasures...

    Here's hope others' coverage improves as well.

    treatments for down syndrome. model of Down syndrome
  • model of Down syndrome

  • pudrums
    Apr 13, 11:11 AM
    Yeah the name is slightly awkward :D

    Apr 13, 03:00 PM
    Windows PCs with enabled File Sharing (or whatever they call it, that new confusing Homegroup with a code or password or something) show up in Finder's sidebar. "It just works".

    Oh how I wish it were so. For the last year or so, I haven't had ANY windows PC show up in my finder's sidebar, except my girlfriend's Dell (go figure) which has 0 shared folders, and my desktop... after it's turned off- but never while it's on.

    It's actually really pathetic. When Leopard first game out, and I was trying to use a new Mac Mini in a networked PC environment, Apple's level II technicians told me to return it, and buy one in a few months when they had worked out the bugs.

    Mar 17, 01:32 AM
    Who are you anyway? Judge Jury and Executioner? Please

    Of course not. We are simply responding to your post. The problem is, we are not responding in the way you expected. You posted and thought that you would be congratulated for "sticking it to the man.":rolleyes:

    Jan 5, 07:59 PM
    I love the idea of a non-spoiling keynote-experience.


    As I can recall, just after the keynote is posted online, there seem to be that much people viewing it that it just becomes worthless to watch. Such as: image hickups, buffering-probs, vid/sound synchronization-probs...

    That is if you even can connect to the stream! Most of the times, the feed just wasn't accessible!

    Don't you guys have that problem over there in the States? Maybe it is because I'm in the EU? It really sucks, I guarantee..

    Last January's MWSF was so annoying - I couldn't pick up a reliable stream until about four days later... :(

    Sep 12, 07:49 AM
    False Alarm... I think my update was to 6.0.5, which is strange given I update all the time on this MBP... Sorry for the false alarm guys. Back to speculating!
    Oh well... we can wait a few more hours can't we?


    Mar 28, 01:38 PM
    Well, they did steal over $1000 worth of stuff. Thats a big deal in my book when I only make $10,000 a year and that I'm in college. I know what you are saying but its still crappy for someone to even steal $100 worth of stuff from you.

    Well $1000 is grand larceny. Thats not to be taken lightly. Do you know anybody in law enforcement where you live? I would take you're logs that you have made to the police. Ask to sit down with somebody and go over all the logs. Explain it to them like its 3rd grade math.

    Also check the local pawn stores, ask if they have any 360s. First place to look when you get something stolen.